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The Map. Flat folding or spiral bound


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I've noticed many suggest the spiral type.


I've found them to pretty hopeless unless very delicately used. Once the spiral gets flattened or distorted they're impossible.


A map is a working tool. The fold over type can be sat-on, trodden on, thrown around or hidden under piles of junk, it never fails to supply the user with the best directions.



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Guest pelmetman

Blimey!...........I thought I was the only ludite that still used maps (lol)


I tend to buy new ones quite often now, as they are very cheap, because sat navs are so popular! and with 3 vehicles I can not be bothered to swap them over B-)


So I do not mind if they are ring bound or otherwise (lol)


When they were expensive I used to draw on the new roads myself (lol) But I was trained as a navigators yeoman in the navy so map correction was part of the job (lol)


Did I mention I was tight (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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We always use maps, both spiral and folding.


I think the folding are marginally better - they both disintegrate in a year or so with use but the spirals lose the info along the 'centre fold' too quickly.


For France we have gradually built up a set of large scale Michelin maps which we prefer to use when appropriate.


We probably spend about £5 a year on maps on average.




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different uses

1 spiral and plasticised - in vehicle

2 flat OS style on site

3 flat Michelin type for route planning


and just idle browsing - for the fun of it



:$ :$ :$ :$ :$ :$ :$

it's that extra glass of red wot does it :$


that, and sticky broadband *-)

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I have to use the spiral type as it is more like a book. This is because I write in information as I go. Wildcamping spots, Pubs, scenic views, Pubs, roads to avoid in future, Pubs, etc.


While the wife is watching soaps, I bring my new road atlas up to date. An old one looks like something put together by Wainwright. :D

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There may be a solution to Maps that fall apart.


A friend of mine has just purchased 2 foldable maps of France, one for me, from Amazon France. Note when he tried to open a French account the computer told him to use his UK account.

They are 1cm = 10km ( 1/1 000 000) and are covered with a plastic film that protects the map and lets you write on them (obviously not permanent marker) and then rub the markings off. A No No on ordinary maps.


www.blayfoldex.com 6.50 Euro

Title: France, carte routiere & Touristic 2010

Contains: Radar fixes - Nouvelle numerotation officielle des routes - Plan de contournment de 10 grandes villes - Index des communes.

Warnings: Plastifiee, Ecrivez - Effacez * Ecrivez avec un feutre effacable.

Absolutely brilliant map they even show non toll M-ways that the Wife can understand. ( Stand -by for stick and loss of Gem status if my beloved reads this)


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Plastic spiral bound in the 'van. I use TomTom but always do a 'reality check' of Jane's route. :-S


Around the house (if I HAVE to be at home), I have a map in every room, (every kind,flat, kinky, spiral, edible), including loos and conservatory. Any spare minute I have is taken up with finding a spot in the UK I haven't been to, and then making plans to put that right!!



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