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Has this ever happened to you?

josie gibblebucket

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Should I be worried, having only completed three very full and hectic seasons, going away in the van at every available opportunity and pouring over numerous motorhome mags over the last couple of years, all of a sudden I seem to have completely lost interest in the van or going away at all. Only a couple of months ago I was excited at the prospect of possibly upgrading to something a bit newer or better equipped when an insurance policy I had eventually matured. What have i done, reinvested the proceeds of said policy, and declined my husbands suggestions of places we could have gone over the last two nice weekends. Whats happening to me, am I normal............................... 8-) 8-)
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This happens to me regularly and my Missus I suspect but neither of us say anything.


We just make up an excuse, (not as we need one), to do something else, and put a trip or a weekend in the van off. It's rare though that it lasts more than say 5-6 weeks.


Then off we'll go somewhere and enjoy it as much as we always did. For us and maybe you, it's about keeping things fresh.



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Yes, Nicola, it's happens to me.


I've spent 42 nights away in the van this year - that's equivalent to 6 weeks!


Just taxed it for a year and now wondering whether I will use it over the next couple of months and should I have SORN'd it?


Then the sun comes out and I go somewhere like Long Mynd for the day and, that's it, I'm itching to get away for a long weekend.


I do it every year!

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Sounds like you may have been going away too often !


I find I need a reason to go, or something/somewhere specific that I want to see, I don't just go for the sake of it. I'd see that as a waste of fuel.


I also prefer one long trip to several short ones,( but that is easier when you are retired ).


In some cases I think it depends where people live. If you live in a town or city you may long for a bit of peace, but if you already live in the countryside the urge to get away might not be as strong.


Anyway Josie, don't worry about it. I'm sure you will get 'back to normal' soon.




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josie gibblebucket - 2010-10-22 11:02 AM


Whats happening to me, am I normal............................... 8-) 8-)


You look pretty normal from your photo(lol)(lol)

You are probably suffering overload, something which happens when the originality of what we are doing is replaced by a lack of excitement. I am sure after a break you will remember what appealed to you in the first place of motorhome living and exploration. You could try something really over the top and go to Sweden for the next two months*-)*-)

I feel guilty if we are not using the van because it is such a lot of money sat there doing nothing, except depreciating. My solution is to do what you did originally pour over magazines, travel information etc from the library and the internet. After a while I find things and places of interest which again gives me something to look forward to.:-D:-D

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Could be a seasonal thing - I seem to suffer from this SAD thing - love the colours of Autumn - hate what it indicates is on the way.


But then Christmas comes and we are down in the c'van snug and warm with the prsopect of a good meal and a few drinks with friends and you think - this is OK!


And with the snow last year - it was great!


So take a break and then go back and enjoy it all over again.

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A friend of mine called to see me this morning and he said that he was thinking of selling his Peugeot coach built motorhome, on asking why, he said that he never gets a chance to use it due to hospital appointments he and his wife have that keep getting in the way of trips out.

He said what is the point of paying out all the expences just to keep it at the door, a real shame that.

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Guest pelmetman

I think it is quite normal :-D


I doubt there are many people on this forum who have had the same van for as long as we have :D 18 and a half years this year, and over that time we have been through the early stages of using it at any excuse, (we even stopped at a site 20 mins away for one night).


Then there was the period where it hardly got used for a several years work was busy moved house etc etc, and as I had bought a boat, too many toys and not enough time *-)


Since we semi retired in 2004 we find we are using it more and more,

this year we will have had been away for 39 nights if we get away for christmas, and as we hope to carry onto Spain we will start 2011 with 21 nights, so hopefully 2011 will be a bit of a record B-)


We tend to go away short notice and find now days its easier to go midweek and I prefer to go for at least a 3 or 4 nights, one of the advantages of being a member of the great unwashed (self employed)


Fortunatly depreciation is no longer an issue with our van :D and it costs not much more than any other vehicle to keep on the road.

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Im afraid the short days an dark cold nights are getting to you !! same here, O.H. wanted to scoot off somewhere last week and celebrate our 49th Anniversary :-S NOPE I need a break, but everytime we pass a motorhome on the road I suffer a moments pang of guilt :-S no Ill wait until after Christmas and I know by then Ill be counting the days until were off again.
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Guest JudgeMental

Maybe you are doing to much and getting understandably bored with it, as once you have seen most of Europe its not that exciting is it:-S


if you put all your eggs in one basket life can become a little one dimensional :-D While I like the motor homing I dont really consider it "travel". as you cant get anywhere really different or interesting....... In the winter we try and get somewhere hot to break the year up.


Last year Thailand, year before India and before that a Caribbean cruise. That found us on Christmas day, on a speed boat trip into the Jungle of Belize, to an ancient Mayan city, then back for Christmas dinner on the boat.


variety is the spice of life?

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