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Breakdown/Recovery on maianland Europe

Don Madge

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I lifted the following from a thread on the Motorhome List.


"Would like to let you all know of my experience with ADAC,having a 20 yr old hymer, 7mtrs long, that has broken down twice in 4 months, once in Street Somerset, gearbox went ,5th gear problem again and had recovery back to our home in South Wales, Fri 27th Aug ,gearbox went again this time in the South of France,ADAC had a recovery vehicle to us within 10 mins ,was recovered to a fiat dealer that stripped box at a cost of 160 euros.


Unable to fix problem ADAC arranged a hire car for the next morning for our return to Calais, on arrival in Calais all hotels were full so had a night in the car,left the car in Calais got the ferry in the morning and collected another car in Dover for the return to South Wales,all the hire costs have be paid for by ADAC and all was arranged by them.


The only down side is my Hymer will not be delivered to Newport for repair for 4-6 weeks due to the fact it has to be recovered through Germany.I cant give ADAC enough prays for there arrangements and service."


I'm very interested in the info on ADAC as we plan to use them for a trip in 2012.


I'm a bit concerned about the delay in getting the van back to the UK.


I would be interested to know if any members on here have been in the position where the vehicle was not drive able. How did you manage with your personal effects that you would not wont to leave in the van to be shipped home.


What if you are long terming or full timing?


I have some valuable and attractive items that I could not carry and feel certain that they would have "disappeared" on the recovery trip home in the van.


There are many members I know who would not feel happy about waiting four to six weeks to see their pride and joy again.


So if you have any first hand experiences it would be very helpful to read them.





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Guest Tracker

I don't know anything about ADAC Don, but have you considered some kind of lock on one of the underfloor lockers that would prevent prying eyes and hands from taking a look at what's inside?


Anything from a simple hasp, staple and padlock, or two, up to something more sophisticated, less obtrusive but more expensive I guess would do the job and at least if it were forced the evidence would be there to validate any claim?


It might mean redistributing the van's contents if and when you needed to leave it so that anything of value was buried in the locked locker?

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Everyone Who I know that had your problem had something nicked - on one occasion totally stripped. The claim was rejected because no receipts could be shown to the Insurance. This is standard practise and I hope that security is good where you left it.

The other get out is you left the vehicle and this negates your insurance in a lot of cases - there has been some discussion as to these companies that dont carry on insuring your vehicle when you leave it in the care of a third party-such as a garage.

I dread having to face up to this should it happen to me but I would try to stay with the vehicle if at all possible.

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Hi, Dont forget that when unaccompanied vehicle arrives back in UK, there is a possibility that Custom/Excise may take an interest in what is inside any locked cupboards etc. They wont hesitate to open it if they have reason however slim to suspect something . Caravan club recommends you prepare a detailed inventory of EVERYTHING in the van and a copy to stay in the van, and you take copy yourself, then on delivery to home you MUST check it again and get delivery man to sign that he has agreed with your list.


A real pain, but preferable option. Also Customs hopefully will recognise that you are being thorough and honest ???

or will they???



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ADAC are a German company and to liken them to something we know then it would be a cross between Highways Agency , AA/RAC and medical assitance.


They essentially look after Germanys main arterial highways covering everything from breakdowns , accidents , traffic management and road repairs in a one stop shop (probably a bit more too).


In fact our Highways Agency were supposed to be a model of what they do but as always with the UK there was neither the funding nor the balls to go down that model.


Boring piece of trivia they sometimes use Helicopters to get rapid response units to scenes of accidents or breakdowns in order to get the traffic flowing again.


Hopefully the right yellow chopper turns up , wouldn't go down well if you're spewing claret all over the autobahn and a grease monkey jumps out with his bag of spanners and gaffer tapes your broken head together.

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Tracker - 2010-09-03 2:07 PM


I don't know anything about ADAC Don, but have you considered some kind of lock on one of the underfloor lockers that would prevent prying eyes and hands from taking a look at what's inside?


Anything from a simple hasp, staple and padlock, or two, up to something more sophisticated, less obtrusive but more expensive I guess would do the job and at least if it were forced the evidence would be there to validate any claim?


It might mean redistributing the van's contents if and when you needed to leave it so that anything of value was buried in the locked locker?


Hi Rich,


When we leave for our winter tours the van is fully loaded, the only empty space is in the water tanks.


There's no room under the van for lockers, If the unthinkable does happens our son will have to take a weeks holiday and come and collect us on a low loader. Fortunately he has an HGV license or what ever they are called these days.





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Tracker - 2010-09-03 7:11 PM


........................or hire a van instead of a car for the enforced return trip and bring it all home with you?


Good thinking Rich.


It might mean taking a continental van to Calais and then a UK reg van from there to home.


That 's the best idea yet assuming one can get a van form say Greece/Turkey to Calais.





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Guest Tracker

Glad to be of service O vastly more experienced wanderer than I!


May I say that I have enormous respect for your experience, depth of knowledge and your willingness to share it with others Don and I for one have learent a lot from this forum in general and from your goodself in particular!


We are indeed fortunate to have you as a contributor on this forum.


Never let it be said that I can't grovel!

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Tracker - 2010-09-03 7:59 PM Glad to be of service O vastly more experienced wanderer than I! May I say that I have enormous respect for your experience, depth of knowledge and your willingness to share it with others Don and I for one have learent a lot from this forum in general and from your goodself in particular! We are indeed fortunate to have you as a contributor on this forum. Never let it be said that I can't grovel!

For the avoidance of any possible embarrassment, I second that, but suspect Rich is after something!  :-D

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Guest Tracker

Welcome back Brian - and thanks for those kind comments!


