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French motorhome motorcycle trailer


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On a recent trip to France we saw a motorhome with a motorcycle on a trailer. Nothing strange or exciting about that I here you all say.


But this trailer was attached to the rear tow bar by two tow balls about 3feet apart. The trailer only came out from the rear of the motorhome by about 3 feet and looked not much different from a rear mounted motorcycle carrier.

The clever bit was that the majority of the weight was taken down to the road by two large (1 foot diameter) caster type wheels. When the motorhome turned round the caster type wheels just followed. Although there would have been some nose weight transferred to the tow bar the majority of the weight of the motorcycle was on the trailer.


This appeared to be a great bit of kit for people like me who may wish to take a motorcycle / scooter with them but are prohibited because of the weight problem.


I don’t think this was home made as during the holiday I did in fact see 4 such set ups. So I assume they are made commercially in France. Does anyone know who makes them and can they be purchased in the UK?


Thanks Wilf





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No, not that one but one with two castor wheels, each on a suspension arm and twin mountings (not just a single ball hitch) on the back of the vehicle. I have seen them before in France over many years. Short compact and effortless reversing.



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Hi Wilf

Does seem a lot of money for what is basically a platform with 2 castor wheels & tow towbars.

Don't know your location, but I have used this Company for purpose built trailers, in my former life (pre-retirement)



They or a local manufacturer may be able to give you a quote for something similar, if you show them the Youtube clip.


But - then again they may decline if the French company has European/Global Patents, in place.


If they decline, a self-build using trailer components does not look too complex, if access to welding equipment for the two tow bars. See Dave's link for the Caster wheels.


A standard Towbar, with twin towballs would appear to meet the requirement - have a look at the Armitage options.


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Hi Wilf I saw a neat side loading m/cycle carriier a couple yeas ago in

St malo but was unable to speak with the french owner, however I digress at the Lincoln show last weekend the EasyLifter man had made a trailer with the type of wheels that reverse and speaking to EL man he said trailer will reverse in a straight line cost £895 app go to www.easylifter.com





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