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Lone Motorhomers/Caravanners


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Why don't the Caravan Club and Camping and Caravan Club have a section for Lone Motorhomers/Caravanners? Any other clubs out there who cater for us?


In this day and age, to have sections for 'over 50s', etc. and yet nothing for motorhomers like me (who are not weird or odd, just not part of a couple, and who would love to meet up with like-minded campers) would be such a wonderful asset, in my opinion.



Have emailed both clubs to suggest and got NO RESPONSE (other than the automated acknowledgement) from either! Do any other lone campers have a club they can suggest which is convenient for Hampshire/Dorset/Sussex at all? Can't understand why these two huge organisations don't already do this and seem reluctant to even consider - most strange.

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Hi Supersal

Have you tried the Motorcaravaners Club Site?We don't personaly go on Rallies, not our scene, hence we cancelleed our membership to the MCC.

We will always talk to neghibours on sites, especially if on thier own.

Good luck


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Mike88 - 2010-08-22 12:02 PM


I think the motorhomefun and motorhomefacts websites have singles sections.


"Fun" definately does but it's all very clandestine and secretive. You have to be "approved" by the Grand Master to obtain a 'secret password' before being admitted to the SS (Secretive Singles) which is closed off to the rest of the board. (The Grand Master has access to it though. ;-) )


All very daft, immature and childish, but there are those who relish it. I found it very amusing but sadly pathetic. Grown adults behaving like children.


If you want to meet REAL people, simply get out there and do it. Who needs 'singles sections' in clubs/forums, least of all clandestine ones? An abundance of dating agencies cater for that kind of thing. (lol)

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I rally with the Motor Caravan Section of the Camping & Caravan Club.

We have plenty of single members and they join in just as if they were "normal people" :-S I'm sure the same applies to the Caravan Club and the MCC as well.

The point is that you will be made welcome whether you are single or dual or (heaven forbid) a family with kids. . . No need to feel different.

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supersal52 - 2010-08-22 11:08 AM


In this day and age, to have sections for 'over 50s', etc. and yet nothing for motorhomers like me (who are not weird or odd, just not part of a couple, and who would love to meet up with like-minded campers) would be such a wonderful asset, in my opinion.


I'm well 'over 50'.....infact 60 in a few weeks time. Never found any need or desire for a singles section on either a forum board or club. Why and how would it be 'such a wonderful asset'?


If you want to meet other folk.......get out in your mh/camper and meet 'em! Thats the reason it has an engine. (lol)

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Thanks for this - have just had a look at their website and am considering joining, but the membership charge is quite hefty at £27 and have just renewed with CC and CCC, so will have a good think about it. I noticed your location as Fareham - small world, I am very near Fareham too! Thanks again.
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I think it would be 'wonderful asset' because, although I go away most weekends and whenever else I can get time off work, I am usually surrounded by couples and families and although this is great as I am very sociable and chatty, they are, naturally, involved in their own activities for much of the day and therefore I think it would be very nice to have a coffee and chat with someone else on site who is alone, like me. I am particularly lucky in that I take my dogs and walk around the sites a lot, but it would still be enriching to swap notes, etc. with someone similar, that's all.


Also, it has to be said that not all couples and families are friendly and want company, even for a short time, in which case one can spend quite a solitary time on one's own.

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Likewise…i’m single so count myself as a ‘lone’ motorhomer. Can’t think anyone else was in it wherever I went anyway apart from Sally Satnav which is wonderful because I can shut her up at the flick of a switch! :-D


I sold my camper recently and plan to buy another mh/camper as I’m taking early retirement at the end of this year.


I toured throughout many European countries, sometimes stopping on sites, sometimes going ‘wild’, but wherever I went I always found someone to chat to, share a coffee or a beer, and last year ‘palled up’ with a German guy who I still keep in touch with. Particularly in parts of eastern Europe I often found myself in remote and bleak areas where nobody spoke any English at all (you cannot expect it). But I still communicated and always found someone somewhere to share a drink with, cigarette or whatever.


