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Fiat 2.8jtd Red Key


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Hi, but you should, or he, should have got a key code card. It has the mechanical and electronic codes for the key.



p.s. I am going to qualify what I have said as I have just recalled someone saying UK sourced vehicles do not come with the key code card, only imported vehicles.

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The above is correct. Uk registered vehicles from 2002 face-lift did not come with a red key, and a key card was normally not issued to the first owner but the deatils were registered with 'Retaina group' who for a small fee will give you the information once you have proven ownership. Dealers can access this information. Retaina group administer the I.S.R. (International Security Register).


To avoid delays we always insist that the supplying dealer provides this information to us when delivering new vehicles.


For security reasons this information is not normally made available to owners and I have issues with this.....Whose vehicle is it? I am all for security measures but I paid for the van and expect ALL relevant documentation to be supplied with it, for me to lock in a safe if I chose to do so.


I would make sure that I had the electronic code with me if I was travelling overseas because if the immobiliser fails, the code can be used to start the vehicle, and that could save you from being stranded for a couple of days.


Fortunately such failures are extremely rare.


At the very least, contact Retaina group and make sure that you are recorded as the current owner. That will help a lot.


The details are in your owner's documentation or the number is: 07000 111333 They do not charge for registering changes of ownership. Can also be done on line at: www.retainagroup.com



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Madmaggott - 2010-10-05 8:25 PM
euroserv - 2010-10-04 1:19 PM  They do not charge for registering changes of ownership. Can also be done on line at: www.retainagroup.comNick


They do make a charge of £20 for change of ownership Nick.

In the documentation packs that come with our new vehicles there is a plastic wallet containing information about security. In there there are a couple of forms for change of ownership and they clearly state that there is no charge. I can only tell you what I have in front of me, and it is possible that you do not have what I have but I understand all UK dealer registered vehicles come with this information, and the windows are etched when the vehicles arrive at Portbury.Nick
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I notified them when I bought our van (on-line) and there was a £20 charge.  Perhaps it's if the 1st owner lets them know that it's sold then they don't charge?  Presumably they need to do research of some kind in order to confirm that a new owner notification is legit?
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