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Normandy Break


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We have just returned from a cottage holiday Nr Brecey in Normandy the weather has been great diesel was around 1.12e pltr whilst we were there we had a scout around for places to stay with the motorhome when we get our new one .

 Along the coast from Genets up towards Granville we found a lot of spots for wild camping some places had toilets so fresh water was available along the beaches also some aires .

At Mortain there are some waterfalls the Peteit Cascade has an aire with services including electricity on the car park and the Grand Cascade on the north of the town is well worth the walk but not ant parking for motorhomes.

St-Hillaire-du-Harcouet has a really bustling market on Wednesdays and there is also an Aire inthe town.

At Dinan they have improved the motorhome parking area now capable of parking 100 motorhomes but to do that it would be very very tight parking is now charged @ 0.30e for 30 minutes from 09.00 12.00 - 14.00-19.00 you do not pay to park in France during the 2hr lunch break and overnight is free , but they have not made water or dumping available , so its still a treck down the road to the toilets if you need water or toilet dumping

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Thanks for report and update on aires, great that some people are prepared to share aires info! Have stayed at both Mortain and St Hillaire du Harecourt and they are fine, but St Hillaire is very busy on market day so best to get there the night before. A really interesting market with live animals so worth seeing. In same area Sourdeval is a nice aire with free services including 2 electric points. There is a park to walk round next to aire and we found wi-fi sitting in gardens outside town hall.
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