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best way to sell a motorhome

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental
Thanks sweetie.......Its a funny old place evilbay, but getting bids now thanks to Rupert's advice. what is odd is when I put it on last time, by the end, it had 8 watchers? It has been on for a day and has 17 watchers already and 178 hits *-)
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Guest Peter James
JudgeMental - 2010-10-14 1:36 PM


auntyjanet1 - 2010-10-14 1:00 PM




Can,t find your van on E-Bay,why don,t you post a link on here! Good luck



its not on ebay at the moment....... BUT is in the classified section right here! :D




edit: on e*ay now




no mention of shower?

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Time of year, I suspect, Eddie.  Going into winter probably not best choice, and likely to get speculative responses looking for a big discount on expectation it will be a "distress sale".  You may even get a few dealers taking a punt on that basis.  Have you considered a sale or return deal via a dealer - preferably Eura Mobil dealer?  He puts it on his forecourt as one of his, advertises, cleans and insures it while there, indemnifies you against loss or damage, and you get the benefit of the customer viewings his dealership attracts.

If someone wants to buy it he offers a warranty, and it only transfers briefly to his stock at the point of sale.  That way he takes virtually zero financial risk, because he only buys it from you after he has his buyer's money in the bank, so it can be attractive for the dealer, you get the exposure via the dealership, and although you get less than with a private sale, you avoid the hassle of "tyre kickers" and securing payment.

There is a risk to you should the dealer go bust between getting the cash from the ultimate buyer and sending yours on to you, but that is a short window, and choosing a reputable dealership reduces the probability.  What you get can be either a guaranteed sum, only variable by mutual agreement, with the dealer pocketing any surplus he manages to swing, or a percentage of the sale price, open book, subject to an agreed minimum, variable only as above.

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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks Brian! Getting bids and a lot more interest this time with ebay, and MMM add should be out any time soon (Novemeber copy) As you rightly say not the best time of year but we live in Hope!


If it goes all very well, not particulilrly fussed, but may talk to you re your idea, that is if you are home yet :-D

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Not quite home yet, but well en-route!  :-)

Sale or return was what we did with ours three years back, and it worked for us.  Won't suit all, as you should undoubtedly get more money from a private sale, though very difficult to say how much more.  However, relatively simple and hassle free way to sell, with no need to hang around for 'phone calls / no-shows, and all that fun!

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JudgeMental - 2010-10-19 9:46 AM


Thanks Brian! Getting bids and a lot more interest this time with ebay, and MMM add should be out any time soon (Novemeber copy) As you rightly say not the best time of year but we live in Hope!


If it goes all very well, not particulilrly fussed, but may talk to you re your idea, that is if you are home yet :-D


Yep, received my MMM today & your Euramobil is in there Judge.

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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks Colin that is good to know


The ebay auction is slowly edging its way up as well.....we live in hope:-D It was a long shot trying to sell this time of year anyway.

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HI Judge


I have been tracking your motorhome for a while now and was hoping that it did not sell ("Sorry") as the time for my court case was comming very close due to my motorhome problem "third of November" I was hoping to buy it when or if I won as it looks very nice and just what I wanted but ("Sorry") once again my dealer has come up with a new Motorhome offer today and it looks as if it is going through.

If things go wring once again then I will get in touch if it is not sold.

With what I have seen on ebayzzz and OandA and you seem like a genuine fella whoever gets it will get a motor to be proud of so good luck with your sale


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Guest JudgeMental

Thanks Mickey and good luck with the court case, and no need to apologise!:-D


I spent a lot on extras and it is a really good van for longterm summer and winter touring, If I new 3 years ago that I would be moving house and probably not have parking for a coachbuilt I would not of spent so much on extras, BUT!I am open to offers :D

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Guest JudgeMental
art338 - 2010-10-20 7:47 PM

Eddie, not wanting to buy, but interested in what you did ref the advert.

I doubt there's anyone could have laid it out better, and knowing you as we all do I'm sure you are true to your word.




Funny that you shoud say that, as I have noticed similar wording to mine appearing in other adds! :-D


Auction seems has stalled a bit I dont think it will go:-S


I have dropped the reserve price, but could not change the "buy it now" price......



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I agree Eddie, a friend who's practically an E-bay professional says similar, towards the end of the auction it livens up.


Also, he tries to end his auctions at weekend, and/or at the end of the month, when more are viewing and a lot have been paid. The latter wouldn't apply of course to high end items like yours.



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Ebay did a survey of sales records around 2 years ago, it clearly stated that the best time to sell was between 5pm and 6pm on a Sunday.


The best time to buy was between 12pm and 2pm in an afternoon.


If you are buying something that a seller has alot of and is selling at different times go into their completed listings and check out what price is gets and at what time.


You can also use this facility to check what the seller will accept when asking for offers on multiple items.


Males tend to wait for last minute bidding, ladies tend to be a bit more impatient :-D :-D


Good luck with it


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It'll go, you just have to be patient. Mine (a 22 year old Talisman... so not in the same league as yours) has finally sold (yipee !) after having it on E-Bay (didn't reach it's reserve) it went from Caravanselecta via the Caravan Club website. Mine is also in Nov's MMM, (by the way it'll also be in Out & About , Which Motorhome & the 'Mart' mag.) my buyer comes from N.Ireland, and I had calls from S.Ireland too, (they are closer to me than most of the UK !!).

Don't get disheartened and let it go for less than you'll feel happy with, and you might feel like that, i know i nearly did. Good luck ! let us know how you get on. Ray


PS. as an afterthought, evidently you have a differant procedure log-book wise when selling to a NI resident, they have to have the 'Whole V5C' not just the tear off strip ? otherwise they can't register or tax the van over there ?? I thought it was still part of the UK. perhaps not ???? (it's not a 'scam' either, i checked). *-)

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Hi Judge

Why sell just because you won't have room to store on drive? We have to keep our van away from home at a very secure site CASSOA Gold. It is about 15mins from home , so not too far away. It sounds like you love your van, so why not keep it, instead of buying a smaller van, which you may reget later on

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Guest JudgeMental
PJay - 2010-10-24 12:14 PM


Hi Judge

Why sell just because you won't have room to store on drive? We have to keep our van away from home at a very secure site CASSOA Gold. It is about 15mins from home , so not too far away. It sounds like you love your van, so why not keep it, instead of buying a smaller van, which you may reget later on


There is no practical storage anywhere near London! Plus we really prefer smaller vehicles, as we started out with a panel van and I dont really like the large motorhome, we only bought one because of the kids.


It is in the name really "home " I dont want to be dragging a large box around, a compact van based camper will do us fine, now that the teenagers have stopped coming. Also taking on a bit of a building/refurbishment project with a house move so a van will be handier for getting materials, moving stuff etc...There is only so much I can do on my electric bike! :D


If it dont sell we are going to the Alps for Christmas:-D

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Guest JudgeMental

well a lot of time has past since I first posted this thread. I tried through the winter to sell the van with little interest. In the end I PX'ed it with a German dealer and got the price I was asking for it here (£26000) Plus a good price on new Adria so very happy...


The reason I have resurrected this thread is that in the last week I have had 4 serious enquiry's about the van! So I think I have learnt that selling a motorhome is very dependent on the weather, and I wont waste my time trying to sell in the winter again!


all inquires where via MMM as well :-D

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