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TV's or not TV's


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I'm so sorry to disapoint those who think people either watch TV OR read books, we have a TV AND take lots of books, we are both avid readers, but that doesn't discourage us from watching TV. I don't listen to radio as thats something I do at work, but gf likes to listen to radio 3, she usualy does this throu headphones.

BTW we normaly have most of our holidays april/may and sept/oct, when the night are longer and/or colder, so we do get a fair bit of time sitting in van at night, would this be what we do at home? well not realy as earlier this evening I was wondering around the farm with a rifle, don't think that would go down to well on a campsite ;-)

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Tracker - 2010-09-22 7:43 PM


Yes fred - as expected from you - but a gentleman never discusses his night time activities!

Like getting up 6 times for a slash. (lol)
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Guest pelmetman

I have a ukelele and I am not afraid to use it (lol)


As Eric Morcombe said.........."I can play all the right notes, just not necessarly in the right order"

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In our caravanning days only took a TV in the winter.

The Motorhome came with an Oyster sat system & TV as standard certainly would not have paid out for one.


Tend to watch more DVD's than TV although because it is there there is a temptation to turn it on. When we do use it it doesn't often get turned on until at least 10:00pm & I multi task & read a book at the same time.


Does have 2 uses if I can get away with it I'm not adverse to watching Grand Prix & Motogp, Also sat very useful for listening to Radio 2 & 4 when abroad.



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Never ceases to amaze me the amount of boring people sit in their vans doing exactly the same as they do at home. Sitting there reading books and playing Scrabble or eye spy and maybe if their feeling really daring finishing off a bottle of cheap wine. Some of them even engage each other in conversation. (spoils a good sit com in my view)

I like to get up put on telly to catch morning news and weather. Have breakfast whilst watching telly. We then go off out for the day for a long walk etc and maybe have a meal out. When we get back to the van we like to put on the Telly and catch up on the "soaps"whilst having a few bevvies and a bag of pork scratchings or two. Stagger into bed when late night telly starts, for some shuteye. In the morning do it all again. Beats Scrabble any day. :D

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JudgeMental - 2010-09-22 8:41 PM


But is this really not about tv/dvd or not, but the quality of what you watch....And if you are the sort of sad ba$tard that watches soaps?


the gaunt white faces gathered around the goggle box have always made me laugh.......


Hi I strongly take offence at what you are saying, we have a satellte dish (£300 wind up jobbie ) fitted to our RV and my wife who incidentally has a brain tumour gets great pleasure from watching her soaps when we are away.


So I suppose that makes her a sad quite ill ba$tard then??






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peter - 2010-09-22 10:46 PM

Stagger into bed when late night telly starts, for some shuteye. In the morning do it all again. Beats Scrabble any day. :D


Do you have a telly in the loo Peter - for entertainment while you wait for the six visits to come to fruition each time!

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Mrs. old and I love to walk, so after a hard day's trek around the area we are staying in (18 miles around Malham from Grassington last month) 8-) , we like to have a barbie (all weathers,dark or not), with a few drinks, then catch up with a bit of telly.


We do this by dragging the (completely knackered) hound out of the 'van, and walking around whichever site we are on, gazing into the windows of all the other units on site. Our fellow campers always oblige by leaving their blinds open, and the tellies facing the site road.


After 20 minutes of this we have caught up with the news, the soaps, all those FRIGGIN' cookery programs >:-( , and any other 'light entertainment' that is required viewing for our fellow campers (lol)


We then plan our next day's trek and flop into bed. I then get to read at least half a page of my current book, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep...



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What a load of old Women on here >:-) >:-)


If I want to watch the soaps after a long day walking around /riding our bikes/shopping etc; I will !! if we have electric that is!!


No I don't watch DVD,s as once I have seen a film I wont watch it again!

Yes I read books/play scrabble but I also like to lay back and relax with a glass of wine and a bar of choccy!! I am on my Hols and I will do what I like ! you cant sit outside sunbathing all day and night! and the dog does get tired of being walked too much.


So Mind your bussyness :D and KEEP your EYES out of MY VAN. B-)

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Yes I like a bit of telly, why not.


There are many interesting and educational programmes on the box, especially if you have a satellite subscription. I have always had an enquiring mind and can get lost in a good documentary.


This thread proves the educational and all round benefit of TV. I watch TV and have learned respect for the different cultures and races on this planet. Judgemental does not watch TV and regularly comes out with obnoxious and hurtful remarks to all and sundry.


I rest my case M'lud. :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
747 - 2010-09-23 1:23 PM


I rest my case M'lud. :-D



Oh yes Rupert Murdoch has so much more to offer then your local library...


Just as well you dont rely on the legal profession for a living you have neither the brain or the wit

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Hi Judge,


Would you like me to post a photograph of my Library card?


It is better to have no wit than to be halfway there. I cannot remember if that quotation was Oscar Wilde or the Chuckle brothers. Maybe someone on here can tell me.

