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a bible guide of do and don'ts of wild camping.?


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Porky - 2010-08-06 12:02 PM Some of us have tried to encourage local authorities to provide proper facilities for visiting motor homes using well presented and well argued reasons why it makes sense. The reaction in the main is not encouraging. I once posted a thread (aires for England) suggesting that people approached their own local councils and posted their success/failure so that it could be a running campaign. The response was very poor, in fact this thread is longer>:-) As a motorhome owner I can see the attraction of this wonderful part of the country I live in being an attraction to wild campers. BUT I am also a resident and would object vehemently to visitors just parking up where they feel like it. Bear in mind you are looking at this as an individual of one, it could be like a rash if no control was excercised*-)

well this means your trying to do a self service type camp site in the hart of a town, this is not wild camping,

wild camping to me means pulling up some were any were and doing your holiday there and places like that.

what this is about is people giving this past time a bad name.

we need a code something in righting but not law, although chucking waist down drains should come with a fine, it is with paper and stuff.

and to help this code we need camping related shops ,van sales and clubs and mags to shout it out to people that are doing this and newcomers to the game. that's face it there making money from this.think about it if it get stopped by the authorities were is the money when it stops or al least slows down.

going back to what you were saying a bout the parks. i would say having a large parking location could be good for the centers of touns with proper lodeing and unlodeing sys in plase for water and waist but that cost and some will not pay this while they can get away with dumping in drains.make a fine for this higher than the using the proper facility that's put in place and i bet it would work.

but education is needed first.

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I think this is a point-if you want to stay on a site and pay £21 per night fair enough-what did you get for your £21? Swimming pool, bar lounge Showers and toilets maybe? We personally don't want any of those so why would I spend £42 for the weekend to park up? I would much rather go on a CL or an aire which will cost me maybe half of that at most and I can spend the rest on a meal out-thus bringing money in to the local economy.



Shower block is all we got (didnt even use it cos showered in the van) but very nice view and secure so we were happy to go for a walk safe in the knowledge that the van should still be there unscathed on our return. And also dont have to worry about the legalitys of having a few single malts whilst sitting in the drivers seat.


We also use cl's and have found some really nice ones, (also found some rubbish ones but thats life) Its not about the money as I suppose we are lucky enough not to have to worry about how much a site costs we just go were we want regardless. So untill I find a car park, lay by, industrial estate etc etc that offers all of the above then I will continue to use bonified sites and have a relaxing weekend without worrying about plod tapping on my windo or were I am going to empty my toilet etc etc.

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The problems with a code is that all us who are mindful of what we are doing leaving no rubbish waste & parking where we are least obtrusive will read it, those who don't care a dam as long as what they are doing suits them are not going to bother to read it.



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The solution, of course, is to never sell motorhomes (or caravans or whatever :-)) to uncouth, inconsiderate, oafish, stupid people!  Ha!  Sorted!  >



That is an excellent idea and should be implemented forthwith .... :-D

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lennyhb - 2010-08-06 1:05 PM The problems with a code is that all us who are mindful of what we are doing leaving no rubbish waste & parking where we are least obtrusive will read it, those who don't care a dam as long as what they are doing suits them are not going to bother to read it.

so your saying it a waist of time trying as it will not work?

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iv just had a chat with a chap called paul at the stow-market caravan sales center in stowmarket and told me if there was a short paper on good conduct while on wild holidays he would welcome this in with the rest of the bumf that is given on a sale of a caravan and van.

sor could this reach new comers posable.

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Sounds like a good idea to hand out 'guides' of some sort when selling or hiring out vans.


Of course that assumes that these people can read - from what his Lordship said above about people ignoring signs, maybe some of them can't.



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Both the Caravan club and Camping and Caravan club would be unlikely to support wild camping in any form as they both run campsites. I read recently it may have been on this forum that the Caravan club had stopped a council providing overnight facilities for Motorhomes saying that the UK had adequate campsites
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Mardee - 2010-08-06 1:52 PM Both the Caravan club and Camping and Caravan club would be unlikely to support wild camping in any form as they both run campsites. I read recently it may have been on this forum that the Caravan club had stopped a council providing overnight facilities for Motorhomes saying that the UK had adequate campsites

well if this is the case then tulk about being greedy. wow

im shocked if this is the case.

