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Media Player


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1) Judge - You should be able to connect it to the receiver attached to the sat dome and use as a PVR and play through the tv.


2) Rand - You don't have to watch through a 5" screen - it plays through the telly - you can also show your 'photos and play all your music through the telly or the cab radio too. Yes it is expensive when compared to a portable disk drive but does have many other advantages. A disk drive will only store the video but when you compare the £300 against buying a PVR and a netbook and a sat nav etc it becomes cheap. Also when away for extended periods we use ours to back up the laptops important files as it can store other kinds of data beside multi media.


Oops Eddie got in the same point whilst I was typing

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Guest JudgeMental

I have been reading reviews of the 5inch and 7 inch Archos media players and they are apparently very disappointing and frustrating to use as a touch screen. Because the screen technology is old school and lags behind the best new technology...


So I have shelved this idea, and am now looking at a 10 inch net book with as big a HD as possble......any recommendations for on with decent graphics card as well?


Can a netbook be used as a TV monitor in the van? connected to a sat receiver?

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Interesting one this thread as I got a Terrabit memory for 79 quid and put FAT32 on it and last count had 350 DVD's on it in compression. Plug it into the sat box [Maplin] and away you go. Also good for going to bed and recording the bits you dont want to stay up for.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Further to my original post, I purchased an Emtech Movie Cube K130 1TB and it does what it says on the box. First off I transferred an AVI movie to it and then connected to the TV and it worked brilliantly. So now I have got 120 movies on it at the moment. It works like an external hard drive but plugs straight into the tv with a scart lead or the red/yellow/white leads, it will also take SD cards etc, it also has a remote, a USB input and HD lead socket. Emailed Emtech in Germany to ask if it could be used on 12v and they said yes, as long as you had the appropriate lead. Going to put all my music on it shortly and also all my photos, it also takes data as well.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Last week I misplaced the remote control for the above Media Player, I sent an email to Emtech in Germany on 20th Sept asking if I could buy another one, they replied to my email the same day asking for my address, I emailed that and expected an invoice so that I could pay but no, a replacement remote has arrived this morning FOC, I can't believe the service and support that this Company gives. It would be nice if all Companies were like that.
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