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Dogs in Italy

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Thanks to all who helped on our Headlamp Protectors. They are here


We are taking our dear friend Jack, our Cocker Spaniel, to Italy with us in September and have read about the need for muzzles.


Knowing how the rest of the EU respond to regulations has anyone any experience of how this is enforced?


We have found on the web that our likely destination, Tuscany, has more or less scrapped the requirement and in fact are positively encouraging their coming.


Has anyone any experience of this?


Heather and David 8-)

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We were there a couple of years ago and, following the CC notes in the camp sites book, took a muzzle for our Springer. We never used it and in 4 weeks only saw one dog wearing a muzzle. We also took a harness but, apparently, it is only necessary to secure an animal when you carry 2 or more; I would advise you check to make sure this is still current practice.

I would also suggest that you carry a muzzle in case it is required by a camp site or you meet an efficient (officious) policeman.

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Hi visited Italy for 6 weeks with labrador Apl/May this year.


Took one of the soft muzzles and used it twice in a town. (its a good ivestment to have one just in case). Saw some dogs with and most without in the cities - always carried one and if i saw other dogs with amuzzle i put in on Jess.


Walking on an almost empty beach i and another motorhomer were letting our dogs swim - a local sitting by the sea was very upset at dogs off the lead and threaten the police - i just clipped jess on till i was passed then let her off again. There have been a couple of problems early in year with wild dogs attacking people and the media had wipped up the usual frenzy!


overall no problems apart from that incident - no campsite asked to see her papers and we were always welcomed. I would take my dog back without any qualms.



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We have been to most of Italy now and the only time we have seen a muzzle on was the cruise on lake garda. All the tourist places like Piza, Lucca, Siena, Florence we have seen dogs in the main squares without muzzles on. We have a wiemarener and everybody comes up to see him even the police, in Sicilly and the south of Italy people would stop there car in the middle of the road and come over to see where we had bought him from and we have never had a muzzle on him yet but we do carry one in the van.
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Ditto the above posts. We were there last year in March April and were never asked once, from one end of the country to the other, for Hollys' paperwork or asked to muzzle her, or even if we had a muzzle!


I did see some Italians with dogs, in and out of motorhomes, and one or two did have a muzzle but it was just clipped to the dogs collar, but not over the dogs face. I asked one guy about it and he said the law said the dog had to wear the muzzle, which it technically was! But they didn't interpret this as ACTUALLY being on the dogs face!


I wouldn't suggest trying this out though unless you're Italian. ;-)

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