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Spanish Motorhome Forum


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I WAS a member of said site ..But I was banned off the site...My crime I asked to put a link on the site to another M/Home site..I asked but didn't post the link..They replied with "Not at this Time" so I thought fair enough I'll leave it til the sites been running a while longer...Next time I visited I found out I couldn't log in then I was e-mailled and told I was banned..No explanation was given..The link I wanted to post was for the full timers MotorHome site 365..designed hopefully to give full timers a bit more of a voice on certain matters and issues arising from being a full timer..But obviously the site owners and admin of the motor homers in Spain are too far up their own rear ends and too important to allow links to other sites...Just seems rather petty to me to be honest!!!

No wonder they don't have a lot of members and nothing much happens!!

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Arthur Brown - 2010-12-20 10:13 PM


I joined a while ago when it was the old site. I re-registered with the new site but all I can get is 'pending authorisation' or something like that. I have given up. For comfort I am sticking pins in my eyes



Same here. My one and only post was transferred from the old forum to the new one and then I received a message to say that my membership had been terminated. When I queried it after a couple of months away I was told that their computer system automatically cancels membership if you have not posted within a certain timescale. I was told to re-register but haven't bothered.


Not a great way to build up membership!

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The forum's latest 'address' is




There's a FAQ section that explains the registration process and highlights potential login difficulties. (At first sight, it seems to be a lot more user-informative than this website!)


Currently there are just 21 registered users and 155 postings, but the website appears to have plenty of promise as long as enough new users join it.

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I joined about 3 months ago, after a week they decided that some people had multiple email addresses, how they came to this idea I don't know, as there was only a handful of members. But they duly sent emails to all members and if you didn't reply within a day or so you where kicked off. I didn't, so I got kicked.


They also said if you didn't regularly post a certain amount, you would be kicked off as well, so no lurkers. :-D



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I don't know anything of any history that may have made some people unhappy with that Spanish forum.....seems a shame, as I reckon there's a place for an English-speaking forum that focuses on motorhomers living in/visiting Spain.


I have this morning done a post over there that mentions the bad rep that they seem to have acquired, and suggesting that Admin there might like to say something here that could help to improve things.........




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BGD, If you have contact with the site perhaps you can ask why to the following.

I registered with a new e-mail address as I have just changed provider and provided a password. This was acknowledged by the Board who sent me an e-mail confirming my detail correctly. They included a code to be used at the first log in. I tried to log in and was informed it was either a wrong detail or notregistered. I returned to my e-mails and found one telling me I had been expired. I would use the site if it would let me but I am unable to contact them unless I am logged in and I cannot log in. I tried to register again but was told the user name was already in use - not by me unfortunately although it was me that registered it.

If this site wants custom then it has to become user friendly and stop pratting about


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Arthur Brown - 2010-12-27 9:59 PM


BGD, If you have contact with the site perhaps you can ask why to the following.

I registered with a new e-mail address as I have just changed provider and provided a password. This was acknowledged by the Board who sent me an e-mail confirming my detail correctly. They included a code to be used at the first log in. I tried to log in and was informed it was either a wrong detail or notregistered. I returned to my e-mails and found one telling me I had been expired. I would use the site if it would let me but I am unable to contact them unless I am logged in and I cannot log in. I tried to register again but was told the user name was already in use - not by me unfortunately although it was me that registered it.

If this site wants custom then it has to become user friendly and stop pratting about





If you are REALLY keen to use the Spanish website, I suggest you set up another GOOGLE e-mail address for yourself and try re-registering on the Spanish website using that address and a radically different user-name and password.


(Have you tried replying to the e-mail address used when you were sent the 'code' and the 'expired' warning?)

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8-) I got a Membership Confirmation email:-


Hello sandyjohnwhite,


Thanks for your interest in joining our site. Please verify your email address in order to activate your membership. To confirm, use the link below.


Yes, I'd like to join this site



- Peter



This is what happens when I try to join the Forum:-



Your membership is currently pending approval.

You are signed in as anonymous. Sign Out




Access Requested

Thanks for your interest. Your account is now pending approval.


