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New Chassis and Cab or Scrap?


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Another view to take is if you brought a new van what are you going to loose in depreciation each year? Probably a lot more than the restoration would cost.


Even with the power steering if it cost you 5k that's probably way less than one years depreciation on a new van, and you still have the asset of the van if it can be restored it's a win win situation.



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The Hobby has given us a great deal of pleasure, yes the last two and a half years, we couldnt use her, but thats life, it has its ups and downs. But I feel that she gave us every penny back of her cost, by the great holidays and weekends away we had.


Wrecked, she was worth nothing, and we would have to pay £19,995 for something of similar interior.


This way we pay out, lets say £5,000 and may have a van we can use and enjoy for many years to come, or if that doesnt pan out, £5000 or more towards a trade in.


Either way, nothing lost and everything to gain.


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Guest pelmetman

Be positive Christina, if it costs you 5k at least you will have your van back up and running with power steering, and be in pocket at least 5k if you'd tried to find another.

To put things in perspective someone driving off the forecourt in a nice shinney new van today probably lost that much as soon as they left (lol)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All,


I thought you would all be interested in an update as to how the Hobby is doing.


Well, Gary, who is putting it back on the road for us, has nothing but positives.


Firstly, he got the engine running again, and was very surprised when the engine started after recharging the battery. He couldnt believe it, and reported back to me that the battery didnt even need renewing.


But the next hurdle was that the clutch wouldnt engage. This time I was able to help him out, as I remembered having the same problem previously with an old Bedford Van we had, so although I gave him permission to buy a new clutch plate if necessary, I advised that a slight push with a 4 x 4 would solve the problem, and right enough, it did... the only thing to renew there is a new clutch cable.


So, now we need to do the welding where the towing from the storage place dislodged the front bumper. Buy a new bonnet, and we need the piece that goes around the front window frame, the name of which I just cant remember..


Does anyone know where I can source these parts? They will be for a 1987 Fiat Ducato.


I will have a nose around the net and see what I come up with.


Im sure 747 gave me the names of some sites, so I will have a nosey around and see what I can find.


It's all positive :-D

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I couldnt have got this far without the help of everyone who responded, so my deepest gratitude to you all..


Of course, I will be posting pics of the finished product... :-D


And so far, its hardly cost anything at all...... just time..



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Rayjsj - 2010-08-02 11:44 AM



My 1988 Autosleeper's cab was in a similar condition to yours(from your description) and it was bought back from the dead. Make sure that the chassis is in good condition first(important). Replacement body panels are still available :http://www.autopanels-castleford.co.uk/webpages/Talbot/Talbot%20Express.htm

The Talbot and Fiat are virtually the same vehicle (made at Sevel).

Body panels are also available on E-Bay, as are a lot of spare parts.

But you do need a reliable car body rebuilder/paint sprayer to do the work for you, and one who isn't going to 'rip you off'. Good luck Ray.


Hi Christena

If the photo shows the current state of the Hobby, itwould appear to be in a decent state of repair.

If spares are needed by whoever you think about getting to do the work, this company has frequently been recommended on this forum


"Welcome to Delfin Designs ( www.delfindesigns.co.uk )


We specialize in Fiat Ducato,Talbot Express & Citroen C25 based vehicles built from 1983 until 1994.


Our new online store allows you to browse and order parts and accessories from our extensive range. Either browse the sections as listed on the left, or search for the item you require at the top of the page.


If you cannot find what you are looking for, or have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch, stock is changing daily."


Good luck


Edited by flicka 2010-08-02 9:51 PM


Hi Christina

So pleased for you that the renovation is going well.

I think this earlier post is the Parts info you are looking for.


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Guest JudgeMental

did you get a damp meter and check around the van? as once up and running this I would think is the next thing to takle...


I would strip out all carpets and soft furnishings and renew, and washing down the entire interior with diluted bleach solution, this should get rid of damp/mildew smell (providing the damp issue is tackled)

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Thanks Flicker, yes those were the posts, I couldnt find them again..lol


I have passed that info onto Gary. :-D


JudgeMental, I intend having a visit to spend a little time checking over the interior next Saturday, although Gary assures me that there is no damp smell, my newly aquired, non smoking nose will no doubt sus out any problems, or potential ones.


Once we get this stage out of the way, and an MOT in place, then we can move onto the interior, although a brief inspection initially showed very little would be needed, an interior check by a renown Caravan Service agent will be carried out. One amazing fact is that I had some curtains and bedding stored in the Van which hubby brought home, and they had no mould, nor smell around them at all..


