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Locksmith and Brownhills


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I want to thank everyone for all their emails, support and responses.

I have received around 1700 private emails and they are still coming, mostly to support Mandy with her illness.

I must first say that somewhere along the line I said Brownhills Newark had not offered to me a free hire van but I was incorrect. this was done just prior to a driver from Brownhills coming and to collect the old motorhome, it was done by email but I overlooked it amongst the hundreds of other emails ---- for that statement I'm sorry.

Yesterday and today Michelle Rowlands and Dean Wood overseen by Andrew Graggs have come to an agreement of what they want to do for us. I had already been given a total refund on Monday and I must admit I didn't make it easy for them, Michelle said they wanted to help us and would I give Brownhills another chance, to this I replied " yes " we had no Idea till today when we got to Brownhills just what this might be.

Brownhills have basically found us a motorhome that we had always wanted and never thought we could afford, they made it affordable to us and this includes warranty and insurance.

Dean, then Michelle realised we have now got the van of our dreams but was unable to afford to go away. Andrew Craggs then dropped some more so we are now able to go away as soon as Mandy has been to hospital.

Andrew Craggs, before we left today personally came and apologised to both Mandy and myself and said there had been a terrible breakdown in communication and a string of problems that had escalated and that he and Brownhills have taken great steps to move the Company image forward and takes any criticism personally.

I'm very pleased and also grateful how Brownhills have now handled our situation, now god willing we will now have our dream ((may I say it)) all the better for Brownhills of Newark.

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That is a very gracious acceptance of Brownhills offer to make good on their mistakes, Andy, and I am pleased you are now happy - or at least happier.  I hope the new van will turn out to be everything you wish it to be, and that you will both soon be enjoying it to the full.

Don't be too put off if you find the odd thing fails, or does not work immediately.  Motorhomes are more complicated bits of kit than many realise (including quite a few dealers :-)), and it is unusual not to find something that needs repair or replacement at the beginning of each season, or when first using a new van.

I'd just suggest a few short trips, near home, to try and test the van and its equipment, and make sure it is all working properly, and that you understand its limitations, before you set forth for the North Cape!  Good luck.

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nice one Andy,

at last a bit of a result for you both,

well done to Brownhills AT LAST!! it should have been done to start with, but hey ho at least they have come up with the goods now

Ms Silverback and i wish you all the best in your new van and we hope a speedy recovery for your Mandy


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So at last they have done what should have been done beforehand..but at least there is a sort of happy ending..I sincerly hope that this "NEW"van performs as it should do but as Brian says it's not unknown for faults to manifest themselves from time to time so don't get too despondent..


I hope after Mandy's hospital appointments that they get away and have an enjoyable tour..All my best goes out to you...and can you believe this WELL DONE Brownhills at last!! Credit where credit is due albeit a bit late

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The happy ending to this sorry saga just shows the power of the forums and how much we all care for each other. Good luck to you both and at last you have turned the corner with your new motorhome.


Please let us all know, if you feel it is appropriate, how everything progresses, Good Luck from mike and Heather.


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Guest pelmetman

So BH have had a wake up call, I hope they have a serious rethink about customer service as a major player in this industry they should lead by example, and not just be interested in profit.


To give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe the people in charge took their eye of the ball.


I have not used them so I have no experiance of their service, but my old man was one of their best customers and bought many vehicles from them, but not without problems >:-(


May you Locksmith and Mandy have the best of times in your camper :-D

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Pleased for you Locksmith and hope all goes well, you both deserve it.


We've been looking to buy our first MH for almost a year and have visited many dealers both locally and in Scotland (where I work) our local branch of BHills did not impress.


We visited on 3 occasions and their indifference bordered on the insulting. On our final visit we actually stood in their showroom for almost 10 minutes (mid week so very few other customers but it was obviously the staff coffee break), no-one bothered with us even though we attempted to catch their attention so they could open up a MH for us to look at, they seemed more interested in chatting or gazing into their computer screens!!


We walked out and on the journey made the decision not to bother them again, we took our custom for a new vehicle to another local dealers where customer service seemed to be their top priority.


Until reading this forum I hadn't realised it wasn't just us.


As said by others they and others need to realise customer satisfaction and relations should come before profit, the internet and feedback is a powerful tool.







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locksmith - 2010-08-11 6:13 PM

Dean, then Michelle realised we have now got the van of our dreams but was unable to afford to go away. Andrew Craggs then dropped some more so we are now able to go away as soon as Mandy has been to hospital.

Andrew Craggs, before we left today personally came and apologised to both Mandy and myself and said there had been a terrible breakdown in communication and a string of problems that had escalated and that he and Brownhills have taken great steps to move the Company image forward and takes any criticism personally.

I'm very pleased and also grateful how Brownhills have now handled our situation, now god willing we will now have our dream ((may I say it)) all the better for Brownhills of Newark.


Hi Locksmith

Wishing Mandy all the very best for her hospital visit & hoping you both can put this awful episode behind you.

As for Andrew Craggs, he had no other option but to take the criticism personnally, as head of the Company he determines how his employees treat their customers & should have implemented procedures to ensure this situation did not arisein the first place.


Concentrate on the positive and get on the road at the earliest opportunity

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I to wish to thank the moderators for helping me when I felt totally alone by allowing things to continue. I have tried to remain strong for Mandy since her prognosis 10 months ago and I must admit I didn't think I was going to get through this, that so close to a breakdown. I found on here there are many people willing to support you if the cause is just.

