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Heater noise when water pump, pumping


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Hi all


Here we go about pumps again!!!


I did ask about water flow and the suggestions made worked, just cleaned the filter and hey presto much better!!


But………..when the pumps pumping the truama heater (not the water heater) makes a sympathetic rattling noise along with the vibration of the pump which gets louder the longer the pumps being used.


I appreciate that things work lose over time and just wondered if anyone had any suggestions about what might need tightening, looking at or just how to stop the b****y thing rattling basically



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Guest Tracker

Truma space heaters are notoriously rattly - always have been - and I'm surprised the clattering and general metallic noises when on the road do not drive you daft - or maybe it does but you just have not said!


Have you tried taking the front panel off the heater and poking and prodding with the pump running to try and locate the noise? Chances are it's just a panel vibrating or two metal components in contact that need not be in contact with each other?


I don't know how your fire is located but if it is under the wardrobe there might well be an access panel on the wardrobe floor? If so have a look inside with a torch and stick your hand in to see if you can alter the noise when the pump is running?

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Thanks tracker


funny enough it doesn't rattle when driving only when the pumps working for more than a few seconds mind it's the only thing that isnt wrapped in bubble wrap or a tea towel!!! But thats another tail!!!


Yes the heater is under the wardrobe so will see if if i can get alook at the back.


Though it might be a case of trial and error will just have to have a poke around and tighten up anything I see.


The other half thinks I'm obsessed with the stopping of rattles, bang and clatters but it just drives me mad!!!



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