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Medical/repatriation Insurance

John J Thompson

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Guest JudgeMental

slightly of topic as not euro cover, But we are hoping to go on a worldwide trip if the wife can get a sabbatical from work, and once my second child goes of to Uni next year......


when I was refused cover recently, other companies would cover if I excluded the USA and Caribbean, as I guess these are probably the most expensive places to become ill. In fact on the TV this week was a woman who got a (not sure if £ or $) a 15.000 bill for a one night hospital stay :-S


was hoping to get a 6 month backpacker policy :-S dread to think what that will cost....... will need a 3rd rucksack for my mediation :-|

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JudgeMental - 2010-10-19 1:50 PM Perhaps a little naive of me......but I am not particularly risk adverse, and if the worse comes to the worse, Mrs M can have me cremated and bring me back in her handbag.....

I know that the above is tongue in cheek but just by way of information for anyone interested. My very good friends father unfortunately passed away in portugal about 18mths ago. He was in his 70s was on holiday on his own and had no insurance at all. It cost my friend a lot of money to have the body cremated, and the paperwork involved in getting the remains back to blighty was incredible. It was even more expensive (about 25k if memory serves me correct but dont quote me on it) to have a body repatriated. And no he wasnt allowed to carry the remains as hand luggage. So it may not be the same for all countrys but if ever there was a case for getting insurance regardless of cost then this was it.

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Guest JudgeMental
ips - 2010-10-20 2:53 PM
JudgeMental - 2010-10-19 1:50 PM Perhaps a little naive of me......but I am not particularly risk adverse, and if the worse comes to the worse, Mrs M can have me cremated and bring me back in her handbag.....

I know that the above is tongue in cheek but just by way of information for anyone interested. My very good friends father unfortunately passed away in portugal about 18mths ago. He was in his 70s was on holiday on his own and had no insurance at all. It cost my friend a lot of money to have the body cremated, and the paperwork involved in getting the remains back to blighty was incredible. It was even more expensive (about 25k if memory serves me correct but dont quote me on it) to have a body repatriated. And no he wasnt allowed to carry the remains as hand luggage. So it may not be the same for all countrys but if ever there was a case for getting insurance regardless of cost then this was it.

After your story above, Mrs M would probably get a gallon of petrol and a shovel from a DIY shop and do it herself :-Sa good plan B may be just to leave yours trully in the van, lock the doors take the number plates of and fly back? :D
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Our insurance is that we are both drivers. Once I drove back non stop from Carcassonne to Basingstoke district hospital , 840 miles and the only break was the ferry crossing. With the camper and trailer. All autoroutes. Yes French hospitals are generally more thorough than ours but the language can be a struggle when you are ill.


R-patriation insurance companies are not charities and if you have known conditions that increase their risk then they will charge.


Tough, but what would you do?




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I have found that " medical screening " is a bit of a joke.


General it seems, you don't talk to anyone with medical knowledge, simply a box ticker.

When I mentioned a condition they asked me how to spell it !


It's a bit like age discrimination - if you are capable of swimming the channel, or cycling from Lands End to John O'Groats and you are 69, you are no risk at all - but the day you become 70 you are a liability.






p.s. that's a thought - what happens if you have your 70th birthday while you are away ?

Best if you don't tell 'em.




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I have just found this site it may help as it seems to cover what you need, I'am interested in this thread as my wife has medical conditions, I did a quote for us and it was about £280 for 180 days with 2 medical conditions.







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I have painfull experience of a French hospital Clive mainly because as you state the language problem. A few years ago I broke my left femur and hip skiing and spent a month in one, not something I would care to repeat. Surprisingly no one spoke much English and my French was certainly not up to medical conversations. They did try and eventually found a cleaner who was not bad so we managed. While I have no problem with the operation result the general nursing care was not as good as the NHS. The food was truely awful, my wife took to bringing sandwiches in. Only two of us in a room but because the other guy was French we struggled a bit. The hospital in general was very quiet with no one around, how do they do that, so felt very lonely you could not even people watch. I was very pleased to get out of the place. Sorry to go way off topic but I did see all the bill,s and the total was enormous. Out of interest no one asked if I had insurance until the operation was out of the way but I had three things to offer; French Carte Neige, my own UK cover and EHIC. Differant people took differant things, the hospital took EHIC for three weeks and my own cover for one. The taxi to airport and helicopters took Carte Neige, do not know about flight home. My UK insurer told me all this so assume they also covered the flights and UK ambulance.
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After your story above, Mrs M would probably get a gallon of petrol and a shovel from a DIY shop and do it herself :-S a good plan B may be just to leave yours trully in the van, lock the doors take the number plates of and fly back? :D

Sounds like a good plan considering the cost of the alternative.. LOL

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