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malc d - 2010-08-06 1:51 PM Sounds like a good idea to hand out 'guides' of some sort when selling or hiring out vans. Of course that assumes that these people can read - from what his Lordship said above about people ignoring signs, maybe some of them can't. :-(

to pass your test today you need to read, to operate a camper you need to read,

but yes the chances are that it will  be chucked before it gets a first look let alone a second but there will be a few that will read it and word gets around most of the time.

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Mardee - 2010-08-06 1:52 PM


Both the Caravan club and Camping and Caravan club would be unlikely to support wild camping in any form as they both run campsites. I read recently it may have been on this forum that the Caravan club had stopped a council providing overnight facilities for Motorhomes saying that the UK had adequate campsites


We left the CC permanently some years ago, when the then chairman spoke out publicly, AT A EUROPE-WIDE EVENT, against all forms of non-site stopovers.

We're in the CCC at present, purely for the CS network. As Margaret and Dave said, they're unlikely ever to be big supporters of aire-type provision, but at least they don't oppose it explicitly!

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Mardee - 2010-08-06 1:52 PM


Both the Caravan club and Camping and Caravan club would be unlikely to support wild camping in any form as they both run campsites. I read recently it may have been on this forum that the Caravan club had stopped a council providing overnight facilities for Motorhomes saying that the UK had adequate campsites



Sounds a bit unlikely to me that the Caravan Club can STOP a council doing anything.

They may have put their view forward but it was up to the council to make the decision.







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If I'm really honest, the concept of rules for wild camping strikes me as a contradiction in terms.  A bit like having rules for anarchy!

Regarding litter, and improper disposal of waste, there are already rules - and fines for breaking them.  The problem, as ever, is that the rule breakers already know this (even if they pretend otherwise), so break the rules when they think no-one else will notice and, if they think right, don't get caught, so never get fined.

So, again being honest, there can be no harm in trying but, as with fly tipping, no amount of rules, laws, or exhortations changes what people do, if it is what they want to do.  If CCTV cameras are put up and catch the odd midnight tipper, the others quickly catch on and tip elsewhere.  So, I would guess, with the poo dumpers and litterers!

After all, if we all complied with the law as we should, we should have no prisons.  As it is, we are claimed to have the highest percentage of our population in prison, in Europe.  Surely that tells us something, albeit disagreeable, about the state of our society - and that is where I think the true problem lies.  Sorry!

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its not a rule book as such if iv used that word sorry what i meant it to be is a code of conduct or guide something just to say this what is expected of the wild camper in order to keep our country clean and safe, its not a rules book or page. if you break rules you must have punishments of some sort, no the only damage you will do if you dont read it and maybe follow it as close as you can is is good park spots will be closed you reckitt for your self and others, you will become such a pain in the ass to other people that you will have to all share the rep of a trouble maker  tipper or poo dumper, or  what ever you starting to see them that are mucking it up for others are  now. 

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trikershaun - 2010-08-06 5:45 PM

you will become such a pain in the ass to other people that you will have to all share the rep of a trouble maker  tipper or poo dumper, or  what ever you starting to see them that are mucking it up for others are  now. 

One bad apple in a barrel can ruin a very large number of apples. Surely the point is that people who live somewhere have the right to ensure that the environment in which they live, and pay council tax for the privilage is not damaged by those who want to enjoy it (FREE). Anyway why should you get it free? If you tip your loo down a public loo who pays for the treatment? In Devon and Cornwall we have one of the highest water bills in the UK in order to provide clean beaches and cope with the effluent of thousands of visitors. We do not object because we welcome visitors, but you should contribute something. Wild camping under the stars for nothing is all very well but who owns the land you park on? What do they get out of it? You should get nowt for nowt my old gran used to say*-)
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Porky - 2010-08-06 7:07 PM
trikershaun - 2010-08-06 5:45 PM

you will become such a pain in the ass to other people that you will have to all share the rep of a trouble maker  tipper or poo dumper, or  what ever you starting to see them that are mucking it up for others are  now. 

