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Warners shows


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Just back from an enjoyable show at Lincoln and thanks to Warners for the good job they do.


One of the things that was not so good was being placed next to and behind people with generators. Next to us the thing was on for 7 hours at a time and the person in front started up and then set off on his bike for hours, not returning 'till evening. I know that this is not against Warners rules but I know I am not the only one to complain about this. Could Warners not place the generator gang in a separate area as they do with the clubs. If not, have an area for non generator uses where we can have some peace. I for one would be only too pleased to loose my £2 discount for camping with our club.


Anyone any other ideas, apart from not going again.



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I would simply have moved ... regardless of whether I was in a specific 'club' area or not, if I had a problem like that no way would I stay put!


As for leaving a generator running whilst unattended - not sure if that is permitted or not, if it is, it shouldn't be!

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I too think think that all generator users should be put together. The guy next to us at Lincoln also put his generator on and then went out to watch the entertainment all evening! They should also put the caravanners together, nothing personal but nothing in common, twice we have ended with caravans both sides of us at motorhome shows. Not something you expect.


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The only show we have been to and stayed overnight was the first music weekend at Lincoln. Good show but in 2 nearby caravans generators were started up in the morning and ran till 11.30 at night, running a domestic tv I guess. We suggested a separate field for generator users but with little response, so took the alternative and saved money and possible aggro by not going to any more.
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Petra - 2010-09-29 4:13 PM They should also put the caravanners together, nothing personal but nothing in common, twice we have ended with caravans both sides of us at motorhome shows. Not something you expect.

What a strange comment.

Surely what you do have in common is that you both try to enjoy the outdoor life, the only difference being that your "facilities" are plonked on the back of one of white van mans trucks whereas the caravanner will gently tow their "facilites" on a trailor........ 


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We too were at the lincoln show and found it very dissapointing, it was as though it was the dregs of shows. not as many/variety of traders, not as many campers and it seemed quiet. we too had gennies going all day till late.

these things you just have to put up with sometimes.


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casey - 2010-09-29 5:50 PM


We too were at the lincoln show and found it very dissapointing, it was as though it was the dregs of shows. not as many/variety of traders, not as many campers and it seemed quiet. we too had gennies going all day till late.

these things you just have to put up with sometimes.

Point is, we should NOT have to put up with blatant anti-social use of Gennies. Its as bad to me as walking in someones van smoking a cig ! It would certainly stop me going again, its an issue that needs urgent looking at

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Not having been to a Warners show for a few years - don't they have electric hookups available for those that can't do without their mains supply?


We were at the Stone Leisure Motorhome Show at Shepton Mallet the other week and there were many vans on hookup.



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Andy_C - 2010-09-29 7:21 PM


Not having been to a Warners show for a few years - don't they have electric hookups available for those that can't do without their mains supply?


We were at the Stone Leisure Motorhome Show at Shepton Mallet the other week and there were many vans on hookup.




Nope, I think there are some, but they are very limited in number. I can quite understand those who need to use a generator, such as to re-charge mobility scooters, for medical equipment etc, but what I can't understand is those that put them on as soon as they arrive and used them daily. Surely they must have some juice in their batteries even if just for a couple of days!!!!


One of the complaints I've heard a few times about shows in general though, is not to do with the individual generators, but the great big stonking ones that are used to power the lights, toilet blocks etc on the site. They give out one heck of a buzz all the time, no way would I park near one, even if it meant not being in the 'club' area I should be.


As for the show itself, we enjoyed it, we always do, but it was a bit 'light' of some of the traders, some were noticable by their absence ... and the price of pork stratchings is now £1.50 a bag ... absolute daylight robbery!!! 8-)

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It should not be difficult to achieve a "Generator use zone" at any of the shows.

IMO all it needs is an additional box on the on-line ticket application form.

There is existing provision to select "club zones" so why not a "Generator use zone" . With at statement on the tickets that Generators are NOT to be used in any other Area.


Simples 8-) *-) or TOO simple (?)

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Totally agree about generators. But one observation, the noise from the genny sets used to power lights and loo blocks is far less intrusive than that from a Honda portable set or any of its clones..


Dedicated field for Generator users then.





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Totally agree about generators. But one observation, the noise from the genny sets used to power lights and loo blocks is far less intrusive than that from a Honda portable set or any of its clones..


Dedicated field for Generator users then.




Further thoughts

How about a ban on generators but for Warners (at a cost) to make available an area with hookup. All powered from one or more of those big diesel beasts. They already do it for the trade so why not the customers. It could even be a money spinner for them??


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"[Have extra batteries, solar panel and generator and did have to run the genny, at the show,]"


I dont understand..why should a Genny be needed when you have such power available?

My 85Ahr Battery carries us [3 adults] over the 4/5 day period.

Most of the day is spent around the show area..looking at "vans"..equipment..stalls.etc..when tired back for a nap. Evenings are spent watching the entertainment..talking to friends and supping a pint of expensive..warm..beer.. the only power needed is for a light to see the bed..a torch for the toilet during the night..the gas runs the fridge..I still dont understand why a Genny is needed?

