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Outer Hebrides in September


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We will be taking our (6.5m long) van to Lewis and Harris for a week starting from the 6th of September. Does anyone have any experience of good places to stay, interesting places to visit or exceptionally difficult roads to avoid? We have already booked our crossings between Uig and Tarbert on Harris and have arranged a day trip to St Kilda, weather permitting.



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A pretty amazing place.


I took one of CalMacs Hopscotch Island Rover tickets which enabled me to do the lot. My only regret was not getting out to St Kilda. Hope you manage it as the trip is strictly 'weather permitting' for obvious reasons, but it's a once in a lifetime visit.


One place not to be missed is a trek along the B887 to Hushinish. It's narrow, winding and around 12-14 miles......and is a dead end. At times you may wonder why on earth you bothered but the reward is at the end. Don't miss it!


I liked many places on the Outer Hebrides apart from the Uists which I found rather boring with not much to see and particularly the South I often wondered just what folk did with themselves as there was often NOBODY around after 6pm. The place would be deserted. Really weird.



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colin - 2010-08-29 6:56 PM


Rush hour in the Hebrides is sunday when everbody goes to church.


LOL I was fascinated by this.

EVERY islander appears to turn out for Church.....even leather clad biker boys complete with bible in hand. A sight you are very unlikely to witness on the mainland!


The Sabbath (as they call Sunday) is strictly observed and respect from visitors is asked. I even found this sign on a gate to a little park which had a play area for children. It was locked as it was Sunday. Imagine that happening here?




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