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explain to me why it would take" bottle" to own up to watching a tv to a sad ,arrogant petty minded little individual like you ,i like watching tv ,there are many things in life i dont like top of the list are people like you who want to impose there way of life on every one else .who cares who does or does not watch tv

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explain to me why it would take" bottle" to own up to watching a tv to a sad ,arrogant petty minded little individual like you ,i like watching tv ,there are many things in life i dont like top of the list are people like you who want to impose there way of life on every one else .who cares who does or does not watch tv

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explain to me why it would take" bottle" to own up to watching a tv to a sad ,arrogant petty minded little individual like you ,i like watching tv ,there are many things in life i dont like top of the list are people like you who want to impose there way of life on every one else .who cares who does or does not watch tv

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Been away for a while and just catching up with all the banter. I have always had a TV in my vans, don't always watch it. If weather is good and we can sit outside and enjoy some Al fresco eating then that is what we do. If weather confines us to barracks then sometimes I will read books or magazines, use my laptop, listen to music, watch TV or if I am really lucky and the OH is in the mood,perhaps get an early night ;-) But whatever it is that I choose to do I can relax in the knowledge that I have the freedom to make that choice.
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Here's a thing about this thread - most of those of us who DON'T want TV in the van write as "we," while several of the pro-TV people write as "I," and Violet specifically mentions that she's a solo camper.

So let's not knock it, just because some of us are in the fortunate position of travelling/camping with a partner and/or kids (although Eddie's are teenagers so "fortunate" may be stretching it a bit there! :D )

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Well said Big Momma. I thought it was a bit of light-hearted banter (we have a telly if we want to watch it, and we don't REALLY stare in other campers' windows ferchrissake) *-) , but Bigjohn took umbrage - 3 times :D


I'm assuming those who don't get the jokes only have their heads up their backsides temporarily whilst searching for their sense of humour :-S

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So strange why some get so NASTY at a bit of light hearted banter, why on earth would anyone feel threatened enough to lose their rag over whether they watch the telly or not.


For me most of the output on the box is drivel and some of it so condescending and empty of content as to be demeaning, as some wit said - no one ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the public- but nobody here has said anyone else should not enjoy their telly.

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Guest JudgeMental

"Still a camper, but I've lost me tent..."



I think there is a lot of truth in your signature and comments above. we have had larger "motor homes" because of the family but going back to a panel van as we are essentially campers and not motor homers, which to me is entirely different and this thread kinda proves that to an extent I believe....


I must say your avatar is a bit alarming...But I am sure somone loves you...Your Mum maybe? *-)

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Tony Jones - 2010-09-23 8:15 PM


Here's a thing about this thread - most of those of us who DON'T want TV in the van write as "we," while several of the pro-TV people write as "I," and Violet specifically mentions that she's a solo camper.

So let's not knock it, just because some of us are in the fortunate position of travelling/camping with a partner and/or kids (although Eddie's are teenagers so "fortunate" may be stretching it a bit there! :D )

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JudgeMental - 2010-09-23 9:24 PM


"Still a camper, but I've lost me tent..."



I think there is a lot of truth in your signature and comments above. we have had larger "motor homes" because of the family but going back to a panel van as we are essentially campers and not motor homers, which to me is entirely different and this thread kinda proves that to an extent I believe....


I must say your avatar is a bit alarming...But I am sure somone loves you...Your Mum maybe? *-)


Hey Judge Mentally Handicapped


If you are as you say "Campers" why are you on this forum??


There is a Campers Forum here




Why don't you pi$$ off (just using your symbols) and take your hurtfull, cruel and condescending comments there and leave us motorhomers alone?



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MMmmm?I [we] watch telly..soaps..love em. Home and away..cant miss it ..everything stops so that her indoors can watch this..[phones switched off..no talking..no one answers the door. Emmerdale..Corrie..we watch.

Coast..mon night its Spooks for me.

NCIS..Mentalist..we watch.

Surprisingly it amazes me that people have BBQs..have dogs [ugh] cats..[errr] i dont understand why it takes some an hour or more to level up and get ready on site.

I dont understand why people watch football..or Rugby Union..[wheras I am glued to the floor when rugby League is on.

Thank god we are all different

We go out early..catch a bus/train..hate walking..stay out all day..record what we need and watch it in the evening whilst supping a large scotch/white or red..lifes too short to BBQ. :-D *-) :-> (lol)

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Pat - 2010-09-23 11:51 PM
JudgeMental - 2010-09-23 9:24 PM "Still a camper, but I've lost me tent..." I think there is a lot of truth in your signature and comments above. we have had larger "motor homes" because of the family but going back to a panel van as we are essentially campers and not motor homers, which to me is entirely different and this thread kinda proves that to an extent I believe.... I must say your avatar is a bit alarming...But I am sure somone loves you...Your Mum maybe? *-)
Hey Judge Mentally Handicapped If you are as you say "Campers" why are you on this forum?? There is a Campers Forum here http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/forum-view.asp?fid=6 Why don't you pi$$ off (just using your symbols) and take your hurtfull, cruel and condescending comments there and leave us motorhomers alone? Pat

Come on Pat Duffy, you can do better than this.

How a thread about whether you or I or anyone else watch the TV when we are out and about can resort to a slanging match is unbelievable.

Personally I don't care two hoots what anyone else thinks if i'm watching Arsenal on Sunday afternoon, MOTD on Saturday evening or the wife is watching whatever she wants on Sky via the Oyster system, it's our choice. If they are peering through the window while pretending to walk the dogs, no problem, they are very welcome to call in and have a coffee.

When we're away travelling, either in the UK, France, Spain or wherever, we do what we want to do, and if that includes watching a bit of TV, who cares?   

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