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MH owners living in Spain


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Hi to all the people who live in Spain.

Wonder if any one knows the Law in Spain on towing wjth "A" frame?

It appears that it is illegal to tow with "A" frame, but some people seem to get away with it and others get a fine I hope maybe one of you Ex-Pats may be able to enlighten me on the RULES please????


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I think you will find it is illegal to tow any vehicle in Spain. Quite a few have been fined for using an a frame but I will be the first of many to reply to this.


We have lived in Spain for over 20 years although, not there now as we no longer work.


Take care and if you use an a frame make sure you have plenty of Euros in case you get the police taking interest.



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Hi, Can you substantiate your claim that "many people have been fined". I have towed with an A Frame in Spain for 3 years now, have been passed by spanish police, and not once stopped and qustioned. In fact my brother in law, who is also an A Framer stays for 5 months wildcamping in Spain and has not been stopped (except for wildcamping!) It is a question of "take your chances" The website "Motorhomefacts" is currently running a poll asking if you have ever been stopped and fined in Spain for having a A Frame. Suggest you have a look.

The only advice I would give is that your partner must be able to drive so that, in the unlikely event you are stopped and told to unhitch, your partner can drive the car.



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The "A" framers that I have seen all have a cable that runs from tha car to the "A" frame that applies the brakes of the car some how.

The cable is permanently fixed to the car brakes pedal and is connected to the trailer with a simple safety hook type clipclip

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From my understanding, if you are Spanish, it is illegal to tow with an A frame.


I would imagine that if you are resident and have spanish insurances for both vehicles, it would be the same.


In theory, if you are visitng Spain as a resident from another EU country and towing with an A frame, you are not breaking spanish law. HOWEVER it does seem that Spanish Plod totaly ignore this minor point of law.


So if caught and fined, you either have to phone the British Embassy with Mr Plod waving his handgun at your tyres and hopefully get a member of staff to point out the error of Mr Plod's reasoning to him over the phone, or pursue the matter through the your EU parlimentry member. to get your fine reimbursed.


Good luck.




(Its no wonder Spain was / is used as the backdrop for a number of spagetti westerns)

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Despite EU Law stipulations, some member countries do retain some of their own laws which are contidictory to EU Law.

On the surface it's only the UK that complies with any fines imposed by the EU for breach of EU Law.

The NCC website (towing with a motorhome) states that different laws DO APPLY in different member states, so IMO pleading with your MEP will not get any fines imposed by Spanish plod reimbursed.


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Have you worked out how many taxi/train/bus miles you can do for the cost of a low mileage car and A frame, not to mention the temptation to drive when cycling/walking is an alternative. Our Tracker EKS is plenty big enough for two people so we can also park in a lot of places. Do you really need to tow?
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Porky - 2010-09-29 9:13 AM


Have you worked out how many taxi/train/bus miles you can do for the cost of a low mileage car and A frame, not to mention the temptation to drive when cycling/walking is an alternative. Our Tracker EKS is plenty big enough for two people so we can also park in a lot of places. Do you really need to tow?


Don't need to tow at moment, but cycling is not possible, and walking very far is becoming more difficult for me. We do try to find sites within easy distance of places to visit, or where there is a bus stop close by. I was looking to change my current car , and thinking of the future , where a small car could be towed. Maybe in time the "Rules" re towing maybe sorted/or at least clarified, if not it will probably be changing to a caravan, in the future.



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daismarg - 2010-10-04 11:48 PM


May be the solution is a trailer with a car on which we have got instead of an 'A Frame'?!


When faced with several choices I think there are three ways of finding the solution which is right for you.

1 Gut feeling

2 List each solution with their pros and cons

3 Try the one which you think is right and if that doesn't work try something else.

My old gran used to say " not making a decision is making a decision"*-)*-)

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daismarg - 2010-10-04 11:48 PM


May be the solution is a trailer with a car on which we have got instead of an 'A Frame'?!


Unfurtuneatley we do not have space to store a trailer, we do not keep the Mh at home due to lack of parking space.

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Sorry to be bearer of bad news, guys.


November PM has an article saying the EU Law is changing regarding "A" Frames & NCC suggests that they will all be illegal through-out EU countries.

Worth checking out if you use or considering using an "A" Frame.

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Hi, I know its not Spain but on our latest travels we saw 2 French plated motorhomes using "A" frames and 1 Dutch plated, so it appears they are starting to become more popular in other European Countries, perhaps the law change if it happens may be to make them legal throughout Europe.
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flicka - 2010-10-05 10:55 PM


Sorry to be bearer of bad news, guys.


November PM has an article saying the EU Law is changing regarding "A" Frames & NCC suggests that they will all be illegal through-out EU countries.

Worth checking out if you use or considering using an "A" Frame.


Flika, Do you mean Practical Motorhome?. If so which page is it on ?

Can not find the article you refer to


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I looked into the towing lark and found that for the cost of fitting the towbar and electrics, buying trailer or an "A" frame, buying and running another vehicle, extra fares on ferries and campsites I could just hire a small car on a daily basis at my destination for the times when public transpost or even in some cases local taxis weren't available.


In an emergency I have made friends with a nearby "tugger" and cadged a lift off him to the supermarket!

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Personal experience:-


We towed a Trailer to Spain in 2003 Twin axle B-J 16ft with Scenic (auto) and a complete nuisance on site. So in 05 we went back using an "A" frame (Punto, Manual). We have been several times since and so far have be "pulled" by the Guardia Civil (always the motorcycle plod) 3 times now. They say it is illegal in Spain, In spite of showing them the data (In Spanish) AND a copy of a fine which was rescinded (In Spanish).


The understanding is that as "tourists" NOT residents we can temporarily import the "rig". (Note the NOT residents) under EU Regulations. However no one has told the Spanish plod!!.


As a result of this two things have happened:- A) IF I EVER GO BACK TO SPAIN, I will probably go back to a trailer, SWMBO can`t take the hassle. B) we are looking to buy and store an R_V in the USA where they speak English (well abuse it mostly!!!) and Know HOW to use recreational vehicles properly. Unlike in Europe where the bureaucrats (euro-craps) only have one thought :- "how to get more money out of Motorists generally" And Motor homers in particular!!!



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One thing I can tell you, if you do get pulled by the Spanish police be on your guard. Never call them to your travel companion in English and think they will not understand you. Although they will speak to you in Spanish, believe me they will understand your English even if they say not and it could add to your problems.



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