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Insurance & shopping around


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Not strictly motorhome this but on the right track.


I would have to be the first to admit to getting complacent at times with shopping around for insurance.


However, on receipt of our car insurance renewal I thought here goes.


A quick, (15 mins) of searching the usual Moneysupermarket/Confused.com etc resulted in a policy with better cover and, get this, a 35% saving on my present insurer. So Hello Tesco and clear off More Than.


I gave More Than the chance to offer a better price but all I got was, "do you have any pets?" doubtless to try to flog me another policy.



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Guest JudgeMental

we changed home/building insurance last year to Tesco after using an online comparisnon site. this year they near enough doubled the quote, and when I called they said last year was an introductary offer :-S So shopped sround again, got a similar quote to last year and tesco matched it with a 40% discount *-)


Sooooo... automatic renewing is a mugs game, it pays to shop about :-D

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I agree that it's always better to shop around these days.

Loyalty to a particular company is not rewarded any more!


I had been with Saga for a number of years for both car and motorhome insurance and foolishly assumed they were the best deal for me.


However, thanks to that bloody annoying bloke with the moustache ( not you Lord Thornber! ) I have saved literally hundreds of pounds on car and motorhome insurance on like for like policies !!

I am now with the AA for car, and Comfort for motorhome.

Next year I will do the same and continue to 'shop around' for the best deal.

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I've been doing this for years , I never stay with the same insurer more than 1 renewal now.


I used to stick with the same company (I stayed with my first insurarer , from the age of 16 for my 1st motorbike , for nearly 20 years for cars or bikes over that period)


My car premium kept going up but I couldn't be bothered till one year it was nearly £700 and at that time unaffordable to me , so decided to shop around , and found a better cover for £290 with protected NCD which the other one wouldn't offer.


Ever since always shopped around and have never paid more than £350 and thats been at times on some high insurance group cars with high values.


Always worth doing.



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Using comparison sites is great to get the initial information, but having obtained that you can "usually" get a better price direct with the "best" shown, instead of using the "Go there" button.

But you do need to validate information by checking more than ONE site.

Comparison sites operate on a commission, so why not use them as a free facility & not hand over an additional fee.

There are enough users out there to ensure the comparison sites will survive without your fee. :-D

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flicka - 2010-09-13 8:49 PM


Using comparison sites is great to get the initial information, but having obtained that you can "usually" get a better price direct with the "best" shown, instead of using the "Go there" button.

But you do need to validate information by checking more than ONE site.

Comparison sites operate on a commission, so why not use them as a free facility & not hand over an additional fee.

There are enough users out there to ensure the comparison sites will survive without your fee. :-D


I agree, when I used the comparison sites, my best quote, (Tesco), was £379. When I went to direct to Tesco it was £355.



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