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Fiat 2.5ltr 5th gear problems


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Our 1998 Hymer B584 2.5 has succumb to the dreaded 5th gear problem i.e. it keeps dropping out of 5th gear. We have a friend who is a commercial truck technician and has offered to carry out the repair which he reckons will take about an hour to do from start to finish. The only problem is that we have to order and get the parts (which we believe to be a pair of gears and a synco hub and ring) which we understand comes as standard kit and that our local Fiat garage (Aylesbury Bucks) will know what we will need. They don’t! Does anyone have any recommendations as to a good Fiat parts department not too far away who will know what is needed? Any help would be much appreciated.



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I would be pleased to be of assistance. Please send me a private message with your chassis number and I will get back to you with the part numbers.




PS. I too am surprised that your local dealer does not know what you need. Make sure you ask for trade discount for saving him the time and trouble!


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Hi had the same problem with my motorhome a while back make sure that you have a new selector fitted as my mechanic found that there is a slight difference and thought that the slector was the root of the problem as it didnt allow the 5th gear to select fully and was only driving on 50% of the gear width. Hope this helps. John (?)
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Hi and thanks for your suggestions. I will let you know how I do.


Nick thanks for your offer of help. I have sent you a PM as requested.


My local dealer was given both the registration and chassis number but still did not know what was needed!!??. I may have to find a company further away to supply the parts and go and get them or pay postage etc. Once more thanks.

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Hello again, got your pm and here follows my recommendations;


It is highly likely that you only need the synchromesh for 5th gear to be replaced, and this can be done without removing the gearbox. The end cover can be removed and the synchro is easily accessible. The part number was 9569140388 and has changed to 9463263388. My prices are out of date by as much as 10% because I am too tight to pay for a recent disc but the synchro was £159.68 + vat earlier this year. If your 5th gear has been damaged by excessive amounts of 'crunching' you can replace that easily at the same time but it is another £184.31 for part number 9463263088 and I would be tempted to try without first. Earlier vans like yours have a gasket for the end cover (£9.08 pt no 9624276680) which later vans do not have. These later vans are sealed with mastic before bolting back on.


The point raised above regarding the selector arm is valid but less likely on 94-2002 vans than on the later ones. The selector is only £29.60 (9625544180) so it may be worthwhile doing while the cover is off.


Again, the parts prices are a little out of date and are all plus VAT. Expect another 10% on the prices and watch out for the pesky VAT increase after xmas!


Finally; In my humble opinion any dealer parts department that cannot identify what you want from the chassis number is not worthy of your custom.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi A update.


I would like to say a big thank you, and especially to Nick, for all your help, advice and suggestions. Whilst seeking your assistance my mechanic friend, without my knowledge, took off the 5th gear bits etc to take to the parts centre the next morning. Overnight he examined the parts and saw there was no damage or wear to any of the parts. He did however note that two of the ball bearings on the spring loaded pistons between the syncro hub and ring were missing (they were later found in the 5th gear cover/pan. He told me that they had not escaped during removal as the cover/pan was not even close at any stage. He used a large drop pan when removing items which might fall to the ground). There was, however, some rubbing marks on the inside of the cover/pan and that it was clear that the ball bearings had escaped whilst the gears had been in use which had been caught between the gears and cover/pan. Anyway, new ball bearings and springs were sourced and refitted along with all the other bits and new oil. Total cost (ball bearings, springs and a complete change of oil) including labour £50.00 He told me to give it a try which I did, and I am pleased to report that having driven 100 miles or so, a lot of which was on motorway, that there was no 5th gear problems so it is with fingers crossed we are taking no further action for now and we’ll see how things go.


Wilson :-D

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