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I was going to try the peppermint oil sprinkled on the lawn. I went into the health food shop and asked for peppermint oil to get rid of my moles and the assistant said that I mustn't put it directly on my skin.


It must have been a full minute before I realised that she thought I meant 'moles' and not 'moles'. (lol)


They hadn't got any in stock so I dug up the molehills and sprinkled Jeyes Dustbin Powder round the holes - they have gone very quiet.


Fingers crossed they've gone next door (lol)

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eljay - 2010-09-14 8:21 PM


Have you tried marmalade on your dripping? MMMMMMM Yummy!


Nope, but I can see that some might like it!


At a 'do' at work this year, they laid on a buffet lunch, and had done brie sandwiches with a little cranberry jelly - they were absolutely gorgeous ... I don't usually eat brie but now .... :-D


Moles - you could try getting a terrier - I'm sure my 'Lily' (patterdale) would be down the holes after the little s*ds! :D

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