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Hi all

my poor aged van has bad rust around the cab - wheel arches and corners where cab meets habitation.


One dealer said to use bathroom sealant as a temporary measure but another was horrified and recommended a rust proof stuff although I have forgotten its name.


Any advice on how to keep it in check until I can afford a proper repair job?


Any advice on getting rust fixed or experiences to share?




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Poke cut and sand the rust out, treat it with POR 15 rust treatmet, then when it all looks free of rust use some P38 body filler to fill and sand it all smooth, then paint with primer spray, at least three coats, sand it down and paint with correct colour.


I have done this many many times over the years and if it is done well it will be invisible.


It will last about 3 years and it is best if you can get some underseal on the back of the panel.


Or if you want to spend a bit more money have a replacement panel welded in and resprayed, but it isn't cheap!



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I have been through all of the 'rusting Talbot Cab' trauma's. The one's to concentrate on are the 'deep seated structure' like where the cab joins the body, the Cab 'a' frame (i think thats what they are called ? the body either side of the windscreen.) Floor, and inner wings. Most of the other panels can still be purchased and replaced (just about !) The scuttle panel is a favorite, as are the left and right wheelarches(fronts) that you mention, front lip of the bonnet,doors and the wings all are available.

This is a good place :http://www.autopanels-castleford.co.uk/webpages/Talbot/Talbot%20Express.htm


or of course try e-bay. Good luck Ray

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