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First trip completed!


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Just returned after a week of about 400 mls in North Scotland in Swift Royale. No problems at all, all a learning process, routine, finding eating places etc, found the weather mild up there and no fears of being cold in fact it was to warm in motorhome. But on arriving home the frost has started, I have the motorhome parked beside the house and can run a supply to it, I intend to use a oil filled radiator to keep any dampness at bay and will be on road again next weekend, I also intend to be away during Xmas and new year and wonder if due to frost should I drain down the heater or just switch it on during day for a time to keep water warm? I have drained down the grey water. Many thanks for help JBD
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Hi and welcome to the mad house! :->


Water - you should always drain down your waste and fresh water tanks, and the water heater, when you return from a trip. Apart from the frost issue, it keeps the system clean as it stops nasty bugs developing in the water in the tanks. You wouldn't dream of drinking from a glass of water that had been sitting around for a few days, and its the same principle in a motorhome. As for frost, the chances are that your van's water heater will have a frost (low temperature) valve anyway which would trigger when it gets very cold but it's better to empty it yourself to be sure.


When draining down your fresh water system, make sure you leave the taps in the central 'open' position so that any air pressure that is created if ice forms can 'escape' and not crack them or the pipes.


As for keeping the van warm, unless the temperature is going to be very cold for a long time you shouldn't need it IMV.

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Many thanks for advice, seller showed me a small white screw on the panel located top left corner and advised to drain it at end of season but on further inspection the small top screw could be to let air in to system and bottom larger screw located bottom left will be the actual drain? again thank you for help. :D
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