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cat in a motorhome


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Has anyone out there been able to train/teach a kitten to travel and live in their campervan with them? We are due to retire in December and are looking forward to be able to travel when we wish. We have just lost our lovely cat of 17 years and would love to have another cat but we don't wish to be tied by making provision for it at home - we would rather take it with us. We look forward to receiving your comments.
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We used to take a cat camping in the sixties but it was only because he - a big old ginger tomcat - used to like going in the car and seemed to enjoy campsite life without wandering off and getting lost!


We never used a lead or collar but a good rattle of his bowl with a fork followed by a bit of fresh fish or chicken would always get his attention when needed!


I don't know that you can train a cat - they either want to do it or they don't - but I have seen cats in motorhomes so some folk manage it.


On the other hand cats are great survivers and if you go on holiday and leave it behind a neighbour can perhpas feed it and you can be sure that it will find other sources of food and shelter in the same way that cats have always done and seems to be part of their nature?

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Guest pelmetman

My parents used to take their cat away in their motorhome and never had any problems. Indeed Smudge used to love it. We've also had friends who used to take their cat absolutely everywhere.


I think if you start when they are young you will have a better chance of the cat getting used to it. Do make sure though that it is micro chipped and has a collar with contact details just in case it should get lost. You need to get the cat used to being in the van before you go away, try putting his bed inside and feeding him in there and just take him on short trips to start with.


On our travels we have come across quite a few people who take their cats with them.


I wish you the best of luck.




I wish you luck.



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Ileach - 2010-09-10 12:35 PM Has anyone out there been able to train/teach a kitten to travel and live in their campervan with them? We are due to retire in December and are looking forward to be able to travel when we wish. We have just lost our lovely cat of 17 years and would love to have another cat but we don't wish to be tied by making provision for it at home - we would rather take it with us. We look forward to receiving your comments.

Think that you should have a look over in "Chatterbox," there's a lovely thread there about how some forum members dearly love their cats.....  

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We dont normally take our cats away but last year we where having a damproof course and other work on the house done so we camped locally and had the cats with us for about 6 weeks, we took there scratch pole and cat litter tray.


I put a harness on the male cat the first time we opened the door , but as soon as he realised he wasn't at home he wouldn't go out and use to hide in the cab bit till it got dark, it took him a couple of weeks before he would go near the door in the day light but he eventually got use to it and would sit in the door but not go out, he eventually went out in the dark for about half an hour but didnt go far and came back as soon as we shouted him. the female cat likes to stay in side anyway,.


They hate the cattery so it was still better for them to be with us, the only other thing is the male cat use to jump on us in the night which was a bit of a pain.


If you get a kitten and take it in the van often I would think it would take to it ok, maybe a female would be best as they dont tent to wander as much, the cats traveled in their cat crates.


Good Luck.

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When we were in France in August there was a motorhome which had a cat and dog in tow. They took them both out on leads (the car had a harness rather than just a collar), and the cat just pottered around with the owner in tow, the owner took it over to a wooden post and it had a good old scratch on it!


I would think that if you start taking it away in the van as soon as you get it, as often as possible, you shouldn't have any probelms at all.

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Some MMM (and other) regulars take a kitten / cat everywhere in their van. Initially I had my reservations but "Marmalade" now seems quite at home in the van and even rubs noses with me!

We have three cats in our van, two are 4.5 volt and the other 6 volt so it moves a bit faster. Furreal but it sure winds up the customs people.



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