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Caravan Club warns Bandits in Spain

mike 202

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The C/Club European Sites Book No1 warns about Bandits in Spain around Madrid and the A7 Jonquerra to Tarragona. The book also gives advice on what to do if approached and suggests a phone call to the Spanish Police english speaking centre to check Police Bogus Vs Real vehicle and occupant details. Tel: 902 10 21 12.


Help Please, I will be travelling Early Sept to Spain and returning from Spain End October via the Milleau bridge and was going to use the A7. After reading the C/Club book I am considering using the following route from Tortosa to Perpignan.

Roads - C12, C13, C26, C14, N260, N116, passing through, Lleida/Lerida, balaguer, Oliana, La Seu d'Urgell, Bourge Madame, Villefrance de Conflent.


Has anyone used this route ? Is it any good ? and does anyone have a better route ?


Thanks in anticipation Mike

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I use the A7 etc. on my twice yearly trips.


I have never had any problems.


I am not saying they don't exist, but if you stay alert and follow the rules , (no bags on your lap, no flashy gold jewellry, no bum bags, don't stop for anything other than a marked Police car, do not stay overnight on M/way services, avoid people selling anything or even giving it away (flowers, heather etc) only carry the money you want for the day, avoid carrying a handbag at all if possible, and so on.


Just stay alert and you will be fine.


You can phone the Police (English Speaking) on 902 101212 or 902 102112 are the two numbers I have, but they might be out of date.


When I have been away for a while and my stubble is 4 days old, my ragged and worn jeans are dirty, and my cheap "T" shirt creased and un-ironed most tourists take one look and move away, my suntan provides a bit of extra cover and the local riff raff never bother me. Even the sunglass "Johnies" on the beach left me alone, maybe it was the smell?



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I assume you're going via Millau because you want to cross, or see, the bridge?  Otherwise, it looks a bit of a circuitous route from Portsmouth.

However, I'd guess your proposed route would be fine.  I've never used it, but why not give it a try?  It will inevitably be slower, but the scenery en route will be infinitely better than droning along the rather boring A7.  Besides, you will be relatively out of season even going, and definitely so returning.  I doubt the bandidos continually monitor the autopista for out of season motorhomers, though there is a huge contingent of motorhomers from northern Europe who begin flocking down to Spain and Portugal in late September and October.  But they're arriving with their wallets stuffed with money, you'll be leaving with nought but moths in yours!  :-)

I think what the CC are a bit afraid to say, is that the problem largely relates to Barcelona and its surroundings!  I don't know if others will agree, but we thought the driving on the A7 around Barcelona was more like southern Italy than Spain, with people driving erratically and fast, and with a number of accidents apparently due to stupidity and inattention.  The rest of Spain was, by comparison, a model of rectitude!

So, for my money, and for a far pleasanter drive, I'd go your way, or cross at the Western of the Pyrenees, say via St Jean Pied de Port and Pamplona.  That way you can cross the Meseta, which somehow explains a lot about Spain and its traditions.  Stupendous landscapes!

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We were a bit owrried the first time we went in the motorhome to Spain, but had no problems - for us it was around Madrid and we saw no sign of trouble.


On bit of advice I read once was for only one of you to leave the motorhome at motorway services and the other to sit in the drivers seat being watchful for interference, especially at the rear of the vehicle.


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hallii - 2010-08-19 4:06 PM

When I have been away for a while and my stubble is 4 days old, my ragged and worn jeans are dirty, and my cheap "T" shirt creased and un-ironed most tourists take one look and move away, my suntan provides a bit of extra cover and the local riff raff never bother me. Even the sunglass "Johnies" on the beach left me alone, maybe it was the smell?




Apparently I once scared Bob Geldoff so much he nearly got run over stepping into Exibition road to avoid me, I'm told that when I'm concentraiting hard on a problem I get a wild look, so should be ok :D

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Guest chengshuyan88
If the bird or birds to be photographed are unable to fly, it will be unnecessary to have any sort of enclosure; ed hardy bekleidungbut should they have the use of their wings, an enclosure of some sort will be required, otherwise you and your subject will part company. The making of the enclosure is one of the things that will allow of ample discussion.ed hardy jeans There are many ideas on the subject, and most of the ideas are conspicuous more by their bad than their good points. Some people advise using a studio which is strongly lighted. Apart from the objection that few can afford such a luxury, the advisability of using it may be questioned. ed hardy kleidung
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chengshuyan88 - 2010-08-20 8:49 AM


If the bird or birds to be photographed are unable to fly, it will be unnecessary to have any sort of enclosure; ed hardy bekleidungbut should they have the use of their wings, an enclosure of some sort will be required, otherwise you and your subject will part company. The making of the enclosure is one of the things that will allow of ample discussion.ed hardy jeans There are many ideas on the subject, and most of the ideas are conspicuous more by their bad than their good points. Some people advise using a studio which is strongly lighted. Apart from the objection that few can afford such a luxury, the advisability of using it may be questioned. ed hardy kleidung



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what ever he/she is on I WANT SOME

chengshuyan88 - 2010-08-20 8:49 AM


If the bird or birds to be photographed are unable to fly, it will be unnecessary to have any sort of enclosure; ed hardy bekleidungbut should they have the use of their wings, an enclosure of some sort will be required, otherwise you and your subject will part company. The making of the enclosure is one of the things that will allow of ample discussion.ed hardy jeans There are many ideas on the subject, and most of the ideas are conspicuous more by their bad than their good points. Some people advise using a studio which is strongly lighted. Apart from the objection that few can afford such a luxury, the advisability of using it may be questioned. ed hardy kleidung

(!) (!) (!) :-S (!)
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I agree with Brian on the ST Jean Pied De Port and on to Pamplona way , we done it with what i thought spectacular journey, first we had run all down from Calaise in torrential rain then going over the pass encounterd snow where we had to stop for jacknifed lorry and snowplough who went so fast in front of us i could not stay up to him, lovely scenary right down to Pamplona.
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