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a bible guide of do and don'ts of wild camping.?


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i have read in your mag about a bloke that's not going to go back to black pool because he could not find a wild camping park place, the reason for this is  black pool have shut there doors to motor homes due to people emptying there loo's and tanks down drains, and also  a second site has been close in Suffolk for the same reason but in the sea, we locals call it the dirty wall in aldbrough, and now iv been told by a chap i know that's been wild camping for 30 years that  a coastal town that iv for got the name of has also closed the beachfront off to motor homes, (nr britling sea)the reason is there lining up on the prom with washing hung on the vans and deck chairs out with awnings up and are littering the place, for god sake is it not time that the clubs and the mags teamed up and did a rule book or a guide of good edicate on how to behave, my van is a bit ruff it has to be said but id never empty my loo in a drain and definitely hang washing on a portable line in a sunny sea side street for other holiday makers to see so why are others doing this and giving me a bad name, sorry to just jump in with this like this but this is getting me mad as two sites iv mentioned  were on my visit list. were...

just remembered it was clacton on see.

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Whilst I agree that no-one should hang washing out, there is no reason why they shouldn't park on the seafront. How many times have you seen old people in cars fast asleep on seafronts all over the country? Nobody puts a sign up saying no sleeping in cars-only motorhomes. Perhaps if councils in said places or private companies put a borne like the continentals in seaside carparks, it would eliminate the toilet problem, make money (£2 for water & toilet dump is not extravagant) and bring money into the resorts-even if it is only car park fees but more likely visitors would spend in the shops etc.

Problem is, the majority are being penalised because of the minority (as usual) but this problem could be so easily resolved with a bit of openmindedness.

If you had a 'bible' all that would happen is the 'clean' people would read it not the 'dirty' ones and that would consequently have no bearing on the problem.

Let's face it-it is only commonsense and thoughtfullness for others and the environment, people shouldn't need to be told!

Mike *-)

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It would be a wonderful bible too if folk adhered to it, but........


This will run and run and run, it's not just wild camping, it's any camping whereby the minority spoils it for the rest, we've done this one to death but there's nowt wrong with having another beef about it.


On a site last year, there was a clear sign asking politely for folk not to park their motorhomes at this particular location, ( a water point), as it was impossible to access or exit it, without churning up 2 pitches, there were clear directions to the nearest point which was 10 meters away.


The water point was only suitable for the aquaroll brigade or filling kettles etc etc.


Could some motorhomers resist? Could they b******s, I must have seen 5 do it in the 3 days we were there plus all those that did whilst I wasn't being a nosey git 8-)


And if you must ask, did I complain about them? I most certainly did. And felt better for it too.



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The answer is simple.............go on a site. if money is the problem there are thousands of CL's for £6 a night now thats cheaper than 4 hrs parking in some holiday areas and you get to empty your toilet and dump your rubbish, and your secure etc etc.

I have stated my views on wild camping many many times on various forums and await the inevitable flack from those who wild regularily. Before you tare me to pieces just remember that its only my opinion and I am entitled to it so please go easy.... :-D


Of course some of you may be very very synical and think that I am only saying this because me and mrs ips run a CL but no this is just not true. ;-)

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i don't care what van you have i don't care if you rich pore pink black white chinese russian, it don't mater to me at all what maters to me is my freedoms is what maters to me the freedom not to go to a camp site the freedom to park up over night and wake up with the sea as my garden, so to speak. its being wrecked by others..

that's my beef

any one is welcome to put the opinion that's what freedom is free to do free to speak one's mind, as long as it don't offend others.

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We stayed on a site at the weekend and woke up with the sea as our garden as you could literaly throw a stone out of the drivers window onto the beach (into the sea when it was in) all perfectly legal, secure etc etc. Ok it cost £21 per night.


We could have legaly stayed on the public car park next door to the site and just a bit further back but still a sea front view for £3-40 ish overnight. But I dont want to spend my weekend jollies on a public car park.


My point is that this argument from wildcampers that you have to go wild to get a good view or be in a good spot etc etc is rubbish there are thousands of CL's and sites with fantastic views you just have to be prepared to pay for the privilage but who cares its only money and I aint no new age traveller ... :-D

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well fare dos to you but me i feel i can have as much fun on the side of the road as or  being in a old gravel car park,

look every idea of a holiday differs from one to another, me i like to sit on beach swim go look at toun  and then will spend remainder of day in van some times with Dore shut some times open, never do i empty my loo down drain never do i dry washing on a line out side of van never do i put up a awning and bother others with it.

the loo could be emptied in a public loo i believe and there is plenty of them in towns if you should need to use  a awning then find a silant back road were your not going to bother any one with it, ie making them walk on rad because you taken path up with your camping stuff.it is not right and not fare on them me and you for when you may need the side of the road cos your to tied to drive Mr plod will tap your window and say move on we have had problems with your kind before, you then look at him and think, my kind.

do you see what i mean.

if you like sites then fine , i don't not with this van any way lol, for now im sticking to wild camping and next year im hoping to have a transit coach build on the road and will be in some lay by in wales for the night.

