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Warners shows


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Well partially Mel, but as Brian continually posts his pompous retoric, usually at some length and quite often about what other people do which apparently upsets his rather obtuse view of the world of motorhoming. as if he was, lets say the 'second coming' he would have his head so far up his a*** he wouldn't see cynicism coming even if it was glued to the front of an Eddie Stobart wagon.



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Ned, if you were pestered by smoke then they were upwind of you and not downwind. That is the bit that you did not get.


Why do you think I do not attend shows or any crowded area with my van. It is because of the uncertainty of who you will finish up with in close proximity.


You have just been unlucky, the next time might be totally different so bite your tongue and just get on with it. If you are upset, do not take it out on the members of this forum.

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Perhaps I could suggest that some of the newer members of the forum take the time to get to know the longer serving members of the forum before jumping to conclusions and hurling insults becuase they think they have sussed them.


You really have to know people well before starting to sling the mud, otherwise it has a nasty habit of turning into a boomerang and coming straight back at you! :D

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ned - 2010-10-02 9:52 PM hI Well partially Mel, but as Brian continually posts his pompous retoric, usually at some length and quite often about what other people do which apparently upsets his rather obtuse view of the world of motorhoming. as if he was, lets say the 'second coming' he would have his head so far up his a*** he wouldn't see cynicism coming even if it was glued to the front of an Eddie Stobart wagon. Ned

Well, at least I know the difference between cynicism, sarcasm, and irony!  :-)

I take it Andrew likes generators and barbecues, and rather dislikes anyone who objects to the impacts these have on them.  I therefore assume he belongs to the "get on with your life, and let others get on with their's" brigade, for whom no-one else ever causes any irritation, and who will accept whatever their neighbours do, at whatever time of day or night, at whatever volume, as just being "the neighbours, bless 'em"?.  If so, that is fine by me, and Andrew is a generous person to a fault.  A true paragon of virtue.

However, being possessed of all this human generosity, I'm puzzled as to why he flies off the handle when things he (presumably) likes doing, are merely criticised by others who find them annoying.  (I'll admit to a bit of pomposity here, but hey, I'm enjoying myself!  :-))  Isn't criticising others just one of those little things that neighbours, (bless 'em) do?

So, why does this mere criticism suddenly cause Andrew such annoyance and irritation, and why is that suddenly different to what we have been on about.  Except, of course, the generator, or barbie, (and its annoyance) go on for some considerable time, whereas all Andrew has to do to escape the temporary annoyance he feels in seeing his favourite pursuits criticised by those they annoy, is read a different post.  Eh, Andrew? 

Cynic yes, but also hypocrite, come to mind.  :-D

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Hi Brian,


You still don't get it do you *-) Iam entitled to say how I feel in response to your posts,especially when you continue to highjack the thread or threads, as you often seem to do. I know it's Sunday and the preachers are out in force and you are also entitled to express your views. However, the original moan was about a person who quite wrongly started up the generator and disappeared for the day, or a long period of time. Now forgive me if I am wrong, but I would think that a large majority of attendees to shows would have to expect a fair element of noise from all quarters. To go and expect peace and quite is rather naive to say the least and also to expect the organisers to set aside special areas for different tastes and desires is farcical. Rather than continually moan on about generators, why not take the simple track of contacting the club or organisation who coordinates your stay at the shows and suggest they take responsibility of subdividing up their pitch allocation to meet their members needs


Sorry to burst your bubble Brian but there was no BBQ, ongoing party or noise disruption for me at Lincoln. I was using it to make a point but obviously although the majority of members seem to have got that, you didn't, but hey, politicians all suffer from your problem which is why we are in the state we are ;-)

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"Sorry to burst your bubble Brian but there was no BBQ, ongoing party or noise disruption for me at Lincoln. I was using it to make a point but obviously although the majority of members seem to have got that, you didn't, but hey, politicians all suffer from your problem which is why we are in the state we are ;-)





Embarrassed to admit I am one of those poor fools that did not "get" the fact that the barbecue story was made up to illustrate a point. If the point is "live and let live", why not say that rather than attempt to be humorous and clever by employing a dubious literary device.


