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Travelling the USA in motorhome


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Just wondering if anyone on the forum has experience of long term touring of the US in a motorhome/rv?


Is there a limit on your stay period, if so what is it?


How easy is it to purchase a suitable motorhome/rv out there, spend time touring around, then re-sell before flying back to the UK?


Any experiences would be interesting to read about.

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:-D Hi bulletguy. You can spend 90 days in the USA on a Visa Waver. Although I believe there has been a recent change that costs £10 to register? If you wish to stay longer? Up to 6 months is allowed with a prior Visa application via the USA Embassy in London.

5 years ago this October, we flew to Florida for a 90 day tour. We purchased a Repo via our friend from a repo auction and then toured before shipping it back. He would also have been able to re-sell it had we wished to.


You can read about our Tour here:-





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