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Having recently returned from France having stayed mainly at "Aires" I cannot help but make a comparison between the attitude of U.K. Local Councils and the Communes in France.


In France there are proper disposal points at every other small town or village, they welcome M/h s with open arms, they come and spend money, so they are happy to provide a small "Aire" very often free.


Over here the Councils moan about the lack of tourists, put height barriers on every car park, ban sleeping on the ones without a barrier, and as regards any disposal or water supplies forget it.


So, I am off to France again in a few weeks, I will probably spend about £1000 or so, multiply that by the amount of M/Hs "on the road" at any one time, (did I read 1 million in Europe alone some where?) and that's serious money.


Wake up U.K. Councils, maybe it's time to welcome visitors?

Provide a few facilities?

Stop charging visitors 10 times what the locals pay to park. (Yes, it goes on).



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hallii - 2010-08-05 4:31 PM Having recently returned from France having stayed mainly at "Aires" I cannot help but make a comparison between the attitude of U.K. Local Councils and the Communes in France. In France there are proper disposal points at every other small town or village, they welcome M/h s with open arms, they come and spend money, so they are happy to provide a small "Aire" very often free. Over here the Councils moan about the lack of tourists, put height barriers on every car park, ban sleeping on the ones without a barrier, and as regards any disposal or water supplies forget it. So, I am off to France again in a few weeks, I will probably spend about £1000 or so, multiply that by the amount of M/Hs "on the road" at any one time, (did I read 1 million in Europe alone some where?) and that's serious money. Wake up U.K. Councils, maybe it's time to welcome visitors? Provide a few facilities? Stop charging visitors 10 times what the locals pay to park. (Yes, it goes on). Hallii

im so with you on this.

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ips - 2010-08-05 4:03 PM


We stayed on a site at the weekend and woke up with the sea as our garden as you could literaly throw a stone out of the drivers window onto the beach (into the sea when it was in) all perfectly legal, secure etc etc. Ok it cost £21 per night.


We could have legaly stayed on the public car park next door to the site and just a bit further back but still a sea front view for £3-40 ish overnight. But I dont want to spend my weekend jollies on a public car park.


My point is that this argument from wildcampers that you have to go wild to get a good view or be in a good spot etc etc is rubbish there are thousands of CL's and sites with fantastic views you just have to be prepared to pay for the privilage but who cares its only money and I aint no new age traveller ... :-D


I think this is a point-if you want to stay on a site and pay £21 per night fair enough-what did you get for your £21? Swimming pool, bar lounge Showers and toilets maybe? We personally don't want any of those so why would I spend £42 for the weekend to park up? I would much rather go on a CL or an aire which will cost me maybe half of that at most and I can spend the rest on a meal out-thus bringing money in to the local economy.

That said, that's our preference others may disagree-their choice. However, we are going off thread as initially it was about people emptying their toilet cassettes down the drain and getting us banned! :-D I ain't a 'New Age Traveller' either but I still firmly believe a happy medium could be sought as in France/Germany/Italy/Spain et al if councils put their minds to it-It would definitely stimulate the local economies with increased visitor spending.

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hallii - 2010-08-05 4:31 PM


Having recently returned from France having stayed mainly at "Aires" I cannot help but make a comparison between the attitude of U.K. Local Councils and the Communes in France.


In France there are proper disposal points at every other small town or village, they welcome M/h s with open arms, they come and spend money, so they are happy to provide a small "Aire" very often free.


Over here the Councils moan about the lack of tourists, put height barriers on every car park, ban sleeping on the ones without a barrier, and as regards any disposal or water supplies forget it.


So, I am off to France again in a few weeks, I will probably spend about £1000 or so, multiply that by the amount of M/Hs "on the road" at any one time, (did I read 1 million in Europe alone some where?) and that's serious money.


Wake up U.K. Councils, maybe it's time to welcome visitors?

Provide a few facilities?

Stop charging visitors 10 times what the locals pay to park. (Yes, it goes on).



Totally agree and guess what? We are also taking our hard earned to Mainland Europe again next year

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Mike B. - 2010-08-05 4:36 PM
ips - 2010-08-05 4:03 PM We stayed on a site at the weekend and woke up with the sea as our garden as you could literally throw a stone out of the drivers window onto the beach (into the sea when it was in) all perfectly legal, secure etc etc. Ok it cost £21 per night. We could have legally stayed on the public car park next door to the site and just a bit further back but still a sea front view for £3-40 ish overnight. But I dont want to spend my weekend jollies on a public car park. My point is that this argument from wildcampers that you have to go wild to get a good view or be in a good spot etc etc is rubbish there are thousands of CL's and sites with fantastic views you just have to be prepared to pay for the privilage but who cares its only money and I aint no new age traveller ... :-D
I think this is a point-if you want to stay on a site and pay £21 per night fair enough-what did you get for your £21? Swimming pool, bar lounge Showers and toilets maybe? We personally don't want any of those so why would I spend £42 for the weekend to park up? I would much rather go on a CL or an aire which will cost me maybe half of that at most and I can spend the rest on a meal out-thus bringing money in to the local economy. That said, that's our preference others may disagree-their choice. However, we are going off thread as initially it was about people emptying their toilet cassettes down the drain and getting us banned! :-D I ain't a 'New Age Traveller' either but I still firmly believe a happy medium could be sought as in France/Germany/Italy/Spain et al if councils put their minds to it-It would definitely stimulate the local economies with increased visitor spending.

