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A little plug for Highbridge Motorhomes


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We set off for the Western Motorhome Show on friday morning, it's all left turns to the M5 from oldlowie towers so all AOK. Got to the slip-road for J25, indicated right to join the motorway, indicator clicking 19 to the dozen! I've had intermittent problems with a multi-connector to the rear lights before so suspected the rear indicator. Stayed in the left lane with the lorries 'til J22, where we were going to stop and have a shufty at the shiny new 'vans at Highbridge Motorhomes anyway.


I parked up on their site and wife and dog stretched their legs while I got under the 'van and unscrewed the housing for the multi-connector. Within 2 minutes one member of staff offered the dog a biscuit, another asked me what the problem was and advised me to break the connections and use Vaseline to lubricate the 'dry' joints, while a lady from the sales office brought me out a piece of carpet to lie on while I worked!!


The Vaseline did the trick (and the connection is still OK at the moment).


Once I had emerged from under the 'van, my wife and I were offered free coffee while we looked around their stock of 'vans.


I think the above is typical of the warm reception anyone will receive at Highbridge Motorhomes. We didn't spend a penny there (well we did use their loo!), but the staff could not have been more helpful or friendly, what a contrast to the 'other' company that was the subject of a long-running thread on this forum.


P. S. - I have no connection with Highbridge, just as a satisfied customer.

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We bought our van from Highbridge four years ago. I heartily endorse your recommendation and the friendly attitude and treatment from the staff (especially the salesman Lewis). They were not at all 'pushy' and I reckon we got a good deal.

If we live long enough to buy another van this will certainly be our first port of call.

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