OK I’ve always been socially outgoing and enjoy a challenge though believe it or not, I don’t ooze with self confidence. I just get out there and ‘have a go’…..because one day it will be too late and I will either not want to drive to all these places, or not be able to. A close friend of mine who had motorhomed for years had a stroke last year and is very unlikely to drive again. Fortunately his wife drives so they can still get out in their mh.


As you say not all couples are so friendly (some single or 'lone' aren't either for that matter!), but if I find someone like this i've usually 'sussed' them within a few minutes as unsociable, miserable or moody types, and clear off. You sometimes find this in our own country but in europe it can be very different as people are curious about you so more interested in you, what you are there for and where you are going etc.


All Dutch speak english so no probs there, many German also, Austrian can be a bit 'stuffy', Polish will try even if they cannot, Slovenia......oooh I met such a lovely young lady there (at 22 a bit old for me maybe ;-) (lol) ) I was sad to be leaving her......and for 'another woman' at that too.....in Poland!


In europe i've met so many friendly people which is why I keep going back.

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I think a good point is how single campers are charged on sites. The Caravan club charges a pitch fee and a cost per person. Far fairer than the fixed 'One price no matter how many on a pitch'.Which is the norm. on commercial sites.Ray
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Join a vintage motor club, motorcycles, steam engines, bicycles or any other type of organisation, they have therir own rallies plus they exhibit at others all over the country, every weekend they're at it.


You don't have to have a participating vehicle just get out there and do it, help with the organising and setting up the rallies, they're looking for people just like you !!


We are all strangers with a common interest and everyone is friendly, no one cares who you are neither how much dosh you have, its mostly men and their toys, and there's no 'one-up-manship' on types of accomodation or maker for some have absolute crabby old and dusty caravans but what the hell, they don't half have some non lonely times!


I assume you're male so there's no excuses any more.





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Hi Supersal

There are some single motorhomers on the forum, but it looks like they may be away (that timeof year)

A regular contributor is "J9withdogs" (especially on the Chatterbox section.) She may have some information to help you.


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There is in fact a section of CCC members who call themselves the Companions and are all single persons, they meet on a regular basis and I believe that if a couple [ pair ] up they are no longer allowed with the Companions as couples defeat the object of the section.I don't know how you contact them as the club doesn't officially recognise them, maybe a Google search might find them. :-) :-) I have just looked at Google under Companions camping club and found lots of links. :-) :-) :-)
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Hello and welcome to the forum, fellow solo camper (lol)


As Bulletguy says, Motorhome Fun has a singles section but no-one seems to use it. They have some good rallies all around the country (including the big motorhome shows) and make everyone really welcome. There are usually at least half a dozen singletons there. Subs are only £12 per year.


If you have a look at the clubs page in the MMM magazine, there are a few for solo travellers - the Loner's Club (!!! how sad does that sound?!!) and the Phoenix Club are two that spring to mind.


I usually use the CC sites and, with their pricing system, find them cheaper than some of the CLs. Friendly wardens for when I have a problem, too.


The C & CC weekend rallies are good for including everyone and don't need pre-booking.


Happy travelling (lol)

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Re-reading the OP's comments I wonder if she's tried rallying with a club (any of the above)

If you just go to ordinary sites for a weekend or week you will probably never see those people again whether they be single of families. Thus there is less reason for people to mix. They are off out "doing their thing"

But on club rallies you will meet the same people again so they are far more likely to strike up a conversation. Rallies are generally about socialising which is what is required here.

As has been said some like it, others loathe it. Just give it a try.


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Hi Supersal52 and welcome

I am also one of the lone travellers, presently in France (probably for 3 months) and soon to go down to Spain. I belong to the New Companions Club, about to rejoin the Loners (despite the name, not pathetic at all, I have met several members who are very friendly) and enjoy meeting with members when in England. PM me if you would like more info although you will have to be patient as I can not always get access to the internet when travelling.

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Hi, I have details for The Phoenix Club PM me if you would like them, I would also be interested in receiving contact details for the Loners was it mentioned by Patricia.

I do agree it would be nice to know when turning up that at least one or two other people were on their own.

I am still a prospective motorhome owner so not an issue for me just yet but hopefully will be soon.



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