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Buying Accessories at the NEC show

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Looking for some advice please. After buying the MH, we have now had a couple of nights away, trying to work out what each button actually does and to establish what we need to fully equip the beast. We are going to the NEC next week and we were wondering if shows like these are the best place to pick up all the necessary accessories or is the Internet going to be cheaper? Looking for pretty well everything from mugs, plates, pots and pans, through to TV and Satellite systems.


thanks in advance



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It's not easy to buy things like crockery on the internet unless you know what it is exactly as you can't see it, feel it or judge properly if you like it in my view.


Buying at a show there is lots of competition and it's easy to compare but there is nothing to stop you compiling a list of known wants and doing some internet research first is there and at least you will have seen the items in the flesh so to speak if you do decide to go home and buy online after the show?


Bear in mind that bying on the web means postage and packing which tends to be a rip off in itself in many cases being far in excess of the actual cost and in mamny cases will give a total price in excess of show and even normanl shop prices unless it is an expensive item?


It's not all about saving every last pound either as the buying process itself can be great fun at shows with banter and barter at many stands and the chance to see it try it and be sure it works before you go home.



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stillthinkingaboutit - 2010-10-10 5:01 PM


Looking for some advice please. After buying the MH, we have now had a couple of nights away, trying to work out what each button actually does and to establish what we need to fully equip the beast. We are going to the NEC next week and we were wondering if shows like these are the best place to pick up all the necessary accessories or is the Internet going to be cheaper? Looking for pretty well everything from mugs, plates, pots and pans, through to TV and Satellite systems.


thanks in advance





NEC will be useful for the basics ( crockery etc) but I would also visit one of the m/home shows such as Peterborough in April for a good browse around.

Buying off the net does not give you much idea of quality,( if you have not already seen the item elsewhere).

If you see a nice little folding toaster at the NEC ( that goes over the gas ) I would recommend one of those.

Lovely toast !




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Make a list of what you need and what you would like we often find bits and bobs at store's such as Wilco's and Boyes we bough some enamel plates which can be put under the grill when doing a fry up so as to keep the food warm and not melt the plates about £1.99 each from Boyes and as stated earlier open shows like Peterborough are great for odd item bargains , shows like the NEC are good for tv's and satalite systems but have a shop around as prices vairy quite a lot and try a bit of barter it often works .. have a good day at the show we will be there Wednesday all being well

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Hi Roger- Why not call at Jacksons of Old Arley, not far from the NEC.

Should be able to get nearly all you want at a big saving compared to the over inflated prices of the NEC. Also if you are a member of the major clubs you will also get an extra 5% off. :-D

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Hi Roger, assuming you are local to a caravan and/or motorhome dealer that has an accessory shop, have a look in there.


It's the end of the "season" (not for us I might add), and it's surprising what you can find on offer.


There are usually some real bargains to be had, I know there are one local to me and they're not immune to a bit of haggling either.


Speaking of haggling, 100% true story time, I advertised a car many moons ago in Auto Trader, set the price at £1950 and put will haggle after it.


The phone rings after the ad appeared and a Lady said, "Can I speak to Will Haggle please?"


You couldn't make it up :D :D


Sorry for veering off thread.



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Hi Roger


First thing - only take a small amount of money with you into the show and leave your credit cards hidden in the motorhome!!! Why? Because that way you won't be tempted to just buy something there and then. Having to go back to your motorhome for your credit card will give you breathing space away form the 'pressure' of the trader's stand, to have a rethink as to whether or not what you've seen is what you want, and if the price is good. Don't be pushed into buying something by the traders - you can always quote your forum id to them ... "still thinking about it"! :D


As for the smaller bits and pieces, don't be fooled into thinking that there is anything 'special' about the pots and pans you get from the shows, there isn'! We've bought stuff from camping shops, Wilkos, Boyes, car boot sales (a very good source of all sorts of kit!) and charity shops. We got a cracking picnic set many years ago from a chap at a car boot, 8 lots of everything and very, very well made ... it's still going strong! For pans, some of the cheap sets from bargain basement shops are good as they tend to be a bit thinner and therefore lighter, and also are often not quite as large either. We have some old fashioned cups - tall glasses in plastic holders - so they can do double juty, but any old cup will do, best to have straight sided ones so they go in the cupboard next to each other and are less likely to wobble.


TVs - you tend to only get the more expensive stuff there, the difficulty of buying one elsewhere can be finding a TV that will work of 12v without the need for an inverter but they are out there - we got a 17" one with a built in DVD and freeview new for around £110 I think (can't remember exactly).


As for other accessories like satellite systems etc, I'd wait a while before splashing the cash to make sure you're really likely to want the various bits and pieces - lots of people buy kit that just gathers dust ... and it is then a very expensive ornament!!!


With the satellite kit for example - think of how you'll use it, and if you really, really need it to be a fixed one or are happy to see how you get on with a free standing one. If freestanding, then often the cheap shops (Aldi/Lidl/Netto) will do the suitcase type 'specials' for around £50, so unless you are desparate it might pay you to wait.


So my main piece of advice is ... think at least twice before you buy stuff, walk away and then, if you're sure you want it, go back.

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Mel B - 2010-10-11 5:29 PM


With the satellite kit for example - think of how you'll use it, and if you really, really need it to be a fixed one or are happy to see how you get on with a free standing one. If freestanding, then often the cheap shops (Aldi/Lidl/Netto) will do the suitcase type 'specials' for around £50, so unless you are desparate it might pay you to wait.




There's a steal of a satellite bargain on at B&Q at the moment, dish, (biggish) & receiver £35



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