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£113 million..!! Is it you??


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Any member on here won the Euro lottery? £113 million, My other half says its an obscene amount and should have been split up more. Asked if she would have not wanted it she replied that she would have given most of it away but could not say how much she would keep.

I try to tell her, money is not obscene, its the person who fritters it away who is obscene.

What would you do with so much? 


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Guest pelmetman

I am a man of means and only the other day I gave er in doors £10 and I said spend the lot in the charity shop of your choice :-D


And she did 8-)


No change >:-(


Women! no sense of the value of money :D

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Guest pelmetman
nowtelse2do - 2010-10-09 8:47 PM

Dave I think you mixed your first few words up, shouldn't it say. I'm a mean man? :-D

If I gave my wife £10 she would be gone 2-3hrs in the charity shops. :-)


Me?.................. mean 8-) I used to take her shopping every Sunday and I said spend what ever you want :-DBut then the shops started to open on a Sunday 8-) have these people no religion!The worlds gone to pot (lol) (lol) ......................which apparantly is a nice earner :D
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nowtelse2do - 2010-10-09 7:57 PM

Any member on here won the Euro lottery? £113 million, My other half says its an obscene amount and should have been split up more. Asked if she would have not wanted it she replied that she would have given most of it away but could not say how much she would keep.

I try to tell her, money is not obscene, its the person who fritters it away who is obscene.

What would you do with so much? 


Get a habitation check, and two new leisure batteries.
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nowtelse2do - 2010-10-09 7:57 PM

Any member on here won the Euro lottery? £113 million, My other half says its an obscene amount and should have been split up more. Asked if she would have not wanted it she replied that she would have given most of it away but could not say how much she would keep.

I try to tell her, money is not obscene, its the person who fritters it away who is obscene.

What would you do with so much? 


Agree with your wife.......give most of it away though NOT to feed the charity fatcats who sit in judgement of those they are supposed to be helping. £113 million is just too much, even if it turns out to be a syndicate.How much does anyone really need to live comfortably?
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I would willingly like to win a very large amount, but there would be a strict rule that my name was never given, I would never tell the family neither friends, I could have more fun keeping quiet than advertising the win.


The first thing would be to set up a charitable fund, not a charity. It would then enable 'the fund' to let it be known that money was available to various village organisations on production of a written detailed request.


This would need organising from a different location and include employing staff to run it.


Some yearts ago there was a good storey about someone who had a large win, he bought a large house and then said he was the caretaker as the owner had gone away for two years, what better.


Big money is serious stuff, many have died after a big win, I would love it, and it certainly would not change me!! At this moment I can buy anything, go any where and do anything, what more does anyone need?



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