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bike carrier warning signs


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HI all. Whilst in france and Germany this year I notice some motorhomes that carryed bikes on there rear carriers, had warning triangles or something simular strapped to the bikes, is this a requirement in some countries. I do know in England if something over hangs by 1 or 2 meters?not sure which now, a warning trangle is required with illuminations?
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snudgy - 2010-08-02 9:43 PM


HI all. Whilst in france and Germany this year I notice some motorhomes that carryed bikes on there rear carriers, had warning triangles or something simular strapped to the bikes, is this a requirement in some countries. I do know in England if something over hangs by 1 or 2 meters?not sure which now, a warning trangle is required with illuminations?


Do you mean the square with the diagonal red strips. Needed in Spain but we leave ours on all the time.

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Rayjsj - 2010-08-02 10:30 PM


Are they needed on a Backbox mounted on a bike carrier ?

It's brilliant white with reflectors you'd have to be blind to walk (or drive) into it. 8-) Ray


You are joking Ray! I was once at a fire where a bright yellow fire engine, with all it's warning lights on, hose coming from the back, smoke and flames coming from a car in front of it and the driver working the pump in his yellow leggings and a hi viz jacket was run into by someone who didn't see it!

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I only found out via this forum that they were compulsory in Spain..not that the Spaniards I saw ever bothered.. but you don't give the Guardia Civil any chances to pull you.. as they can find enough of their own..I always left mine on with or without bikes on.. bungee strap worked admirably....But apparently you have to have the metal one in Italy not the plastic one?? So what is the difference then ??
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mondo - 2010-08-10 8:24 PM


apparently you have to have the metal one in Italy not the plastic one?? So what is the difference then ??


The entire surface is reflective, not just the the 4 disks thats on the plastic ones. Its much better, but much more expensive.

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mondo - 2010-08-10 8:24 PM


I only found out via this forum that they were compulsory in Spain..not that the Spaniards I saw ever bothered.. but you don't give the Guardia Civil any chances to pull you.. as they can find enough of their own..I always left mine on with or without bikes on.. bungee strap worked admirably....But apparently you have to have the metal one in Italy not the plastic one?? So what is the difference then ??




There was another thread on this a couple of months ago.


Living and travelling in Spain, I estimate (rough guess only!) that perhaps 10% of non-Spanish MH's seen here have these relective board thingies attached to their bikes on bike racks, and less that 1% of Spanish reg'd MH's.


I'm NOT saying don't put one on your van; I'm simply observing that in practice, almost no-one bothers in Spain.






The whole cultural approach here to what the Spanish people might regard as "minor bureaucratic rules" is somewhat different than in Northern European countries.

It's difficult for us Northern Europeans to come to terms with unless you've lived here for a while.


In Northern Europe, there is a strong culture that "we obey the law, regardless of how petty we might think it is".....backed up by an effective State-legal enforcement system, and thus fear of consequences.


In the Med countries there's a completely different approach: much more of a concept of " it's up to me, I'm responsible for what I do, and it's not for the State to tell me hwat to do". This is compounded by a low level of State/Regional Govenment enforcement system.



I guess we each hev to decide which we personally consider to be the "better" type of Government/control/freedom/personal responsibility culture.

Northern Europeans cannot comprehend just how inefficient the Government & legal systems are down here and how many people completely flout lots of laws of the land.

Southern Europeans simply cannot comprehend how bound up by "stupid" minor regulations the Northern Europeans are, and why they allow the Governments to dictate to/ interfere in and rule almost every tiny detail of their lives and work.


Each system has benefits and costs; but each to their own......


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handyman - 2010-08-11 7:49 AM


mondo - 2010-08-10 8:24 PM


apparently you have to have the metal one in Italy not the plastic one?? So what is the difference then ??


The entire surface is reflective, not just the the 4 disks thats on the plastic ones. Its much better, but much more expensive.


To be legal yes, but the plastic ones are made by Fiamma an Italian Company!



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