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stuck steps!


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the omnistor steps on our 05 bessacar 410 are stuck in the retracted position. the fault developed slowly working ok then not then working ok until now stuck. where is the fuse for the steps? and is there an easy way of checking if the switch is faulty? any help will be much appreciated but nothing too technical please.

Hi DMC & welcome to the forum.

The step on the Bessacarr E410 is immediately behind the rear wheel, so gets lots of road dirt thrown up at it. I suspect the mechanism may be full of dirt.

We had mud flaps fitted on our previous Bessacarr E410 to help reduce this happening.

There may be some helpful information on these previous threads







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I agree with his Flickaness! Road dirt etc can gunge up the mechanism which in turn overloads the motor and if you are lucky only blows the fuse and if you are not lucky burns out the motor!
The same happened to me. I got a hose pipe and i flushed out the runners and all around the steps. left to dry then sprayed wd40 into step runners and mechanism. It worked a treat so i now use a hose on the steps when ever i wash the van down. The steps do not give any more problems.
thanks to all who took the trouble to reply so quickly, i will try all your suggestions but would still welcome info on the fuse location.
Guest Tracker

Perhaps a swift phone call to - er SWIFT - might elicit the fuse location if nobody knows?


My guess, never having owned a Swift group van, would be to look in the handbook if you have one or try the main 12v swich / control panel where, on same makes, what each fuse is sometimes shown?


Or you could try Googling for it as a wiring diagram might just turn up if you get the right words - Bessacarr E410 12 volt wiring diagra' might be a good one to try first? Or try Googling the control panel maker's website - might be Sargent and they are very helpful usually - for some clues?


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