Public events do generate noise but we also distinguish types of noise, for example, the noise of children in the school playground is unobtrusive and pleasant, the vehicle with (to me) trashy music blaring out is not. The noise of a generator plus the fumes would interfere with my pleasure at the rest of the hubbub around me. (No doubt they are a necessary support for some.)


Threads do meander and the title of this one "Warner shows" is pretty broad. So to digress again, I do get irritated by cliché, for example, "get a life", "so far up his a***" etc., but worse still by the tendency for the inflated but fragile egos of some on this site to resort to personal abuse at the drop of a hat.


I know Brian speaks eloquently for himself, but I have always found his contributions extremely helpful, intelligent and concisely written and have been grateful and amazed that he should take the time and trouble to help with so many a queries. "Preachy" is a valid opinion but to me where's the evidence for that, unless any contrary opinion is by definition "preachy".


No problem with sharing the outdoor life with the al fresco chefs and I do love the smell of roasting meat but with the BBQ the overwhelming flavour hitting the nostrils is is paraffin.




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ned - 2010-10-03 12:06 PM Hi Brian, You still don't get it do you *-) Iam entitled to say how I feel in response to your posts,especially when you continue to highjack the thread or threads, as you often seem to do. I know it's Sunday and the preachers are out in force and you are also entitled to express your views. However, the original moan was about a person who quite wrongly started up the generator and disappeared for the day, or a long period of time. Now forgive me if I am wrong, but I would think that a large majority of attendees to shows would have to expect a fair element of noise from all quarters. To go and expect peace and quite is rather naive to say the least and also to expect the organisers to set aside special areas for different tastes and desires is farcical. Rather than continually moan on about generators, why not take the simple track of contacting the club or organisation who coordinates your stay at the shows and suggest they take responsibility of subdividing up their pitch allocation to meet their members needs Sorry to burst your bubble Brian but there was no BBQ, ongoing party or noise disruption for me at Lincoln. I was using it to make a point but obviously although the majority of members seem to have got that, you didn't, but hey, politicians all suffer from your problem which is why we are in the state we are ;-)

Phew!  Sorry Andrew!  Hadn't realised your right of reply wasn't reciprocal!  I'll just keep quiet from now on, eh?  :-D  BTW, do you own a genny?  Just curious, that's all.

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Hi I see the acolytes are out, well I did say it was a Sunday. Still Brian you do give as good as you get, but please try not to be so self righteous it does rather rankle at times. Pleased to take you on again when the weather is bad and I have nothing better to do!!


Keep em waxed...........Ned

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"the noise of children in the school playground is unobtrusive and pleasant"

Er, not necessarilly if its next door to an old folks home for example its not appreciated my most of the residents!


Noise nuisance all depends on lots of factors which are subjective, age related, style of living related and character related. Oh and sometimes how much alcohol one has had.


Schools are normally placed a good distance away from areas where they might cause a noise nuisance, traditionally by the playing field at least but thats not so easy nowadays.

Surely the underlying point here is that if possible those who wish to cause a noise (which they themselves might believe is insignificant) should be allocated a place away from those who do find it intrusive. I am afraid I fall into the latter group so am in favour of hookups or seperate areas for generator users.


Lets be nice folks.




P.S. Dave, Forklift battery in the trailer perhaps?



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ned - 2010-10-03 4:01 PM Hi I see the acolytes are out, well I did say it was a Sunday. Still Brian you do give as good as you get, but please try not to be so self righteous it does rather rankle at times. Pleased to take you on again when the weather is bad and I have nothing better to do!! Keep em waxed...........Ned

My apologies, I took you seriously because I thought you were making, in a roundabout way, a serious point.  My mistake, you were just filling your time, leading me to waste mine.  Won't happen again!  :-D

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It has been interesting reading all the comments. however as usual we always get one who goes too far. It was not good to see a new user NED calling Brian names, as most of us know Brian is a valuable contributer to this forum with many helpfull posts.


