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Breakdown & travel insurance deadlines


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Have been intouch with my insurers regarding what would happen if I fell ill or had a vehicle breakdown whilst in France a day or two before the insurance expired and had to stay on past the expiry date. I was told that I would not be covered past the expiry date. I would of thought as the incident happened whilst the policy was still in date that I would be covered for that specific claim.


Has anyone ever had to claim a day or two before their policy expired whilst abroad?

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I can't speak for being abroad, but a car accident a few years ago which wasn't our fault resulted in some argy bargy.


Our car had been repaired and we were waiting for our excess to be returned to us. It dragged on right up to where the policy was due to be renewed.


I rang them again and explained that I was leaving them for another insurer. I was told, rightly or wrongly, that if I did that I'd NEVER get the excess back as I wouldn't be insured with them. Talk about blackmail.


Anyway, the result was that I didn't get it back but saved more than double with the new company.


So continuous insurance would appear to be a must. Unless someone can enlighten better?



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As I think you are refering specifically to Travel &/or Breakdown Insurance, then a claim would need to be made during the period (i.e. notification of Illness or Breakdown at the time it occurs) & that claim would stay in force until finalised.

eg. Travel Insurance - Some years ago whilst on holiday my wife had a sking accident and had to stay in an Austrian hospital for a few days after we were due to fly home. (normally the end of the Insurance period) but as the claim was initiated during the validity period, it remained in force until the doctors confirmed she was able to travel & also covered me to stay with her, right through until we got home.


If your Travel / Breakdown Insurer insists otherwise, either don't Insure with him or ask him to put it in writing , then refer it to the Insurance Odbudsman


However - If you are refering to the Vehicle Insurance, then Sorry I just don't see how you expect to be covered.

The period of Insurance is very specific, usually to 23:59:59 on the day of expiry.

It's the same with any period contract, which is agreed by both parties PRIOR to commencement, so their is no scope to plead that you are/were unaware.

If you were to initiate a claim immediately before expiry, it would be unwise not to renew with the same Insurer.

If you do not either renew or take out a new Insurance you are UN-Insured and therefore driving the vehicle illegally.


IME the majority of people re-Insure much more than 1 or 2 days before expiry of the existing policy.



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Surely if your policy was due to expire that close to your intended return date, you would renew before departure, or make arrangements to be able to do so while away by phone/credit card?

After all, it is possible (not likely, but possible, so the risk exists, and insurance is all about risk, which is why we buy it) that you might be delayed by some circumstance beyond your control, neither illness nor breakdown - extreme weather, for example - and then be taken ill or break down while still away, but after the policy had expired.

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I have my holiday insurance through my bank and pay extra to extend the duration of the cover. This year whilst in Spain I had my purse stolen so I notified the bank. The travel insurance was still valid at that time. When the renewal date approached I phoned the bank to renew and to extend the duration. I was refused the option to renew or to extend the duration because I had not returned to England by that date. In other years I have not experienced any problem. I was also informed that the claim for the purse would not be honoured either. So I am still in France with no insurance at present. However, when posting the new number of my replacement card, which had been in the purse, I noticed on the Sentinel website that they will cover the loss of the purse and money so at least not all is lost but I am not happy at the refusal to renew the travel insurance and may pursue this furher.
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