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There must be someone ..........


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There must be someone out there ...................

Having spent the odd night or two out recently travelling in the north of Scotland I am aware of how many motorhomes are visiting the area.

I can only assume that they do not visit this or any other forums as they obviously have not heard about our mini meet, South of Inverness, next weekend.

We offer free overnight camping for motorhomes during the summer – up to the end of September and had a successful Highland Gathering in July with 4 different forums represented. We are holding a mini meet next weekend (Friday – Tuesday ) and if you are in the area you are welcome to join us.

More information can be found at http://www.brinherbnursery.co.uk/highland-gathering-(meet)-g.asp (if the link does not work please copy/paste.)

If you can come please let me know asap by PMing or emailing margaret@brinherbnursery.co.uk

Look forward to seeing you, if not for the meet, sometime before the end of September.


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magbrin - 2010-08-21 10:48 PM . . . . I can only assume that they do not visit this or any other forums as they obviously have not heard about our mini meet . . . .

I think you're assuming that if they saw your invitation they would immediately flock to your meet.  Have you considered that they saw it and ignored it because they want to visit Scotland on their own and not all congregate together?

I know some people put the handbrake on and immediately feel they need to inflict themselves upon their waiting congregation but others take the opportunity to escape crowds and mindless jibber jabber for peace and quiet.

No offence intended and not designed to be controversial just putting your assumption in perspective.

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I went to Scotland once, it rained for a fortnight non stop, the mossies were the size of a Lancaster Bomber by the million, when the sun came out we still wore our fleeces it was so cold (this was summertime).


I now have to admit that Southerners (I am actually Midland but I know we are Southerners really) are just soft southern Jessies.


I prefer Cornwall, Devon, France and Spain.


It is something to do with the heat and sun.....


Off south again soon.



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Like Way2Go I think your assumption is a big one. My wife and I avoid any M/H meets like the plague, that includes any at the odd M/H show we go to. No offence intended and thanks for the invite anyway. Unlike Halli we love Scotland and visit for up to a month most years, weather can be changeable but has never detered us.
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A little perspective from this side - have you seen the numbers of mhs here at the moment? They flock, they wild camp together, and many go to sites to meet others.

However, from the response (and btw I am not offended) I see this is not the site to offer free overnight camping or meets :D


That said, I do have one booked van from the site - Thanks for your PM, Alan, and dogs are welcome. I will PM back later today or early in the week.

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magbrin - 2010-08-22 11:40 AM

However, from the response (and btw I am not offended) I see this is not the site to offer free overnight camping or meets :D


Wot? Skinflints? Us?

Free, my favourite price.

Definitely keep you in mind if I get up to Scotland and well done on providing a free site.

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hallii - 2010-08-22 10:38 AM


I went to Scotland once, it rained for a fortnight non stop, the mossies were the size of a Lancaster Bomber by the million, when the sun came out we still wore our fleeces it was so cold (this was summertime).




A quote from Billy Connolly's Tour of Scotland;


"If you don't like the weather in Scotland........just hang on for twenty minutes".


Like you i'm also a 'midlander' (certainly don't consider myself a southerner tho!) and remember a few years ago leaving here in pouring rain, grey skies and cold. And this was 'summer'. *-)


By the time i'd got past Carlisle the sun was out. Further on towards Loch Lomond I was sweating like crazy so stopped to change into t-shirt and shorts. Never wore jeans, jumper or jacket the rest of the fortnight I was up there.

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Hello Margaret,


Don`t I know you from somewhere? ;-)


Well, as the miserable old gits on here are definitely not attending, then I will pop in. That is, as long as there are no idiots tearing about on motorcycles.


I will bring plenty of lovely fresh Tomatoes from home. :D

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747 - 2010-08-22 2:13 PM


Hello Margaret,


Don`t I know you from somewhere? ;-)


Well, as the miserable old gits on here are definitely not attending, then I will pop in. That is, as long as there are no idiots tearing about on motorcycles.


I will bring plenty of lovely fresh Tomatoes from home. :D



mmm ..................... i'm not sure ....................... don't think so ...........


hang on ............ are you the guy who has 20 dogs? ..........................

and could not make it up the west coast earlier in the year? ........... and feed your tomatoes on ........... (we feed ours on comfrey!)


If there is a motocycle here it will be grounded, at least until you have been and gone.


Let me know your plans & safe travels


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Hi, Shame you are closed after end of September as our next hols are in Oct. Would love to come up and enjoy your Tearoom and have fresh soup etc, so will have to wait until next season. Good luck with your meet.

