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overnighting in calais docks


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hi,the last time we returned from france we overnighted in the docks in calais. we had intended using one of the aires nearby but noticed several other m/h's parked up for the night (by the booking offices) so decided to join them.it was ideal as we had a very early crossing the next morning.

what i'd like to know is can we do it on our return to france. when you get off the ferry in calais can you easliy drive to the booking offices.all i remember is driving off the ferry straight onto a major road that leads to the motorways.is there a roundabout where you can double back on yourselves?

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We stayed there two weeks ago before catching an early ferry back the next morning and there was new ‘Armco’ barrier and what appeared to be new barrier arms at the entry and exit; that were not yet up and working. We had stayed there at the start of September when we went into France and none of this was there then; perhaps something is afoot!! If anyone knows the answer please post.
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We used it in August to both come and go as we have done for years. There were barriers in place near the booking office area simply because they are carring out some building work. It has little effect on the parking facility.
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Stayed on Calais dock last night. The part at the rear end of the car park, near the ticket offices, is still free and no barriers. Rest of car park is, it seems, soon to be subject to charge as barriers in place and signs showing charges in place. Sending this from new free wi-fi at Montville aire.

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Refering to aire at Montville in Dept 76, the one just north of Rouen. Again this is being sent using the free public wi-fi provided by the town and available on the aire. Notice at entrance to aire and know was in operation 4 weeks ago. Parking on aire still free but water now 3 Euros. A nice spot to spend a couple of days, with market on Sat am.
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I was at that aire at that time and so I obviously missed the sign. In my defense I had been caught up in the traffic jam on the main street where they are replacing the bridge piecemeal over the small river and then as I tried to turn at the church into the aire I came across the biggest wedding crowd I have ever seen in my life. As the locals park on the Motorhome only spaces I more concerned about finding a spot. My fellow adjacent motorhomer decided to treat us all to his generator and was an ardent outside cook on his barbecue so I was able to move when the cars vacated. As Rouen is a very busy town to cross I was away at 7am when it was barely light to miss the traffic and I did`nt look at any signs, But R&J are right it can be a pleasant spot, something not lost on the French motorhomers who seem to have gained a new lease of life.During the trip around Brittany I noticed the lack of Brits, omnipresent Germans of course but a big increase in" Les retraites" and a lot younger looking than our retirees.They must also retire with plenty of cash too as they generally owned brand new 50-60k outfits with all the sat kit and extras and filled up a lot of the aires I visited. There is a funfare adjacent at the week ends but the music does stop at a reasonable time, but it`s a nice spot and a good stop over during the journey. Thanks R&J for a useful bit of info.


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We were in Calais last night. The sea front aire was jam packed. The yacht Basin there where a number of Travellers vans parked up. we stayed up at Citie euro and there where 4 of us and we had no problems.Had a good meal down in the cafe area.Only problem Immagration control did a really good search over the Van including top box had to be opened.
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Yes Geoff, there is an old bridge as you come away from the town up the hill in a northerly direction past the train station. You do not have to exit or enter this way but it depends on your route. We get through ok at 2,75 mts high but, as it is a narrow arch style it looks a bit daunting. I expect someone will know the true height as this aire has been used a lot in the past. I beleive there is another aire not too far away at Cleres but you should be careful at Montville as the road up to the bridge is steep and is not the sort of spot for a 3 point turn.


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Perhaps the restructuring of the port has something to do with the new parking layout at the docks.


Here is the latest that I have seen http://www.calais-port.com/communication/press-release/article/the-calais-port-2015-project-presented-and-accepted-in-plenary-session-of-the-nordpas-de-calais/


It will be a pity if the easy parking so close to the port entry is removed. We have always found it so simple for the first & last nights of a trip.


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Yes there is an aire at Cleres (dept 76) and it's fine with hedged pitches but surface can get muddy with heavy rain. Used to have free electricity but now charged (think 2 euros for 4 hours). Village is nice but now think Montville is better stopover; do not worry about low bridge well signed and not on main routes in and out (NB Free wi-fi so don't forget your net book)
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