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Airport visit - why I'm a motorhomer!

Tony Jones

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Stormy - 2011-02-19 1:31 PM


Air travel is faster, and cheaper than driving a motorhometo let’s say the south of France. My local airport  is small enough to be really user friendly,and fast. You may not like flying or the security preparations, but to compareflying with a motorhome holiday is just plain ridiculous if you work for aliving (time is finite)  


I'm not sure that anyone is taking overall time factors into account, and if ever Ryan Air can get my van in the baggage hold I would be up for it, and the hassle that does come with air travel, unless you've got a private exec jet.

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Guest Peter James
ekka - 2011-02-19 7:36 AM


but was Hussain such a nice guy to both his own people and his neighbours, yes it's all turned to crap there, but it was crap there before.


Precisely. As far as I can see, the illegal invasion has not made things in Iraq better than they were before.


PS I have never understood the argument that we had to illegally invade Iraq because Saddam allegedly had Weapons of Mass Destruction. If that had been true, surely the consequences of the illegal invasion would have been even worse.

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