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AA - RAC - Or - Greenflag.


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Just checked with Britania Rescue to ensure they can provide recovery for my Autosleeper Lancashire.


Confirmed yes and referred me to page 12 para 7 of my Policy Document booklet - Motorhomes must not be more than 8 metres in length or a weight fully loaded of 7 tonnes.


I also insure through CSMA (L&V) for this cover and note my premium on 12 August this year was £79 including CMSA Club.

This covers me for any vehicle and with an additional card but not home start.


Hope this is helpful for those worrying about size and weight cover.

Would recommend everyone checks both by phoning their breakdown insurance company and looking closely at the policy.



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We used to own a caravan and the tow car came with RAC cover which included the caravan. However when I contacted the RAC they could not be certain what they would do about the caravan in the event of a breakdown to the car, but more importantly the caravan eg in the event of an accident.

Thus we also went with Green Flag who do not have any problems with the above.

Whilst this is not really relevant to the discussion, it does illustrate the need to read and interrogate the small print.

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