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Bad aftersales sevice


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Am I wrong to complain after waiting 5 weeks for a part to be replaced.

I had a solar panel, satellite dish and a cruise control fitted at a well advertised Installer in Clitheroe. I chose this company because they had done work on my previos vehicle before I bought it and the work was ok.

Also they give me the cheapest quote which was the deciding factor.

For the solar panel I asked for a sunworks regulator to be fitted to charge both the leisure and vehicle battery.

On collecting they told me they had not got one in stock and would replace when they got one from France. 2 weeks later I rang them and they said they would get me one from a show that weekend. Rang them again the week after, they had got the part and the fittr would call me when he was coming to fit it as they promised the would fit it in where I store the motorhome.

2 weeks later no call so I rang again and the reply was another 2 weeks at least. At this I said that was no good. They rang back 10 minutes later and said come to their premises and they would do it. So to sum up I had to go back 5 weeks later at my own expense. The owner even then would not admit it was not good enough saying that I was in the minority and even had the cheek to say he had to pay retail price for it.

The actual work carried out was done weel enough for the most part, but could have been a bit tidier on the roof

Phew! Glad to have got that off my chest. Was I unlucky or did anyone els e have a bad experience.



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If everything you eventually had fitted was included in the quotation you accepted, they should not have commenced the work until they had all the materials, and the delays should not have arisen.  I suppose it is always possible "your" regulator had to be fitted to someone else's van in an emergency, to replace one that had failed, but that apart, you have grounds to complain, and even then they should have let you know.  

On the other hand, if you added the Sunworks regulator to the order at a later date, especially if you did so at the time you left the van with them to do the work, then some of the responsibility for the ensuing delay would be yours, for making a late change.

It seems over optimism about supply, and poor communication, is their greatest fault.  Maybe they didn't realise how much of mainland Europe shuts down during July and August, and maybe they don't put their staff on "customer care" courses, so they just lack polish!

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coach2000 - 2010-08-04 6:36 PM


Am I wrong to complain after waiting 5 weeks for a part to be replaced.

I had a solar panel, satellite dish and a cruise control fitted at a well advertised Installer in Clitheroe. I chose this company because they had done work on my previos vehicle before I bought it and the work was ok.

Also they give me the cheapest quote which was the deciding factor.

For the solar panel I asked for a sunworks regulator to be fitted to charge both the leisure and vehicle battery.

On collecting they told me they had not got one in stock and would replace when they got one from France. 2 weeks later I rang them and they said they would get me one from a show that weekend. Rang them again the week after, they had got the part and the fittr would call me when he was coming to fit it as they promised the would fit it in where I store the motorhome.

2 weeks later no call so I rang again and the reply was another 2 weeks at least. At this I said that was no good. They rang back 10 minutes later and said come to their premises and they would do it. So to sum up I had to go back 5 weeks later at my own expense. The owner even then would not admit it was not good enough saying that I was in the minority and even had the cheek to say he had to pay retail price for it.

The actual work carried out was done weel enough for the most part, but could have been a bit tidier on the roof

Phew! Glad to have got that off my chest. Was I unlucky or did anyone els e have a bad experience.



The company I think you are referring to are very good at what they do and are thought of very highly in the caravan and motorhome fraternity. They are known to go the extra mile when called upon and yes they do go out on site to fit many types of electronic items when it agrees to. They have fitted numerous items for me over the years and I have been very pleased with their work. Don't let one bad experience put you off. One point I would like to mention is that there are always two sides to a story and I wonder what their view of the sitution would have been.


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Thanks for the replies. Just a couple of extra points to finish, I booked the work to be done a week before and this included the controller. There was more than one person worked on the different jobs and the only person I had a problem with was the owner. Another example of people skills were when I paid with a credit card. (Youv'e just cost me £45 to put that thru.)

The guy that fit the satellite dish was completely different.

On reflection despite them being the cheapest price I got out of only 3 quotes, I would probably not use them again, (as the owner suggested.) and give another local company a chance.



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