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Travelpilot Lucca 5.2 Navigation System


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The above navigation system came with the motor home & we have found it ok for our needs but the map for southern Europe has to be transferred from the CD to an SD card. We didn't realise this until we were actually in Spain ( pays to read the instructions before you set off )

We have tried in vain to transfer the required data to an SD card, it seems you have to follow the installation instructions off the CD but maybe our laptop isn't compatible has anyone managed to do this or got any ideas / tips ?

John & Sue


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Is the SD card compatible, and smaller than 4GB?

Are you installing to an SD card in the Lucca via ActiveSync, or by using an external SD card reader?

Have you used the installation programme (not just the instructions) on the DVD to transfer the additional map data to the SD card.

Have you read the "long version" instructions on the DVD?

Have you updated the Lucca firmware to the latest version, here?  http://tinyurl.com/2v8dp4n

If none of that helps, I suggest you contact their technical advisory centre.  No in instructions.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Mind if I join in on a slightly different tack.

Can you help a complete non computer literate new comer.

I too have the LUCCA 5.2 fitted in my Swift Bolero to act as the monitor for the reversing camera as well as sat-nav.

Although the motorhome is only 2 years old the mapping is 2007 and has taken us down some very "interesting" paths that no longer exist or has no knowledge of fairly well established road layouts.

When switched on it tells me I need to update the maps but when I look for the necessary updates LUCCA 5.2 isn't listed, so far despite contacting Blaupunkt and navtec I am having no luck, indeed Blaupunkt tell me it is "impossible" to update LUCCA 5.2 as the software is no longer supported.

Now as I have already admitted to being a total numpty when it comes to anything that you can't fix with a hammer and have probably proved it by posting this question and given all you IT competants a good laugh but is there an alternative to demoting LUCCA to be used only as the reversing camera and using my trusty AA road atlas to get from A -B?


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If Blaupunkt are no longer supporting the version you have, which seems to be the case from what you report, I'd suggest demoting it to reversing duties and buying either a TomTom or Garmin portable unit, either of which can have both firmware and map updates installed, plus all sorts of other information about supermarkets, campsites, aires, or what have you. 

However, whatever you get, you'll still need maps to keep any sat-nav on the straight and narrow, because they don't understand motorhomes, or that roads in towns are sometimes impassable due to parked cars, among other things!  They are excellent at knowing exactly where they are, and at calculating the shortest, or nominally quickest (under ideal conditions), route from there to where you told it you wanted to go, and they give generally good guidance at complicated junctions, roundabouts, and excellent lane guidance at motorway intersections, but the human brain is (still!) just so much subtler in understanding what is sensible and feasible!  :-)

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Hi Brian,

Thanks for confirming its not just me. Demotion it is for LUCCA, redundant after only 2 years but I suppose that's the way of the world nowadays.

I agree if the "liveware" in the passenger seat with the map book hadn't over ruled some of the instructions LUCCA gave us we would have tried to do a right turn off the A9 (dual carriageway bit) onto a forestry track or be going round in circles in an industrial estate outside York.

Sat-navs have their place but that place should be secondary to common sense especially in a motorhome.


Cheers :-)

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