I'm very pleased with the way Brownhills seniors turned things around and so quick once they realised, I now feel the right thing would have been done eventually but the support of you good people and this and other forums pushed my plight to the top at lightening speed.

Mandy said by buying a motorhome we suddenly seem to have lot's more friends. I pointed out to Mandy the motorhome had little to do with it and that people care about her and how she is.

Mandy sends her love to you all.

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onward and upward ,


hope you and Mandy get a good boost from the day out and start heading back towards why you wanted to MH in the first place.


Once this episode with BH is put to bed and you can finally move on you should start to reap the rewards of having a MH.


Good that Mandy wants to go to the show should be a boost , but take it easy shows can be very tiring so take plent of rest breaks as you trundle around.


Oh keep the wallett under lock and key as you'll probably want to buy everything in sight!!!! ;-)

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Hi Locksmith


I am so pleased that everything as far as the Motorhome is concerned has turned out well, Now we all want good news about Mandy.


I have watched this thread with tears in my eyes, we decided to have a new start 4 years ago after sadly losing our dear son, we decided to have a new start with a new motorhome come to realise life is to short, first Holiday away got caught in the floods in Evesham and the Telstar was wrote of our world came crashing down.


But like you all's well that ends well our insurance paid out and only lost about £1000 pounds but ended up with our dream Motorhome .


I do hope that Mandy comes out of her operation well and you have many happy years with your new van.


We would love to meet you if you are going to the Lincoln Show.


Love & best wishes


Terry & Alma



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Guest pelmetman
LordThornber - 2010-08-13 8:13 PM


euroserv - 2010-08-12 5:03 PM


I would just also like to add a note of thanks to the moderators of this forum. They let this thing run it's course and did us proud.




I agree 100%




Could not agree more :-D

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locksmith - 2010-08-11 6:13 PM


I want to thank everyone for all their emails, support and responses.

I have received around 1700 private emails and they are still coming, mostly to support Mandy with her illness.

I must first say that somewhere along the line I said Brownhills Newark had not offered to me a free hire van but I was incorrect. this was done just prior to a driver from Brownhills coming and to collect the old motorhome, it was done by email but I overlooked it amongst the hundreds of other emails ---- for that statement I'm sorry.

Yesterday and today Michelle Rowlands and Dean Wood overseen by Andrew Graggs have come to an agreement of what they want to do for us. I had already been given a total refund on Monday and I must admit I didn't make it easy for them, Michelle said they wanted to help us and would I give Brownhills another chance, to this I replied " yes " we had no Idea till today when we got to Brownhills just what this might be.

Brownhills have basically found us a motorhome that we had always wanted and never thought we could afford, they made it affordable to us and this includes warranty and insurance.

Dean, then Michelle realised we have now got the van of our dreams but was unable to afford to go away. Andrew Craggs then dropped some more so we are now able to go away as soon as Mandy has been to hospital.

Andrew Craggs, before we left today personally came and apologised to both Mandy and myself and said there had been a terrible breakdown in communication and a string of problems that had escalated and that he and Brownhills have taken great steps to move the Company image forward and takes any criticism personally.

I'm very pleased and also grateful how Brownhills have now handled our situation, now god willing we will now have our dream ((may I say it)) all the better for Brownhills of Newark.


Really pleased it has worked out well for you-Hope you enjoy your travels and Mandy is well to enjoy it with you. Well done to Brownhills in sorting out this appalling situation


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We have been over to IOM for a few days visiting our daughter and have only just read all about locksmith & Mandy's problems and are really happy for you both with the outcome. it just go's to show the power of the forums and the internet well done to everyone who showed their support and the MODS for allowing the thread to continue a credit to the human race.

May we wish Locksmith and Mandy a long and happy future with motorhoming.

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Thanks so much for your kind message.

Mandy has been reading hundred of messages on the forums and emails today. she can't get over how kind total strangers have been but also how close we have also got with different people who have or know people with similar illnesses, also many people who have only just been diagnosed and wonder how they will cope, questions for me as to how I cope as the husband of a terminally ill person, but mostly just good wishes.

Thank you.

Andy (locksmith)

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locksmith - 2010-08-15 8:01 PM


, questions for me as to how I cope as the husband of a terminally ill person,

Thank you.

Andy (locksmith)


Hi Andy


we lost my mom to ovarian cancer 3 months before my son was born , then a year later my wife was diagnosed with a critical illness (MS) and our lives got totally turned upside down inside out and any which way you can think.


All you can do is your best , nothing more nothing less and from your postings Mandy seems to have one heck of a partner helping her through this.


I try to have a possitive out look of one day at a time , I can only do whats best for us today , that may impact tomorrow but tomorrow is another day.


Ironically a piece of dialogue on my sons Kung Fu Panda DVD says it all for me.


"Yesterday is history , tomorrow is the future , today is the present which is why today is always a gift."


Live for today and make the most of every opertunity you have. Stay strong , hard I know , and remember that you are helping Mandy in the best way , by being there to support her.


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I was hoping to tell all you good people I had got my Motorhome but 4am Tuesday Morning I was rushed into Hospital with an acute appendicitis, so now my son has taken time off work to look after Mandy and Andy. I talked with Dean from Brownhills and he said he would deliver the motorhome, which I thought was very nice.

Cant drive for another week so I will be able to look out the window at it


Oh Lucky Man !! :'(

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