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Locksmith and Brownhills


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Thanks but this seems to get sillier and sillier before this I got to the point of dreading friends finding out of the run of bad luck and believe me there is a lot more and as major and worse than we have posted, I take that back my wife illness is the worst by a mile.

Last night Mandy came to visit me in hospital and we looked into each others eyes and just started laughing, I think the other patients thought we are mad ( if only they knew) and it hurts to laugh.

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I've just worked my way through this and the other related threads and just wanted to say that I hope this is now the point that things change round for you completely and you have a very long spell of extremely good luck. The appendicitis must have just about put the lid on things for you but I hope very soon there'll be lots for you and your wife to laugh about in your new motorhome and it'll no longer be painful for you to do so!


Wishing both of you all the very best for the future.

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may i ad my best wishes and hope things get better. remember the love and understanding of a solid relationship can overcome most things ( beleive me ) live for today follow your heart and enjoy what you can life is precious and we only have one try .enjoy your new van and hope you both find great pleasure and happiness.
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well the 24th is here, the day we have been dreading and longing for. Going to Addenbrookes this morning and should be home by 5pm with a result.

I'm feeling quietly confident that we will be given the all clear and if this is the case Mandy should live at least another two years although she could get ill a lot sooner, it means we will get another year of reasonable good health and can use our MH and live our dream.

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The results are far better than they would have ever hoped. There is no return of the tumour what so ever. Mandy must keep the physiotherapy going and build up her left side functions and next appointment 3 months 23rd Nov

I'm so so pleased and our Motorhome arrives tomorrow morning.


Thanks everyone, I know some of you have been waiting. :-D

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Motorhome looks and seems great, delivered yesterday by Dean Wood who is the very best of salesmen as well as being a good person.

Dean ran through everything with me even called me back two hours after Delivery with more advice and is calling again on Monday.

Very very pleased and once Ive recovered from my op I will be loading up and moving out.




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Glad that Brownhills have come up Trumps.

We have bought a new (to us) van off of them, pick it up 18th September.

My wife has mobility problems so hope we have a happy ending too.

Hurry up and get enjoying it !

Best Wishes Ray & Linda

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Yesterday started to fit satellite TV system and run 12v power plus aerial to the back of Van so Mandy can lay down and watch TV in bed if she needs to. Fitting an extra leisure battery and a ring inverter - satellite navigation (Snooper S7000 ventura) and loads more bits.

Mandy watches while I work slowly through a list of jobs to be done, while our favorite tunes play quietly in the background, chatting where we will go soon.

Yesterday was a special day, even though we are still only up the driveway


The sleep over may come next


Locky :-D

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  • 2 months later...

I have recently finished answering the hundreds of emails sent to us through the Brownhills are Downhills (best part of 2000) the bulk were regarding Mandy's health and it was not till I started to go through the wonderful emails I realized there are so many others suffering in silence with similar ailments and as with Mandy the knowledge it will be terminal.

We enjoyed our break in Scotland, the Lakes etc. and are saving our pennies so we can get away again as soon as possible as the clock is ticking.

Mandy and I have found we are not living from one hospital appointment to the next quite so much but are making plans for the future and are talking about more normal things and not just living with the illness.

I had a burst gangrenous appendix recently and then a secondary infection that I'm still fighting with the help of another 4 week course of antibiotics, this took our minds away from Mandy's illness but once again the strength of Mandy this beautiful woman came out to help nurse me back to health.

Our daughter recently graduated as a fully qualified English teacher and is getting married next August, Mandy say's if she can live long enough to see our daughter married and our first Grandchild born her life will be complete. xxx :)



I wish you all the strength to fight the good fight, thank you. x :-)

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