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Stoves oven outer glass door


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I have broken the toughened outer glass on the stoves oven and grill/combination unit. Its from a Autosleeper Amethyst year 2000.

Mod No. 059043901 Ser No. 91102573. The manual with the oven is for the models GG 6000/GG7000/GG7000L/GG2200/2200/2200/2/2200/3 but I cannot find any of these model no's on the oven only the above mod no serial no. Size approx :-


Full width 18.5/16'' ( 465 mm)


Height 14'' (355mm) the holes for the handle have a 16'' (406mm) pitch


The door is drop down type.

Can anyone help with any information where I can replace this glass I have tried stoves.

Thanks for any help



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It is indeed a difficult model to find info on.

It appears to be obsolete and I can suggest two things.


Check this link http://www.leisurespares.co.uk/stock/Stoves/059042772-to-57247/ and search for one which looks the same. Going to need a bit of work and doule checking it wil fit. Alternative is to get one made by a local glass supplier. They will have no probem cutting, grinding and drilling glass and then toughening it suitable for use as an oven door. The problem will be any painting/printing. They should be able to arrange this as well and although expensive may well be cheaper than a new door if you find one.

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It may be a good idea to contact O'Leary motorhome parts supplier its often as cheap to replace the oven than buy a spare part slightly off topic we once needed a new heat resistant glass panel for a gas fire and the cost was unrealistic compared to the cost of the fire.
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If you don't mind the appearance, you can make a replacement from the glass fibre board used to blank behind gas fires etc. Then you can spray paint it with heat resistant paint (I used black on an old caravan I once owned and it looked fine, you couldn't see in the oven though!)



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