One bad apple in a barrel can ruin a very large number of apples. Surely the point is that people who live somewhere have the right to ensure that the environment in which they live, and pay council tax for the privilage is not damaged by those who want to enjoy it (FREE). Anyway why should you get it free? If you tip your loo down a public loo who pays for the treatment? In Devon and Cornwall we have one of the highest water bills in the UK in order to provide clean beaches and cope with the effluent of thousands of visitors. We do not object because we welcome visitors, but you should contribute something. Wild camping under the stars for nothing is all very well but who owns the land you park on? What do they get out of it? You should get nowt for nowt my old gran used to say*-)

i can only speak for my self here when i park i park were my road tax permits me to  park ie iv paid my road fund, i don't park were im not aloud to. as for the point you make for the loo, that is a very valid point, but with out visitors to your location would your economy not as good. and yes if a place was made for me to empty my loo i would use it if i could not then it stays in tank and will empty at home. i cant speak for the rest.

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trikershaun - 2010-08-06 7:53 PM

but with out visitors to your location would your economy not as good. and yes if a place was made for me to empty my loo i would use it if i could not then it stays in tank and will empty at home. i cant speak for the rest.


In my experience a Thetford cassette only lasts a few days. I think you are being a little convenient with reality. The fact of the matter is that someone has to pay. You say you have paid your road fund licence and therefore that should allow you to park. Yes in lay-bys but is that really wild camping? I think not. But if that is really all you are asking for then OK.

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i do car parks and lay bys and some time forests laybys and car parks, and i only do weekends as to busy week day and yes i can get the loo to hold out long enough.

what ells is there if your to stay within the laws.

iv had over knighters park over the road i have not gone after them cos they were gone next day they left no mess. good as gold. but we did have some gypsies in the bmx tracks around a month a few years ago and left a sh*t storm of a mess. but the council dealt with them. I'm not one of them

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The point I was trying to make is that people should know how to behave without any rules or formal codes of conduct. Its just sad that some believe that others should need them.


Mind you it just about as sad as those people who need to join a club or purchase a publication to find pubs that let you sleep overnight in their car park. Surely, its as simple as looking yourself if you could tuck into a corner without compromising the landlords profit then asking the landlord if you could sleep off a good meal and a couple of his drinks in his car park first. Personally we have never been given a NO. But now I am off topic!

Sore knuckles again.




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i partly agree with you we should not need a code ,but there are some that are now starting to destroy the hole thing, very slowly  but definitely is happening so we may need to have this code as i put it, sad or not that's my view. sorry

any way i said  what i needed to say, iv made my view hurd, that's how i feel yes is is a good idea with some and not in others. will the practise of tipping waist stop don't know will people come together and say no more , don't know, and do people give a monkey's ass , well read back on this thread. and you will know

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The man is absolutely right you know.


Why don't you all contribute to putting together a code and then once you have agreed on it's content submit it to all of the relevant magazines suggesting to them that they print it every now and then.


Might not stop the problems but it certainly cannot do any harm, a lot of this dumping could be down to ignorance/thoughtlessness so a little education in this manner could help in reducing it.


Who is going to start it off ??

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Syd - 2010-08-06 11:57 PM The man is absolutely right you know. Why don't you all contribute to putting together a code and then once you have agreed on it's content submit it to all of the relevant magazines suggesting to them that they print it every now and then. Might not stop the problems but it certainly cannot do any harm, a lot of this dumping could be down to ignorance/thoughtlessness so a little education in this manner could help in reducing it. Who is going to start it off ??

1. try to refrain from tipping waist down drains.

2.try and show consideration for other holiday makers and locales ( tricky don't no how to word it, its about  clogging up walk ways with awning's and deck chairs)

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I don't think a bible will help.

It all boils down to consideration for others, thoughtlessness and selfishness.

There used to be a saying 'damn you Jack I'm all right' It still applies.

Every day you see examples of lack of consideration and blatant disreguard of the rules in all aspects of life.


Driving on the road and we have a bible (Highway code)

Mobile phones used whilst driving, in restuarants and in cinemas/theatres.

Animal and child cruelty.


I could go on.

I am afraid that the problems will get worse. What a lot of people do not appreciate, is that something they do can affect many others, both in time and money.

IMHO there are already enough rules in the UK and if everyone followed them this country would be a happier and more prosperous place.

The result would be that we would all have more money in our pockets


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i agree i feel that over the years earnings have increased and until recently credit was easy this allowed a lot more people to buy without the hardship of saving for years thus appreciating what you have got and treating things with more respect. not wishing to sound bad but a lot of these people treat things as throw away and have little respect for others,they are the ones who turn up somewhere and tell the kids to b****r of and annoy others,so there is very little chance of reading or adhering to a code or bible. the only thing we can do is use word of mouth and hope you dont suffer for it (?)
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