Anyway back to the generator thing. I think we all know that Dave and the rest of the exhibitors need to run them for their goodies on display and am sure no one complains about this. Also we all know that the warners team would not be interested in a complaint about generators being used as long as it in the hours allowed in the rules. All we ask for is an area for generator users or an area for no generators. Someone said this is asking too much but warners have many other areas for plenty of other groups. Or maybe they could state in their rules what they call acceptable. Say no longer than 2 hours a day. Surely this is long enough to charge batteries. Ok I know some disabled users need them for longer but most of the problems are from non disabled users. When we were at Peterborough earlier this year the next door camper had a generator but used it in the morning for no longer than 2 hours and we had no problem with this.


I feel that the show organizers know the problem but fear nothing will be done, I am surprised that no one has suggested ear plugs.



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Guest Tracker

Hang on a minute here - generator users are the unclean amongst us and it is they who should be segregated into a secure compound so that they can all annoy each other and leave the rest of us in peace and quiet to enjoy the company we choose to camp amongst?


And whilst we are at it why not create a ' smelly BBQ' club and banish those inconsiderate buggers too?


And whilst we are at it why not create a ' late night piss up' club and banish those inconsiderate buggers too?


And whilst we are at it why not banish the 'noisy kids' brigade as well?


May as well include the 'yappy dog' brigade amongst 'em too?


So I guess it will remain as it is after all and when we get bad neighbours we do as we have always done - suss out somewhere quieter and discreetly move there?

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J9withdogs - 2010-10-05 3:00 PM


Tracker - 2010-10-05 11:54 AM


So I guess it will remain as it is after all and when we get bad neighbours we do as we have always done - suss out somewhere quieter and discreetly move there?


I think 'The Discreet Movers' club sounds much more fun anyway :D


It does conjure up an interesting image that's for sure!

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fred grant - 2010-10-05 7:18 PM


fred found the trackerless area at the last show my biddies. it wus such a releif. heaven.




Give it a rest Fred - it's not funny anymore and just shows you as the inward looking narrow minded bigoted pillock of penpillick.


I don't keep having a go at you so why do you feel the need to keep having a go at me?


Answers on the back of a used £20 note please.

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So, what conclusions have we reached then:


It seems to me that everybody dislikes everybody else but they still go to these events.


The safety valve seems to be getting straight on to the computer keyboard afterwards to vent their spleen.


Are the show bargains really worth the aggravation? Perhaps not.


I think I will continue to avoid shows, I can sit at home and count my pennies instead. :D

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Shows can be good fun.

We always meet new people and often old friends and we can marvel at the mixture of good ideas and tatt on sale at our leisure - but we rarely if ever go there to buy a van!


The really good bit is warning unsuspecting buyers about the pitfalls of Fiat gearboxes - preferably in the company of an all denying salesman or two - now that's entertainment!

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As I see it gennys are not the problem, its just that as soon as some get on site they start them up, why.

I light my gas barby around 6 pm, genny is started near and moved to near me,why?.

No people are the problem who are inconsiderate, anyway we last the show with no genny, Why cant others?.

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trooper - 2010-10-06 7:31 PM

we last the show with no genny, Why cant others?.


Some folks need mains power for medical reasons and I would not want to deprive them of show visits - but it might be better and easier for all if they were parked close to the entrances and well away from the rest of us.



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Can I start off by saying I don't have a genny! Neither do I particularly like the noise from having one near me when I'm away in the van.


However, we live in the 21st century and the noise from life itself is impossible to get away from. Aircraft noise, road noise, kids playing, music, gennies, car and house alarms, dogs barking, motorbikes, emergency service sirens, people laughing, people talking, and even bird noise can become really invasive if we let it. No site or showground anywhere is ever going to be completely noise free, so getting so stressed about it is only going to make you ill and will make you even more annoyed!


Let's have a rant and moan but starting with the personal comments and insults is just bad manners and not needed.

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