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Could this be the start of Aires for England


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JudgeMental - 2010-10-20 5:33 PM


Blimey...........enlightened self interest at last! and about time. But forgive me, I have never heard of Flyde :-S



how about Fylde :-> :->



it's part of Lancashire, Fylde Coast is the stretch from the Ribble to the Lune/ Wyre,

not too far from God's Own Country - ie Blackburn :D

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Well I'll go t'foot of our stairs! Well done Fylde.


'Appen 't missus an' me might be tempted back up there to see th'illuminations after all.


Sorry about the accent, I was quite overcome for a moment. (But I really DO still speak with a recognisable northern one, if not quite like that.)


Anyway, I now feel like inviting fellow Lancastrians (exiled or not) join me in our county's traditional toast:


"To her Majesty the Queen, Duke of Lancaster!"

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Apparently not everyone can open "word" attachments from here, so here's what I wrote last night:


“Seaside Air(e)”

With apologies to Albert and his parents (not to mention the lion)


There’s a famous seaside place called Blackpool

That’s noted for fresh air and fun.

Motorhomers from all over ’country

Now go there in search of the sun.


For the Councillors in their great wisdom

Have seen we’ve a few bob to spend.

Allus ready to build up the business

They’ve decided they want us as friends.


For a fiver we’re now to be welcome

To park for a day an’ a night;

To spend all we want on th’amusements

Or ride t’Pepsi Max for a fright!


The weather’s not always fantastic,

There’s sometimes the chance of a shower.

But if stuck for some dry entertainment,

Just go up to’top o’ the Tower.


And then there’s the Zoo - it’s quite famous

Though the lions no longer eat boys.

Still, those sticks wi’ the ’orses ’ead ’andles

Will never be popular toys!


Now Eddie don’t know where ’Fylde Coast is:

Mebbe if we’d said “Blackpool” instead

’E wouldn’t ’ave bin so Judgemental

(And what the ’eck’s that, on ’is ’ead?).


Well, now we can ALL go to Blackpool,

And stay for a night an’ a day.

So well done t’ Fylde District Council,

You’re sure to find this lot will pay!


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Guest Peter James
Tony Jones - 2010-10-21 8:59 AM


For a fiver we’re now to be welcome

To park for a day an’ a night;



The link only says £5 per night, doesn't mention the day.


When I was there last month these St Annes and Lytham seafront car parks were Pay and Display 9.00 - 18.00 hrs (consequently empty as everyone was parked on the road) and free overnight. There were motorhomes overnighting free on Lytham Green, and no signs to say they couldn't.


Like most seafront car parks they are a bit windswept and open to boy racers and other noisy night owls. Great TV reception though from Rivington Pike TV mast (which you can see lit up at night - fabulous view on a clear day from Rivington Pike incidentally, but a mile walk from the car park)

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ips - 2010-10-22 11:00 AM
JudgeMental - 2010-10-20 8:58 PM OMGG! Blackpool! No wonder they are so desperate...Once was enough for a lifetime...... :D

Ditto ...

I understand Blackpool evoking strong reactions, (Eddie, I note your smiley), I don't care for the place.But Lytham is lovely, so I hope no one is under the impression that all these locations are in Blackpool, because they're not.Martyn
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Ok fair point Lytham and st annes are marginally better however be very carefull driving around there as the average age is 107 and the driving leaves a lot to be desired. Incidentally I'm off to st annes in about an hour (work not pleasure)


PS-no smiley on my previous post, I meant it. :-D

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Guest Peter James
LordThornber - 2010-10-22 11:59 AM


But Lytham is lovely, so I hope no one is under the impression that all these locations are in Blackpool, because they're not.




Lytham is lovely yes, can't always always the same about the people. I can see there being a few objections to this, and not just from the usual hoteliers not wanting people bringing their own beds instead of paying for theirs. Getting permission for the statue of Les Dawson on the seafront tyook years. One silly old bat said she could feel him staring at her every time she opened her curtains in the flat across the road. Lord knows what she will say about Motorhomes setting up camp.


Frankly it suits me better when camping is banned on the seafront car parks because I find a nice quiet residential road like I did behind the Esplanade in Scarborough last month. Apparently the local Victor Meldrew neighbourhood watch character must have thought I was out on a burglary and called the police. Knock on the door, but as soon as they saw my van is a motorhome on the inside they were fine. I pointed out that since overnight sleeping is prohibited on all the car parks I could only sleep on the roadside to obey the law. The police said well nobody is checking, so if you go down to the Holbeck car park on the seafront you will have no problems, so I did. It was windy there on the cliftop though, buffeting the van about. I was more comfortable where I was, shielded from the wind by the houses.