Emergency ..run the engine!!

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Not cheep but you can charge a disability scooter overnight from an EFOY.


But offer of hookups is to me the best solution, and not just for those with disabilities but also to those who are prepared to pay for the infrastructure to be put in.






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Fully agree Clive.

But why Warners ? When you think of these outdoor showgounds looking to maximise their potential, they should be thinking about installing SOME permanent Hook-ups facilities.

If Caravan sites operating for only part of the year, can afford to install the facilities, it should be viable for Showgrounds. The more they install the lower the unit cost & they would not need to Hire in Big Noisy Diesel fuming Generators for EVERY Event, with cables laid on the ground here, there & everywhere. (they alone could be an interesting H & S aspect? if any incident occurred)

With Generator Hire costs offset against the capital investment, I wonder how long the payback period would be. Not long is my guess.

It could (possibly) also make events more attractive to Trade Exhibitors, being able to talk to prospective customers, without the clatter of a Genny in the background. It could also generate (excuse the pun) an income to offset against capital costs.

OR possibly they are too frightened to look at long term benefits. >:-) >:-)

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I would certainly prefer a generator free camping area. I did return the survey that I got with my welcome pack mentioning this but don't know if anything will come of it. Is there a contact point for Warners that like minded people could contact by e-mail?
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ok!! never been to a show :-S

but we go to british superbikes (BSB)

gennies are always on :-S

but at the end of the day it is explained that they have to be off 10.30 till 8am and the security comes round and tells you this at 11pm, but there are still some on (only cos of trouble)but i imagine that at these shows they are full of the older generation so the security telling them to turn it off would not be a problem (lol) so IMO if a gennie is on so be it! its only 2days tops whats the prob! (it might be lifesaving?)

why should they buy a £2500 efoy to save the neighbours? if a genny is used responsibly...why not?

to the OP he turned it on for 7hrs and not returned till the evening!! come on! if he left at 10am and returned at 5pm what is wrong with that? blooming heck!(refrained from swearing) its ashow!!

good god ive ducked under the table (lol)

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first5 - 2010-09-30 10:24 PM


I would certainly prefer a generator free camping area. I did return the survey that I got with my welcome pack mentioning this but don't know if anything will come of it. Is there a contact point for Warners that like minded people could contact by e-mail?

Maxine Shepherd is listed as the Exhibitions Manager, a quick Google turned up this email: maxines@warnersgroup.co.uk




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Seeing as this has become a "pro/anti generator at shows" thread I'll add my two penn'orth.


I am not a fan of gennys in general but occasionaly they are a necessity. We have 330AH of leisure battery capacity and a 100 watt solar panel. Because we run a compressor fridge and our show stand is powered entirely from our leisure batteries we consume about 100AH per day on average. At Lincoln the sun rarely made an appearance after Thursday and so by Friday evening we were running low on 12 volt power so I borrowed a 1kw honda genny from my mate and hooked it up. Positioned at the rear of our camper it ran happily well into the night till it ran out of petrol but it gave us enough battery power to work the Sunday.


Noise: I didn't find it intrusive and as it was running at a constant speed it soon blended into the background, even when we went to bed and the genny was situated about 3 feet from our headboard it wasn't intrusive noise.


I do wonder about those who get up in the morning and fire up the genny then leave it running while they go out though.


The big diesel powered "beasts" run at constant speed and are well silenced so they too soon blend in. Several years ago, before we took a trade pitch at the shows, our group were positioned near a toilet block with its associated gen set, as we were the first to arrive I parked right next to it on the basis that if it didn't bother me being that close then no-one else had a reasonable argument for complaining about it. Within half an hour of setting up we had completely tuned out the low level hum from the genny.


Hookups at shows. Hmmm, nice idea in theory but I suspect the campers wouldn't be prepared to pay the price for it. As none of the showgrounds has permanently installed hookup systems they all have to be installed before the show then removed afterwards. Cost to traders for EHU is frighteningly expensive, around £80 -£100 for a weekend I believe (which is why we run from batteries). It is this price because you're not just paying for the actual electric but for the installation and removal of the infrastructure which takes days to do just for the traders, to install hookups for public, even in just one area would not cut the installation costs significantly. Would you pay even £50 for EHU for a weekend?



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As a regular wildcamper, what has puzzled me about this thread is the need for a generator at all for the space of a weekend.


Apart from Dave, there is something wrong with the set up of the caravans and motorhomes. I have 2 x 110 leisure batteries and can go longer than a weekend, even in the depths of winter. If I carried a generator then I would assume that a couple of hours running would put back the daily drain of a leisure battery.


In summer we can wildcamp almost indefinitely with a 90 watt solar panel and a Rutland 504 windcharger. I can only think that the attendees cannot live without 240 volt appliances and must only ever use sites with hookup.


Does nobody use gas these days?

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