this is also my point being perceived as some thing your not, you used the term im not one of them new age travelers. they come with there own stigma as they make a mess some times and drive on land were there not meant to be, that's how we see them. and that also how we will be seen as as well, as trouble. cos of a few motor homers that feel they can push there luck a bit further than the rest. this hobby is getting bigger 3 years ago i could have got a mk 2 transit off ebay  for around 500 now it seems i cant im looking towards 1000 + in some cases. that tells me demand for the vans and demand for the way we holiday. its going to be recked if we don't have some kind of guideline to work to some thing to frown at others if the break to code..

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I think, in reality, what you experience is just the pressure of growing numbers.  With vans becoming more and more expensive and luxurious, different kinds of people are being added to the mix.  Many who get motorhomes and caravans have never camped, in the sense that they used a tent, or even a trailer tent, so they tend to be insensitive to how much tenters are disturbed by noise, and to how much noise they generate.

Many who now get motorhomes have not first caravaned, so have never used campsites, and are unfamiliar with the little disciplines that ease living in close proximity to others (loud radio/telly etc).

Among all of these innocents are people who are simply uncouth, inconsiderate, oafs, and others who are almost deliberately stupid.  Of course, what gets remembered is the anti-social acts of the uncouth, unthinking, and stupid - and from those grow the restrictions.  Doesn't really matter where you go, the complaints are the same.  Wild camping spots are gradually being eliminated all over Europe (and N Africa), though most of those under attack are in popular places where, frankly, far too many motorhomes congregated and created not only insanitary conditions, but also nuisance and eyesore for others.

The solution, of course, is to never sell motorhomes (or caravans or whatever :-)) to uncouth, inconsiderate, oafish, stupid people!  Ha!  Sorted!  Now, about that flying pig! 

So, these folk exist, in growing numbers, in our midst, and in truth there ain't much we can do about it.  We can (gently and politely) remonstrate with them about what they do - though not without some personal risk!  We can try preaching and lecturing, and writing flyers, books, magazine articles, etc, (and many do) but the people we are trying to reach seem not to read, or listen to, what is said.  Maybe that is because they regard the messages as interference with their liberty to do as they please, or because they don't read, or listen to, those kinds of broadcasts or magazines or books. 

If you really want a cringe or two, watch what some do with hire vans!  I am astounded at how some folk survive to relative maturity with so little grasp of basic hygiene!  In the end, I think it's just life, and one has to get on with one's own, and steer clear of those one finds unacceptable neighbours.  At least with a van, unlike a house, you can sling your hook when they turn up next door!  :-D

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Clive - 2010-08-05 5:56 PM Don,t want it and don,t need it. Who the heck wants to introduce RULES to wild camping. If people are not able to use common sense and consideration then they should not be motor-homers! C.

i under stand , were the freedom gone if you have  to live by a book, but what about just simply educating them so it don't get stopped, any way how you going to stop them from being motor homers if there were no guidelines to work to. and how would it affect you any way if you are behaving in the proper manner. it would not affect any one if they were using common sense. and i know were this is going next,lol

but do you see my piont. 

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well that would be a good start but with out the aide of mags and clubs to repeat any of this as a problem it will never be resolved, a code is needed weather any one wants or feel we need it.

a simple code of concerns, things that should be done,

and in it should cover loo's noise littering up, there's more but i could go on for ever as im that wound up over this.

may be the ed of this  mag should have something to add to this.

its obvious you will not please every one and every one has a different opinion on this as well .but you cant get away from the fact that this country is slowly getting smaller for parking spots, and if i was wishing to do camp sites i would have a caravan and not a banged up motorhome.

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Have been asked what a "Tugger" is

For those who don't already know a "tugger" is someone who tows a caravan.

You may well find that they are a much more refined group of people than these rather crude people who run around in their chatty tin vans littering up the countryside :-> :-> *-)

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Some of us have tried to encourage local authorities to provide proper facilities for visiting motorhomes using well presented and well argued reasons why it makes sense. The reaction in the main is not encouraging. I once posted a thread (aires for England) suggesting that people approached their own local councils and posted their success/failure so that it could be a running campaign. The response was very poor, in fact this thread is longer>:-)

As a motorhome owner I can see the attraction of this wonderful part of the country I live in being an attraction to wild campers. BUT I am also a resident and would object vehemently to visitors just parking up where they feel like it. Bear in mind you are looking at this as an individual of one, it could be like a rash if no control was excercised*-)


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