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Fridge / battery loading


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Hi Again. I am still on the trail of possible battery failure, but have now concluded that the fridge is nothing to do with the original problem


Yesterday I carried out a series of discharge measurements/tests over a six hour period by turning on all interior lights and measureing volts/amps at hourly intervals. After the 7 hour the internal lights were off and control panel showed battery low/ sysstm lockout.


Terminal voltage measured at battery terminals, still showed 12.2 volts, so I thought about it overnight and investigated again today. The panel reset ok and lights again worked, battery volts 12.2 on load, panel indicated battery 90 %, this after overnight rest with no charger.


While fiddling with wires around battery area, The control box clicked several times, and led me to think dodgy contact somewhere. I am hoping that by changing the push connectors on the fuse providing the sensing voltage, that the problem has been resolved. I cannot reproduce the intermittent symptoms again yet. Panel now indicates 90%, voltage 12.2, and lights functional. Charger now switched back on to fully charge up ready to run another soak test.


watch this space




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Hi once again.


Yesterdays further tests for a 6 hour test from full charge with all lights on, the Panel still showed 100% at a voltage of 13.5 volts.


Does this mean that I have finally cracked the problem ????


Replacing the crimpon connectors on the voltage sensing fuse, has stopped the intermittent readings, and the battery capacity hasnt dropped yet... so maybe a new battery is not required after all ... Fingers crossed.



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