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Which chip?


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Whilst I know there has been a thread on the pros and cons of chipping in the "hints and tips" forum, I wonder if anyone can recommend (based on their experience) a "chip" for my 2006 Ducato 2.8JTD? There are so many out there ranging from about 100 to 500 quid that it is quite confusing.

Many thanks.

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I have a Renault 2.5 dci motorhome and have had a Tunit fitted, I now have more torque and power and are getting on average 6-7 more miles to the gallon. I regulary get in the region of 38 miles to the gallon.

See www. tunit.co.uk.

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I've found this chip/remap question very interesting, I own a Jap spec Subaru Impreza STi V, which originally in japan would run on much higher octane than we can get in the uk, So I had to get the map adjusted for uk fuel, otherwise the engine would incur Det and eventually fail.


In the subaru mapping world, a remap would normally cost between £600-£700, and involve some on road running at quite reasonable speeds ;o). Now the end result of the remap is far earlier boost up & a higher peak boost figure, and much more torque, this had a knock on effect on my car, the std clutch failed after 3 months of the remap, due mainly to much higher torque figures, but I can certainly say that fuel efficiency improvement does not happen, I believe it impossible to happen when boost is increased, and that's what quoted in most of these diesel tuners websites, more power!!!! will never equal better fuel economy IMO.




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When a manufacturer designs an engine they have to do a one size fits all scenario. It has to work in hot and cold climates. Low and high altitudes. Light and heavy loads. Fast and slow road speeds. Finally a long engine life.


If you look at high perfomance cars like BMW and MERCS they have switchable engine mapping between cruising and performance. They also have switchable suspension.


This would be the ideal solution so that when I am towing I would have more low down torque and when cruising I would have max fuel economy.


As most Campers are travelling nearly fully loaded and don,t drive like a bat out of hell a chip could be remapped to give better performance and economy within that envelope.


But as said before you don,t get something for nothing. If the torque is remapped then power somewhere else on the engine range will be lost. An example of this is when you used to change the cam shaft with a reprofiled one. No power until you were doing 7,000 revs but then oodles of it. You then had to fit a six speed box to keep the revs up


Another example is a light weight clutch. It gave fast acceration ( Less mass ) but lumpy low down tickover.


If the manufacture could improve it they would offer it. They don,t so I will stick to the basic engine knowing it works under most if not all conditions



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  • 1 month later...

Hello All,

Just thought that I would send in an up-date on what route I eventually took on the "chip" front. I was interested in fitting such a device because my previous Fiat Ducato 2.8JTD based van (Hymer) came with a chip already fitted and not only had much improved MPG to the Ducato that I had before that but also had much better power - particularly on hills in fifth.

Looking to improve my current vehicle's (a Rapido A Class) economy as much as I could and having looked at pretty much all that was on offer, I eventually went for one of the more better known producers. Their new products are quite costly so, after some research, I bought a used one and had them "update/upgrade" it for my particular base vehicle. The uprated chip came complete with a new wiring harness and a 12 month guarantee. Fitting only took a few minutes. It's adjustable power range is set (as it came back from the supplier) midway through the band.

I have just returned from a European trip that saw us turn around in Prague. On our return journey we meandered along the German Alpine/Romatica and Mosselle Strasses.

I am pleased to report that our overall economy was up by about 3 mpg when running on autobahns at a constant 58/60 mph and the added power (used mainly for overtaking lorries etc ) has vastly improved - no need to change down to fourth at any time - even on hills.

I have noted what has been said elsewhere about possible "wear and tear" on chipped engines and would stress that I did not buy the chip specifically for the extra power it provides. It is, however, very comforting to know that it is there if needed!!

I do most of my own servicing and usually change engine oil/filter every 3000/4000 miles.

Should I wish to, I can transfer my chip to my next vehicle - something one cannot do with a "re-map".

At this juncture, I can say that I am more than happy that I chipped my latest motorhome.

Happy motorhoming!

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I went to Ford and had the latest software installed to my 2.2 Transit, I suppose it's a form of " manufacturer remap". Anyway, what a difference, it's smoother, doesn't stall any more, and seems more responsive.


I can't understand why they didn't get the software correct from the start though!



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We have had a Van-Aaken smartbox fitted for the last 4 years and it certainly improves the 5th gear problem on slight gradients/?hills.


The MPG hasn't changed no decrease or increase in fuel consumption, and as has been said already it can be removed at anytime, albeit Van-Aaken are no longer trading.


I often wonder when people have the ECU remapped do they ask and keep a copy of the original map so they can reset it back if they want to ? just in case the company that did the remap is no longer in business. I can just take the Smartbox off and the engine is back to its original settings.





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