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ips - 2010-10-22 12:18 PM


Ok fair point Lytham and st annes are marginally better however be very carefull driving around there as the average age is 107 and the driving leaves a lot to be desired. Incidentally I'm off to st annes in about an hour (work not pleasure)


PS-no smiley on my previous post, I meant it. :-D


No probs IPS, I respect your point of view, as I said I don't care for the place either.


Overnight at Fairhaven Lake though is very appealing for me though. Enjoy your work :'(



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Guest Peter James

I'll tell you an old-fashioned story

That Grandfather used to relate,

Of a joiner and building contractor;

'Is name, it were Sam Oglethwaite.


In a shop on the banks of the Hynburn,

Old Sam used to follow 'is trade,

In a place you'll have 'eard of, called Accrington

You know, where black puddings is made.


One day, Sam were filling a knot 'ole

Wi' putty, when in thro' the door

Came an old feller fair wreathed wi' whiskers;

T'ould chap said 'Good morning, I'm Noah.'


Sam asked Noah what was 'is business,

And t'ould chap went on to remark,

That not liking the look of the weather,

'E were thinking of building an Ark.


'E'd gotten the wood for the bulwarks,

And all t'other shipbuilding junk,

And wanted some nice Bird's Eye Maple

To panel the side of 'is bunk.


Now Maple were Sam's Monopoly;

That means it were all 'is to cut,

And nobody else 'adn't got none;

So 'e asked Noah three ha'pence a foot.


'A ha'penny too much,' replied Noah

'A Penny a foot's more the mark;

A penny a foot, and when t'rain comes,

I'll give you a ride in me Ark.'


But neither would budge in the bargain;

The whole daft thing were kind of a jam,

So Sam put 'is tongue out at Noah,

And Noah made ' long bacon' at Sam


In wrath and ill-feeling they parted,

Not knowing when they'd meet again,

And Sam had forgot all about it,

'Til one day it started to rain.


It rained and it rained for a fortni't,

And flooded the 'ole countryside.

It rained and it kept' on raining,

'Til the river stink were fifty mile wide.


The 'ouses were soon under water,

And folks to the roof 'ad to climb.

They said 'twas the rottenest summer

That Accy 'ad 'ad for some time.



The rain showed no sign of abating,

And water rose hour by hour,

'Til the only dry land were at Blackpool,

And that were on top of the Tower.


So Sam started swimming to Blackpool;

It took 'im best part of a week.

'Is clothes were wet through when 'e got there,

And 'is boots were beginning to leak.


'E stood to 'is watch-chain in water,

On Tower top, just before dark,

When who should come sailing towards 'im

But old Noah, steering 'is Ark.


They stared at each other in silence,

'Til Ark were alongside, all but,

Then Noah said: 'What price yer Maple?'

Sam answered 'Three ha'pence a foot.'


Noah said 'Nay; I'll make thee an offer,

The same as I did t'other day.

A penny a foot and a free ride.

Now, come on, lad, what does tha say?'


'Three ha'pence a foot,' came the answer.

So Noah 'is sail 'ad to hoist,

And sailed off again in a dudgeon,

While Sam stood determined, but moist.


Noah cruised around, flying 'is pigeons,

'Til fortieth day of the wet,

And on 'is way back, passing Blackpool,

'E saw old Sam standing there yet.


'Is chin just stuck out of the water;

A comical figure 'e cut,

Noah said: 'Now what's the price of yer Maple?'

Sam answered: 'Three ha'pence a foot.'


Said Noah: 'Ye'd best take my offer;

It's last time I'll be hereabout;

And if water comes half an inch higher,

I'll happen get Maple for nowt.'


'Three ha'pence a foot it'll cost yer,

And as fer me,' Sam said, 'don't fret.

The sky's took a turn since this morning;

I think it'll brighten up yet.

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No probs IPS, I respect your point of view, as I said I don't care for the place either.


Overnight at Fairhaven Lake though is very appealing for me though. Enjoy your work :'(




Thanks, as for enjoying my work....prob not :-D have a good weekend.

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