I am very tempted to have a short break before hand though.




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Brambles - 2010-08-22 9:24 PM


Hi, Shame you are closed after end of September as our next hols are in Oct. Would love to come up and enjoy your Tearoom and have fresh soup etc, so will have to wait until next season. Good luck with your meet.

I am very tempted to have a short break before hand though.




Thanks, Brambles

October is a grey area - the cafe will be closed, but we may be about. Hoping to head off to France/Spain sometime but we are expecting grandbaby mid October so won't be far away until we know that he/she has arrived safely and mother & baby are doing well :D

So if you want a stopover in October let me know and if we can I we will set something up for you.

safe travels


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Hi Margaret,


We will be setting off Tuesday 24th in a northerly anti-clockwise direction around the Scottish coast. I have been examining google earth closer than a Russian spy and will be staying at known wilding spots plus sussing out new ones. We all know that warmhearted Geordies can be goodwill ambassadors. Well, I am a grumpy old Geordie but will try hard.


I cannot give you a date, unless you want me to date you (the dogs will have to come as chaperones) but I will have your phone number and a map of your place in the Scottish wilderness. To be honest I would not bother but there is a Pets at Home in Inverness and we will need some tripe by then, so I might as well pop in while I am passing. :D


Just make sure you sweep the parking area as I believe one of your future guests has a habit of destroying the infrastructure with his motorhome and trailer.


ps; I do not need directions as I will be able to follow his trail of destruction.


pps; I only drink the best Whisky or cheap Brandy. The choice is yours. :D

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Forecast looking good : www.metcheck.com

Numbers ok for a mini meet, representing 4 different formus, one or two still to confirm, & hope we might get one or two more:


Big Alan

Crawford Croll




Aj (Monday)

Will PM/ email you all later in the week but if you could let me know when you are coming it would be helpful.

Postcode: IV2 6XD

Details: http://www.brinherbnursery.co.uk/highland-gathering-(meet)-g.asp (copy/paste if link does not work)

Minibus booked if required for trip out on Saturday, maybe Dores Inn on Loch Ness.

Barbeques, weather permitting on Friday and Saturday – see website for details

Please bring musical instruments if you are happy to play.

And if you haven’t signed up yet please do so asap.

See you soon

Safe travels



PS, 747, Will your van make it???

Look forward to meeting you and the dogs

Will have the tea ready!


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Hi Margaret,


Thanks for the pm.


Well, it is Tuesday and we are still at home. :-(


Finally got the van through its MOT (Parking brake efficiency) but we are a day behind schedule now. I will rejig the stopovers we had in mind but will probably not be there before Sunday as I have promised to call in on a friend on the way up. I will keep you informed of our progress.


Best regards.

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What a nice gesture from Magbrin. Shame about some of the negative replies though.

Don't be put off Magbrin, if we were in the area and not in germany at the time, we would definately pop in. :D

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cheetahdavie - 2010-08-25 12:02 AM


We like "Crossways" Moreton..Dorset.

Five min walk to the rail station..empty trains..direct to Dorchester/Wymouth.

Also ulwell cottage at Swannage..expensive but nice warm swimming pool and Bus stop at gates


Must try them if ever I am in the area :-S


Thanks for the possitives - Look forward to seeing some of you next year - and yes, in a way we are like a France Passion - but in case anyone gets the wrong idea (I have seen negatives on here about FP) We do NOT expect people to buy anything if they do not want to. That is not to say we are not delighted if they do :D :D


See you when we see you 747 - try to get here before aj leaves :-)

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Personally not into meets etc .... however as mrs ips and I run a c&cc CL I think its a great idea and wish you all the best for a succesfull meet.


I dont understand why you advertise free parking why not affiliate to one of the clubs and charge the tight fisted gits £6 a night. :-D

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ips - 2010-08-25 9:00 AM


Personally not into meets etc .... however as mrs ips and I run a c&cc CL I think its a great idea and wish you all the best for a succesfull meet.


I dont understand why you advertise free parking why not affiliate to one of the clubs and charge the tight fisted gits £6 a night. :-D


Not really into meets either ................... hosted one earlier in the year and did one night at c&cc THS - as they are coming here for a rally next year and thought we ought to see what goes on!


We have thought of CS (wouldn't get CL as there is one along the road!) but at the moment we see it as being too formal and don't want to be tied (any more than we are now). At the moment we are able to get away for a night or two most weeks in the summer - and we don't want to lose that freedom.

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