I also intend to contact Hobby direct to see if they can supply me with some new decals for the cab area. Although hardly essential it would be nice to get this old lady back to her former beauty.


I must admit, this forum is superb, as I have spent my bank holiday Monday reading up all the hints and tips, amazing..



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  • 1 month later...



Well, we have a new wing, new windscreen and area around it, and a new bonnet.


And the engine is running fine.


So far the cost is around £800 including parts and labour, so Im delighted.


But I need your help again please.


We are having no luck in finding a clutch cable for this old girl.


So does anyone know where I could get a clutch cable for a 1987 Ducato/Talbot?


After this is done, she will go for her MOT and then the cab will need painted.


Decals are going to be a problem, but they can wait, as they are not important to getting her back on the road.



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Guest Tracker

Great news Christina - well done and a hearty sigh of relief no doubt!


Try these people for spares. I've not dealt with them but I know of people who have and they are reputed to be helpful and reasonable?




Speedy Spares always used to keep a good supply of bits for older vehicles and they too used to be very helpful but I have not needed them for over 20 years now!



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Guest JudgeMental

Excellent! :-D


keep us posted and some pics would be nice when up and running.....I dont think I would be to worried re graphics, just see what it is like when finished, you may not miss them.

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Thanks Tracker... Speedy Spares are exactly that, and a clutch cable is already on its way to us..


Thanks Very Much Indeed !!!


Yes I am delighted at how well this whole restoration is going.


The most amazing thing is that the battery was still fit enough to start the vehicle first time.


And Im amazed how cheap spares are..


This clutch cable is only costing me £17:50.. amazing



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wow you guys are all so quick, thanks everyone !



Yes Speedy Spares do seem to be superb.


Judge.. you are right, hence I am not too bothered about the decals, plus the chance of matching colours is pretty remote after all this time. However, I have written to Hobby, just in case.


Re pics.. dont worry, I will be posting some before and afters for you all to see, as soon as the work is done.



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Hi Christina

So pleased for you.

As you contemplated scrapping the Hobby, it is effectively a Motorhome of currently £800, so has to be a bargain.

Well done for bringing her back to life. Many would not have taken that step in to (what was at the time) a step into the unknown.


Time to get all the work done ready for the start of the new season in 2011.

If my memory serves me correctly, there is a company who make Decal Stripes to match existing, so I will have a look & see if I can find them for you.

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Hi Christena,


I was away in Scotland when you updated this thread and have just found it again. I am really pleased with the way things have turned out for you. You sound a lot more cheerful than you did a while back.


I hope you will wave when you pass me in your smart new van. If you need any help, you have my number and email address.



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If you can't get the transfers, but using your photo of the original, a good specialist paint shop should be able to match the colour, and replicate the decals, by masking off the areas to remain white.  More expensive, I'm sure, but shouldn't break the bank.  I'd suggest that would be a better solution than the decal transfers, which are a pig to fit correctly on profiled panels, and can't easily be touched in if subsequently damaged.  The paint colour code, once established, can be recorded, so that almost any auto paint factor could do you an individual aerosol on demand. 

Otherwise, good news.  Replace that starter battery though, I doubt it will continue doing the business for much longer.  "Just" the interior now?  :-)

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Guest pelmetman

I've just had a quote for new stripes on my van as they are no longer available, from a sign makers the price includes some other work to put stripes on our box trailor and clear vynal over the luton cab windows.


£240? not sure what to compare it with, but they have just done some photo signs on the back of the works van and did a good job :D


The stuff on the camper is more fiddly to do I expect especialy the windows :D

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flicka - Thanks, if you find it, I will certainly contact them.


747 - Of course I will give you a shout when its all done, you gave me such encouragement, and I thank you for all that.


Brian - Matching the decals with paint, is another idea I didnt think of, thanks Brian, its a good one !


Dave, Sue & Troy the Lab.. - Well that price doesnt sound bad at all, please post some pics when its done will you?


You know, you are all telling me how well I have done etc., but remember you are the ones who I owe for all this, without your help, and advice, I just couldnt have done it..


You are one fantastic group of people, and I just want you all to know how grateful I am to you all.



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Hi Christina

Hobby name sticker



Another source that may be useful for Hobby spares



Having difficulty finding the Company I was thinking about, (may have gone with the recession) but this site enables you to design your own, maybe from a photo ?



Once done you should be able to get a local Graphics company to print

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