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NW Spain


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First off go and buy some books from http://www.vicariousbooks.co.uk/


(I think I deserve a discount for all these mentions guys, if your watching!)


"Camperstop Europe" is good and and has most of the campsites and lots more.


"All the Aires Spain and Portugal" is good for the informal and even the odd formal Aire.


Then just go and have a look around, there are so many beaches, mountain villages, and sights to see it would be a very long post to list them all.


Just avoid the large towns and cities like the plague, if you want to have a look around camp well outside and catch a bus or train in.


Remember that not many people will speak English so a few words of Spanish will be useful, French is spoken around the border as well.


The Spanish are friendly and helpful and will help if they can when asked, Tourist Information is available in many towns and if not ask at the local bar, they usually know everything.


I go Sept. 4th so I might see you there.


Relax and enjoy, shop at Lidl and Aldi (all over Spain), and head for any local markets you see. Drink the water, it's safe, but bottled tastes better, and Spanish Rioja red wine is very good.



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