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Are we becoming Addicted to the Internet


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I just replied to a thread on mobile Internet and as i was typing I thought am I becoming addicted to the Internet.


We all seem to be trying to find the best way to get connected when we are away from home on holiday, perhaps we should be accepting that we should be concentrating on enjoying the holiday and travel, rather than how we get the best deal to connect to the Internet as we do at home.


any one have any similar thoughts,


I will get my coat

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Guest JudgeMental
This year on our trip to Italy, I insisted on leaving the laptop behind against much resistance........Did we miss it? not in the slightest (still have the blackberry's though :D)
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Yes, I am, but only because it is a useful tool to have. Useful for keeping in touch with family and friends by e-mail, skype etc, for checking on aires, and campsites. Ffor planning routes a map is very useful but for up to date information regarding roads, ferries etc a connection to the modern world is essential.

It's useful for checking web sites like this one and the BBC for news etc. Here on this site in Spain at the moment the internet wifi server has been up and down like the proverbial fiddler's elbow. Judging from the haunted looks on the faces of people scurrying round the site to ask if anyone had managed to log on I don't think I'm alone in my addiction. :-(

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It's another useful tool but takes away the feeling of 'being in foreign parts' which we used to get before all these gizmos came along.



Going 'to the continent' used to be an adventure but it doesn't feel like it any more.


Regards (from the Vendee)



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I make part of my income from trading on ebay although my daughter runs it while I'm away, a large percentage of buyers on ebay don't have a lot between their ears. So it's essential for answering the queries & sorting out the problems.


Also a great way of finding about the area & what's going on in wear you are staying. It often enhances our stay as we find things we didn't know about.


Please don't say do your research before you go because we can't research an area if we don't know where we are going. Often book a ferry & decide where we are going once we are across the channel.

If going away for a long weekend in the UK often don't decide to go until Friday afternoon then we are gone in ½ hour no time for research.









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braunston - 2010-09-26 11:04 AM




I just replied to a thread on mobile Internet and as i was typing I thought am I becoming addicted to the Internet.


We all seem to be trying to find the best way to get connected when we are away from home on holiday, perhaps we should be accepting that we should be concentrating on enjoying the holiday and travel, rather than how we get the best deal to connect to the Internet as we do at home.


any one have any similar thoughts,


I will get my coat


I agree.


When we travel in the motorhome, we don't have a TV and we don't take with us any means of accessing the internet. Normally, the only time we use the phone is to check weekly with our neighbour whether our house has been burgled or burned down.


What joy!

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