*-) Figure that one out? *-)

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Well, I had no problems registering on the Spanish website.

It was a straightforward enough 3-part process

1. Fill in registration details.

2. Receive the following immediate confirmation e-mail.

Welcome to  forums

Please keep this email for your savebox. Your account information is as follows:

Username: BlackBeauty
Password: 9a88bc777def

Your account is currently inactive, the administrator of the board will need to activate it before you can log in. You will receive another email when this has will be done.

Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database : we cannot retrieve it for you. However, if you forget your password you can request a new one which will be activated in the same way as this account.

Thank you for registering.

3. Receive this follow-up Account Activation e-mail about 15 minutes later

Hello BlackBeauty,

Your account on "" has now been activated, you may login using the username and password you have received in a previous email.

Motorhome Group In Spain
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Mike88 - 2010-12-28 7:05 PM


Derek. Make sure you are a frequent poster. If you fail to post while you are on holidays your membership will be deemed inactive and you will be struck off.


The General Rules for that forum say:


"...any membership which is inactive for a period of time will receive ample notification that the account is inactive.


If we receive no response then automatic deletion will take place..."


It's unlikely that I shall post to the Spanish forum - I just wanted to see how easy it was to obtain an account.


It's an odd stance to take and I'm not sure I undestand what genuine benefit it has. There's no doubt that, unless 'inactive' accounts are regularly removed, you end up with an increasingly inflated statistic for the number of members a forum has, but I would have thought this might be a Good Thing from the forum owner's point of view.


I'd be interested to know what the membership posting statistics were for the O&AL forum during the last 12 months.

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I note that the post I put up on their forum (saying that it was a shame that their forum has been getting a bad rep over here, and suggesting that someone from there might want to pop over here and post an explanation to pour oil on troubled waters) had the link to this forum within it removed.


"Admin" said such a link broke their rules.


I looked at the rules closely and could see no reason for my post or link being in breach of them, so I put up another post saying that I could not see any breach in what I'd previously written.


Now the whole thread has simply been "disappeared".....I assume by "Admin" once more. No explanation as to why.


"Admin" hasn't taken up the suggestion to pop over here and attempt to improve the rep of their forum as yet either.




Not the most auspicious of new starts methinks.

Shame, 'cos it could've been good.







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BGD - 2010-12-29 5:55 PM


I note that the post I put up on their forum (saying that it was a shame that their forum has been getting a bad rep over here, and suggesting that someone from there might want to pop over here and post an explanation to pour oil on troubled waters) had the link to this forum within it removed.


"Admin" said such a link broke their rules.


I looked at the rules closely and could see no reason for my post or link being in breach of them, so I put up another post saying that I could not see any breach in what I'd previously written.


Now the whole thread has simply been "disappeared".....I assume by "Admin" once more. No explanation as to why.


"Admin" hasn't taken up the suggestion to pop over here and attempt to improve the rep of their forum as yet either.


Not the most auspicious of new starts methinks.

Shame, 'cos it could've been good.


The Spanish forum's General Rules include the following statement:


"Advertising other forums are not permitted at this moment in time."


Now, you may argue that you were not "advertising" the O&AL forum in the true meaning of the word and I certainly wouldn't disagree with that. However, it seems to be quite common on forums (eg. the Fiat one) to treat any reference/link to another forum as 'advertising' and to edit/delete such references/links as a matter of course.


Would you like me to post to the Spanish forum asking for clarification of the rule? I'm quite happy to do so and I'll even point out that "advertising" is a singular noun so it ought to be "is" not "are" in the Rule. After all, if I'm to lose my account for non-use in the near future, I might as well be given the boot now rather than later. ;-)

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As we are off to Spain next month I thought it would be an idea to join this forum and so I did. However every time i log in to open a message I am directed to a site asking me if I want to join a Mac book or something similar. Do SMF sell member details to advertising companies to raise income I wonder? I do not want a Mac book or, indeed anything else offered to me which requires me to enter my personal details , fill in questionnaires or subscribe to various irrelevant offers. Am I alone in this or have others experienced the same thing?


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