I trust you had a good rest - did you escape or are you out on day release.


I would just like to say how much we have missed your company - but I cannot tell a lie!

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Tracker - 2010-09-06 2:58 PM Welcome back Brian - and thanks for those kind comments! I trust you had a good rest - did you escape or are you out on day release. I would just like to say how much we have missed your company - but I cannot tell a lie!

Hi Rich

No, we're still out - present location a closely guarded secret, but nice and warm.  Thank you for your good wishes.  :-D

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We broke down in France this year due to faulty workmanship by a UK Fiat dealer when they did the judder fix resulting with us being almost abandanded by Fiat Camper WE DO NOT CARE and the RAC with no offer of a vehicle or accommodation although the benefits are clearly stated in their CAMPER CARE Brochure 4 days to do a 2 hour job and no compo on return to UK for loss of hoiday and incoveinience.
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Oh kelly ,

I feel so sorry for you guys . I know just how it feels !

The only consolation for us was that we were lucky enough to re book the shuttle and if we had of not made it at all we were covered by All Clear travel for cancelations . That dont take away the disappointment that you feel at the time . Better luck next time the snow will be there again and your son will e waiting ;-) Sorry .


I have sold my van and it has just gone off the drive .Fix it again tomorrow has gone FIAT sad just a little but we will get another someday just not a fiat ,

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We had a problem several years ago when our windscreen came crashing in whilst driving on the motorway near Valencia. The replacement windscreen, fitted at the insistence of RAC Breakdown, slid off as we drove into Le Bolou. We had to leave the van with a garage in Ceret, whose owner suggested we "torch it" and buy another from him! Hubby had to take a taxi to Perpignan Airport to pick up a hire car. I had to unload our gear from the van, as the garage was closing for the night. We had no suitcases so I filled as many bin bags as I could and then sat with our two dogs in the forecourt waiting for hubby to arrive some two hours later. I must have looked like a bag lady! I did have to leave some large expensive items and in all the rush I left my jewellery (all of which was returned with the van) I now keep several nylon holdalls and Ikea bags in the van just in case. On reaching Calais in the hire car we were told we had to leave it there, travel as foot passengers and pick up another at Dover. After much to-ing and fro-ing they accepted that we couldn't take the dogs on foot (or paws) and eventually agreed to our taking the hire car all the way home. Don't know what we'd have done with the dogs if they hadn't. Our van eventually arrived home about 6 weeks later. We had spent a fortune on mobile phone calls in Spain and France. The stress was awful. After much correspondence we were reimbursed for the cost of the windscreen fitted in Valencia and also received £50 "compensation" Not enough in my opinion but I was exhausted with the whole thing by then. They also paid for a couple of hotel stops. We're still with the RAC (via the C&CC Arrivals cover). Unfortunately we had to call on them a couple of years ago when our radiator burst in France. Fortunately we managed to get as far as Dover where after a fair bit of hassle eg them sending a too small breakdown vehicle and our van being damaged by one of the breakdown operatives. The reason I've stayed with Arrivals is that there is no weight/length limit so I'd be interested to know of other companies which provide breakdown cover for large vehicles.

As an aside, on that trip we were supposedly covered by a free warranty issued by Brownhill's from whom we bought the van. This was as much use as a choccie teapot. As we were able to drive the van, albeit for only 20 kms a time before we had to stop to fill up with water they said we hadn't technically broken down. They suggested we keep driving until the engine stopped and then get back to them! So I'm sure all of you out there already know not to rely on "freebies" but be warned


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The cheapest way to get your belongings back would be to contact a freight forwarder, tell them your predicament, they would get a smallish box or container for you to put your items in, you would then have to make an inventory out, then get the hell home because it would probably be back here within a couple of days.

Don, I note that it wasn't you but someone else who had this problem, is that correct?


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nowtelse2do - 2010-09-07 7:31 PM

The cheapest way to get your belongings back would be to contact a freight forwarder, tell them your predicament, they would get a smallish box or container for you to put your items in, you would then have to make an inventory out, then get the hell home because it would probably be back here within a couple of days.

Don, I note that it wasn't you but someone else who had this problem, is that correct?


Hi Dave,Your correct I was not the unfortunate soul.I think your idea about the box/container is excellent and one we will bear in mind.Thanks.Don
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Hi Don.

Just an addition to my earlier post. There is an organisation called European Freight Forwarders Association. It consists of a large group of International Hauliers with rules and a code of practise, if you know the countries you are visiting then you can find the agents in those countries through their web site, for instance if in France you would be given the agents name of:-

Consolidated Freight Monitoring International

4 Chemin De La Dime

95700 Roissy En France

France     Tel + 33 1 34 29 81 37

This Agent would then find the nearest company to where you are and put the problem into their hands.

Have you ever gone into Europe without breakdown cover. (not you Don)

I once had phone call from a customer whose van (3.5t) was broke down in Denmark and had no European breakdown cover, They had forgot to renew it even after two reminders, I only did a Groupage service to the Scandinavian Countries so thought I could not help him but then remembered that every day there are vehicles being transported all around Europe by specialist car and van organisations. I contacted quite a few of these companies and came up trumps with one that had delivered a couple of cars to a auction house in Germany and their truck was ready for returning, so left every thing to them to sort out which they did very efficiently. The best thing to come out of this was that my customer who also dealt with other Freight Forwarders gave me a contract to deliver Bespoke Telephone Exchange Systems on a dedicated basis through out Europe. Unfortunately all good things come to a stop which after 3yrs it did.

I have no connection and have had no dealings with the above Association. 




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