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my son is thinking of emigrating to north island so i thought i would take the family over next april. will need 3 motorhomes 1 for wife and i 1 for son and girlfriend and one for daughter and boyfriend :-S the reason being we can do different things and meet up. any suggestions on motorhome hire, places to visit and what sort of camping is available plus any other advice would be greatly appreciated. the kids (!) will go for 2 weks we will stay for three.look foward to any advice,
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A lot of younger people ( and a few not so young ) out there hire a people carrier size vehicle just to sleep in as many sites provide kitchens, plus all the utensils.


I agree that it's an awful long trip, and expense for only a couple of weeks, although it depends on how much you want to see.


( Great place for motorhomes though !)




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Hi, Mike (Rapidoman)


As I'm no use at converting the search facility on this forum into a useful link, I have 'bumped' 2 very useful and lengthy threads on the subject of motorhoming in N.Z. for you to see.

My posts to Curly give detailed ways of researching the hire companies and their various vehicles. the post from Alistair (a New Zealander ) are very informative, as is anything from Malc.D.

As already said (above), shame that you only have 3 weeks -- 5 was only just enough for the 2 of us to get a taste of the place -- stunning scenery/wildlife, friendly people, quiet traffic-free roads etc. etc. -- if we met in a pub I could bore on all night about the place! Wonderful!


Enjoy whatever time that you can afford there,


Best Wishes,



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